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Justin Bieber: I Can't Live Without Selena Gomez!!


Jelena has broken up. Or at least they're on a break.

We've heard that Justin Bieber feels devastated without Selena in his life. But this new report is very worrying.

And it sounds like Selena's happy, smile-filled Australian vacation isn't making things any better.

Selena Gomez, Stunning Selfie

As we know from Selena Gomez's bikini video, she's off having a grand old time in Australia ... very much without Justin Bieber.

HollywoodLife reports that Justin is miserable without Selena and having trouble coping with her absence.

"Justin has Selena on the brain constantly."

That happens to a lot of people, but it's just because they're fans who are listening to her excellent music.

For the Biebs ... it's much, much more personal. It sounds like he really misses her.

And her recent bikini video may be making him wonder if she feels the same.

Justin Bieber: Shirtless on the Beach

The source goes on to explain how the Biebs is attempting to cope.

"He is trying to drown it out by hanging with friends and doing stuff on his own time but he keeps thinking about her."

Honestly? We're just glad to hear that he's relying on the company of friends to drown his sorrows instead of, you know, abusing some sort of substance.

Recovering from an alleged substance abuse problem -- one that his own manager worried might claim his life just a few short years ago -- isn't like getting over a cold. It could return at any moment, especially when the person is feeling low.

Justin Bieber Hugs a Tree

The source goes on to describe Justin's state of mind, and it almost sounds like Justin is addicted to Selena ... and perhaps can't understand why she could look so happy on video while she's away from him.

"He always wants to be around her, talk to her and be with her."

Actually, the source is not even particularly subtle about the analogy.

"She is like a drug for him, he just needs more and more and more."

Now, a lot of people feel that way about Selena Gomez's music and have felt that way for the better part of a decade. It's no surprise that she's delightful company, too.

But ... being so attached to someone that you can't stand being without them even for a short break? Maybe that's romantic ... or maybe that's a really unhealthy dependence problem.

Justin Bieber on the Beach

The source says that the Biebs is all but counting down the days until he and Selena are reunited.

"He can’t wait until she is back because he wants to really wine and dine her upon her return and really kick start the relationship back up again."

He may have to wait longer than Selena's Australia trip lasts, however.

As we know, Justin and Selena broke up this time, even if it's reportedly just a temporary break, because of little disagreements and one big spat.

It sounds like they needed time apart.

And we don't know that Selena's little break from their whirlwind renewed romance is going to convince her that she needs to go back to Bieber. Some believe that she's just repeating past mistakes with him and would do better to move on.

Selena Gomez Looking Cool

It is worrisome to hear that Justin is clinging to the hope that he and Selena will get back together.

It sounds almost like an emotional dependency.

Whether they get back together or not, that doesn't sound like a healthy degree of attachment for these two.

We've heard that Selena and Justin may feel that their reunion was divinely ordained ... and it's possible that some of the folks at their mutual megachurch are reinforcing that idea. But ... relationships are a personal matter and they seldom last.

The worst case scenario would be for this to drive Justin into his old habits of bad, self-destructive behavior.

Let's hope that, no matter what lies in store for Jelena, that it doesn't come to that.

Justin Bieber: Dating Model Just to Make Selena Gomez Jealous?!


The whole world knew it was bound to happen, but we suppose that doesn't make Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's latest breakup any less painful for the principles involved.

Which means we're in for yet another round of competitive pettiness delivered by two wealthy and beautiful young people who could be putting all their time and money to more productive use by doing literally anything else.

Justin Bieber Likes Basketball

And to make matters worse, this time, there are innocent bystanders being dragged into the mix.

Baskin Champion may sound like a winner at this year's Westminster Dog Show, but she's actually a 22-year-old model and the latest pawn in Justin and Selena's game.

It seems the Biebs has been spotted out and about with Baskin several times in recent weeks, but he's apparently less concerned with bedding the beauty (although that may have happened, too) and more interested in making Selena jealous.

"He knows everything he's doing is going to get out," a source close to the situation assures E! News.

