Selena Gomez is not in a good place right now.
And, as a result, she needs her own space right now.
In the Instagram Live video featured here, the singer opens WAY up what's been going on in her life and in her mind of late... while explaining to followers why she has to take a social media hiatus for an undetermined period of time.
"I feel like I've been private so much because I'm so terrified of what these magazines are going to say about me," Gomez says in this footage, likely referring to various rumors about how she's been reacting to Justin Bieber getting engagemed to Hailey Baldwin.
It sounds like some of these reports may be erroneous.
But either way, they've been getting to Selena and she explained to fans why she must take a break from Twitter and Instagram for awhile.
"As much as I am grateful for the voice that social media gives each of us, I am equally grateful to be able to step back and live my life present to the moment I have been given," she says, adding:
"Kindness and encouragement only for a bit! Just remember- negative comments can hurt anybody's feelings. Obvi."
Gomez then got especially personal.
She delved into the mental struggles she has faced for years, which help explain why Selena has often checked into rehab.
"Depression was my life for five years straight," she says here, through tears.
"I think before I turned 26 there was like this weird time in my life [where] I think I was kind of on auto pilot for about five years.
"Kinda just going through the motions and figuring out who I am and just doing the best I could and then slowly but surely doing that."
For the singer, the constant spotlight on her actions made her feel like "every time I try to do something right, every time I try to do something good I felt like people were picking me apart."
Gomez even scoffs at those who give her props for compiling millions and millions of Instagram followers.
She says she doesn't have some "tactic" for being popular online and the focus of society on follower count is ridiculous... and harmful:
"It's just a number and it's insane that people are so obsessed with a number. It's like chill out. Who gives a f-ck?"
The video featured here is long, but worth viewing.
Gomez gets very personal (and also touches on Taylor Swift), while doing her best to be as candid as possible.
Check it out now.