"[Gomez is] off having fun with her friends and so he’s showing that he can still go out and have fun too. And to be honest, I’m sure there’s a part of him that wants to make Selena a bit jealous!”

Baskin Champion

The insider says Justin has a long history of messing with Selena's mind:

"This seems like right out of the old Justin’s textbook! He was very manipulative with her emotions the last time and did stuff like this a lot," the source claims.

Yeesh. Sounds like the sort of douchey behavior with which Bieber's name was once, sadly, synonymous.

It's beginning to look like those who feared that Justin and Selena would revert back to their unhealthiest selves by giving their relationship another go were really on to something.

As for Ms. Gomez, she's said to be struggling in the wake of the split, but apparently, in some ways, she's finding life easier post-Justin.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

We already knew that Selena's mom doesn't like Bieber, and it seems many of her friends have similar feelings.

As a result, the singer is being widely praised for cutting ties with Justin yet again:

"They think he’s a bad influence on her and she becomes really dependent on him," the source says.

"She's so generous and loyal and puts 100 percent of herself into everything, including her relationships, which isn't always the healthiest."

The insider claims that Selena's main strategy these days is simply to avoid news about Justin as much as possible:

"The thing with Justin and Selena is that when they’re together, they’re together, when they’re apart, they’re apart. As in, they’re no longer attached at the hip," the tipster claims.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in 2011

As for Justin's apparent hookup with Ms. Champion, well, Selena may not have much to worry about on that score.

The source says that while Baskin may have left a concert hand-in-hand with Justin earlier this week, it was apparently all for show, as the relationship is based on "nothing more" than friendly flirting.

"Justin's been friends with her for a while. They know each other through mutual friends,"

Sigh. Seems like a lot of work just to mess with your emotionally fragile ex.

Stars - they're just as petty as the rest of us!

Justin Bieber: Baskin Champion Means Nothing to Me! I Just Want Selena Gomez!


With reports of a social outing followed by a "sleepover," fans can't help wondering if Justin Bieber is dating a model to make Selena Gomez jealous after their split.

It's entirely possible that he's hoping to make her jealous ... but apparently he doesn't consider what he's doing to be "dating."

Because he's entirely and hopelessly hung up on Selena.

Baskin Champion

So, Selena and Justin have broken up, even if it's said to be a temporary break rather than a more permanent split.

Apparently, the two of them had been having trouble getting along, and one big disagreement precipitated the two of them stepping back from the rekindled relationship.

That sounds healthy.

In the mean time, Justin has reportedly been spending time with a young model, Baskin Champion.

In fact, after an outing, she reportedly came over for a sleepover -- albeit one that included other friends.

Justin Bieber Likes Basketball

People reports that, even as cozy as these two have appeared to get, Bieber and Champion aren't dating.

In fact, the Biebs apparently isn't trying to explore any new relationships.

"He isn’t dating."

He might be hooking up -- though we should all remember that this was an alleged sleepover that included other friends. Even with Bieber's reputation, we can't pretend that we know what went on behind closed doors.

But, hookups or no hookups, there's reportedly one thing that occupies his thoughts at all times.

"He thinks and talks about Selena all the time."

Justin Bieber: Shirtless on the Beach

Now, plenty of us think and talk about Selena Gomez all of the time -- she's one of the most talented singers on the planet.

In Bieber's case, though, his reported preoccupation with the magical, lyrical, and beautiful songstress is much more personal.

And it sounds like he wants her back ... because he doesn't want to live without her.

"The chapter with her is definitely not finished," the insider reports.

So it sounds like it's safe to say that Bieber is still planning on reuniting with Selena ... even if he has a few sleepovers while he waits for "destiny."

Selena Gomez, Blonde in a Floral Print

That said, we should remember that the two spending some time apart is not an accident.

"They weren’t getting along and decided to take a break."

Insiders close to the Biebs have sought to minimize the significance of this split, however.

"“It doesn’t seem like a big deal and they will probably be fine again soon."

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

Meanwhile, Selena Gomez has been getting away and enjoying bikini times with friends on a yacht in Australia.

"She’s just trying to enjoy herself and is spending quality time with her friends."

It doesn't sound like she feels driven to make the Biebs jealous or to leap into a new relationship out of revenge or whatever.

"She’s happy and healthy and isn't focusing on the negativity."

This could be a sign that she just doesn't feel about Bieber the way that he does about her.

It could also just be a sign that Selena is much, much more mature than Justin is.

Neither of these explanations would be a surprise.

Selena Gomez at Home

However, HollywoodLife reports that, per their source, Justin's sleepover got to Selena.

"She is getting on a plane now, headed back stateside after working on herself in Australia for the week."

We don't know for sure when she had planned on departing, but this source believes that Justin's dalliance played a role in her decision-making.

"Selena is hurt and disappointed after seeing Justin with another woman, and she felt the need to run home immediately."

The source acknowledges that this isn't necessarily Selena rushing back into Justin's arms. 

"Things are definitely not done between Justin and Selena," the source concludes. "She still has a lot of things to figure out and she is eager to come home to get clarity on everything."

Honestly, most fans just want Selena to be happy and healthy, no matter what romantic decisions that does or does not entail. It sounds like that's what Selena wants, too.

Selena Gomez: Off the Wagon Following Justin Bieber Split?


When the world first learned that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had gotten back together yet again, fans braced themselves for the fallout of another ugly breakup.

Sure enough, Selena and Justin split after just a few short weeks of peaceful reconciliation.

Selena Gomez, Blonde in a Floral Print

And just as fans feared, the Biebs is once again showing his petty side and displaying tremendous insensitivity toward Selena's fragile emotional state.

Based on their recent interactions, it seems Bieber is dating Baskin Champion, a 22-year-old model who has been spotted with the singer several times in the past two weeks.

However, those who know Justin best say that he's not actually serious about his relationship with Champion and is simply using her to make Selena jealous.

"Selena is telling her friends that she doesn't give a f-ck what Justin is up to and the fact that he is seeing other women is the exact reason why she ended this last time,"

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

But those who know the singer best are buying into her feigned flippancy:

"Selena has been acting very distant from everyone and there's been a lot of concern for her well-being because she's been acting off."

Selena checked into rehab twice in as many years, and while there's been no indication that she's fallen off the wagon as a result of her breakup, that possibility is the greatest fear of her loved ones these days.

Gomez received a kidney transplant last year, and the likelihood that a period of hard-partying could have catastrophic consequences is frighteningly high.

Even discounting her latest breakup, the past year has been an incredibly tumultuous one for Gomez.

Mandy Teefey and Selena Gomez

Gomez has cut ties with her mother, Mandy Teefey, who was apparently hoping that their relationship would benefit from Selena parting ways with Bieber.

"Her mother Mandy was hoping that the breakup would bring Selena back into her life but that hasn't happened," says the source.

"Mandy has literally tried everything she can and Selena just does not seem interested in working things out at all."

It's yet another reason that Selena's inner circle is said to be deeply concerned for the 25-year-old's welfare.

"Selena's friends think the only reason she got back with Justin in the first place was to break his heart for breaking her heart so many times."

We guess that mission was less than successful.

Selena Gomez: BLASTED By Father of Suicide Victim


From the time of its debut last year, the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has been the subject of constant controversy.

The show deals with the subject of teen suicide in a way that some critics feel might serve to glamorize the tragic act in the eyes of a very young and impressionable audience.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

As 13 Reasons' most high-profile personnel, executive producer Selena Gomez has often found herself in the position of being forced to publicly defend the show's subject matter.

And now, she's receiving her harshest criticism yet from a man who knows all too well how dangerous the show's message can be when it's received by a vulnerable audience.

John Herndon of Livermore, California lost his 15-year-old daughter, Bella, to suicide last year.

After her death, Herndon and his wife learned that Bella had recently been watching 13 Reasons Why.

Herndon has spoken out against the series in the past, and this week, he was asked to comment on news that each episode of the show's second season will feature a public service announcement from the cast encouraging viewers to seek help if they're experiencing suicidal thoughts.

13 Reasons Why Picture

Not surprisingly, Herndon feels the precautions are insufficient to prevent further tragedies.

“It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg. It’s not going to help,” he told Radar Online.

“The whole point of them doing this was they wanted to raise awareness about teen suicide,” Herndon added.

“The way they chose to do that was to showcase a young teenage girl being raped, being denied access to any adult’s help, watching a girl be forced to watch her friends get raped, bullying at school, being constantly turned away by people she was close to – this is how they bring awareness to teen suicide?”

Selena Gomez, Blonde in a Floral Print

“Then they finish off by rewriting of the [book’s] end to show a very graphic portrayal of suicide,” Herndon continued.

“To market this show to teens is wrong.”

Herndon added that he doesn't feel warnings about the show's potentially triggering content will “make any difference whatsoever.”

He concluded his message with a parting shot directed at Gomez:

“Selena, grow up," he said, adding that he would like the singer to "stop acting irresponsible."

Selana Gomez's Mother: What Does She Really Think of Justin Bieber?


According to a slew of recent rumors, there's one woman in the world who does not like Justin Bieber.

But she's a pretty important woman.

And her opinion may have a lot do with whether or not Bieber ends up with the presumptive love of his life.

Mandy Teefey and Selena Gomez

As you've likely read about by now and grew very concerned over, Bieber and Selena Gomez are on a break.

Insiders swear this is not a break up and that the stars will eventually find their way back to each other, but this may not actually be up to Justin or Selena.

It may be up to the latter's mother.

Indeed, multiple outlets have claimed of late that Mandy Teefy does not approve of her daughter's rekindled romance with Bieber.

It's not exactly hard to see why, either, considering all the ways in which Justin has broken Selena's heart over the years.

It would be almost weird if Mandy was totally cool with her child and Bieber bumping uglies again, wouldn't it?

"Justin’s family loves Selena, but Selena’s family has put her in a very conflicting spot because they still don’t trust Justin," Us Weekly reported about three weeks ago, adding at the time:

"Selena and Justin decided to take a break mainly because of Selena’s mom and her disapproval of Justin."

Mandy Teefey

Is this really accurate?

And, if so, how does Teefy feel about Bieber in the wake of Selena and Justin trying to appease her via various conversations and promises?

E! News caught up to Mandy on Wednesday evening at the Alliance for Children's Rights 26th Annual Dinner in Beverly Hills, where she at first told the website/network why this organization means a lot to her.

"I really love what they do," Mandy said, adding:

"I was adopted and to have that support and everybody coming together to support getting people out of the foster system, I think is really important."

Okay, great, fine.

It's definitely a great cause.

But let's get to what's truly important here, shall we?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in 2011

What is going on with Jelena, pictured above from one of their first attempts at a relationship many years ago?

"You would know before I did," Teefy said in response. "We don't talk about it."

Doesn't sound like an endorsement, does it?

Doesn't sound as if Many and Selena have had the kind of in-depth chats about her love life that we had thought, either.

We really can't say what this means for the future of Bieber and Gomez as a couple, but it doesn't sound as if they have Mandy's mother's blessing, that's for sure.

Will they simply not worry about it? Will the tension be too much for Selena to bear?

Will Bieber make some grand gesture to win Teefy over?

Stay tuned, celebrity gossip fans. Maybe we'll find out!

The Weeknd Drops New, Sad Music: Is It About Selena Gomez?


28-year-old singer The Weeknd dropped dropped a sing-song EP titled My Dear Melancholy.

The Grammy winner's fans immediately dove in and gave the songs a listen.

Some of the lyrics, however, have caught people's attention.

The song "Call Out My Name" includes the lyrics: "We found each other/ I helped you out of a broken place/ You gave me comfort/ But falling for you was my mistake."

And in "Privilege," he sings: "Enjoy your privileged life/ 'Cause I'm not gonna hold you through the night/ We said our last goodbyes/ So let's just try to end it with a smile."

Fans can't help but wonder how much of this new EP is about Selena Gomez and their breakup. And, for that matter, how much of it is about Bella Hadid.

Take a look at the fan responses, because these are wild.

1. The Weeknd was pretty chill about when he'd release the EP

The weeknd 01
EP, by the way, stands for "extended player," meaning that it's longer than a single but shorter than an album.

2. Here's the album art

The weeknd 02
My Dear Melancholy's art is haunting, but so is the title.

3. The Weeknd even shared with fans that he was working on it

The weeknd 03
The release date, however, was very last minute

4. Listeners immediately thought of Selena Gomez

The weeknd 04
We should note that reports claimed that The Weeknd had seemingly lost interest in her towards the end of their relationship. Perhaps those reports were mistaken ... or perhaps The Weeknd is feeling regrets.

5. Seriously, they're happy with Selena

The weeknd 05
They say that a lot of the best art comes from pain and suffering.

6. Fans could really feel The Weeknd's pain

The weeknd 06
By the way, his real name is Abel Tesfaye. His older fans knew him by that name, first.
View Slideshow

Wendy Williams Slams The Weeknd: He's a Fake Who USED Selena Gomez for Fame!


Wendy Williams is digging into the lyrics of The Weeknd's new, sad music and into all that was said of his past relationship with Selena Gomez.

And she thinks that The Weeknd is making himself seem more tender and vulnerable than he actually is in order to endear himself to fans.

We don't normally say this, but ... Wendy may be right about this. You'll have to watch the video below and decide for yourself.

Wendy williams on her set

Even though Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have broken up -- to some degree -- Selena hasn't gone running back to The Weeknd.

In fact, she headed down to go yachting in Australia.

The Weeknd, in the mean time, released a new EP, titled My Dear Melancholy

In it, he appears to confess a lot of tender feelings, a lot of vulnerabilities, and ... that he almost gave Selena Gomez his kidney.

Wendy Williams believes that this is an act.

"I do not believe that in a 10-month relationship, The Weeknd was all goo-goo-ga-ga over Selena Gomez."

It's not that Wendy doesn't believe that Selena is lovable. It's just that she doesn't think that The Weeknd is all that emotional.

And she has other doubts.

"And I do not believe for a minute he was about to give her his kidney."

To be clear, he doesn't explicitly state that he offered his kidney ... but his lyrics seem to imply that he was willing to undergo a transplant.

"You [The Weeknd] pull on the heartstrings of lonely girls [with your music] who actually believe a man would actually fall in love and give up a kidney and all that stuff."

Wendy Williams doesn't seem to have a very optimistic view of men. But you know what? That's fair.

And she sees what he has to gain from all of this.

"That is great album sales for The Weekend, and it makes him seem like this guy you want to throw your panties at."

Wendy williams shares her thoughts

Wendy goes on to accuse The Weeknd of having used Selena as a stepping stone to increase his own fame.

"The Weeknd, you used this relationship for exactly what it was."

"Because a lot of people did not know exactly who you were before you got with her…"

That is true. Sure, his music played on the radio and he has fans who've been with him so long that they still call him by his real name, Abel.

But his star is brighter than ever now that he just spent 10 months dating one of the most famous, talented women on the planet -- and after having his photos featured on the world's most followed Instagram account.

"You got the best end of this deal particularly, The Weekend."

Selena gomez and the weeknd date night

Wendy cites what she sees as another problem with the fallout from The Weeknd's relationship with Selena.

"And Selena ended up going back to Justin Bieber, and her mother isn’t happy about it."

While Wendy doesn't seem to know Mandy Teefey's name, and even refers to her as "Ms. Gomez" at one point ...

(Admittedly, it's possible that some of us are more invested in Selena Gomez than others)

... Wendy is very complimentary towards Mandy, and plays a brief blurb in which Mandy disavows any knowledge of Selena's current love life.

As we all know, Selena and her mother were feuding about her rekindled romance with Justin, but Selena and Mandy are getting along better than they were when they first came into conflict.

Wendy williams is aghast

Wendy may be a little unfair to The Weeknd, here.

But many people find it hard to believe that there was ever any real chance that he'd give Selena his kidney. (But, hey, sometimes complete strangers donate organs to each other)

And it's difficult to dispute that his relationship with Selena helped him.

It's similarly hard to disagree with the fact that his perceived emotional sensitivity and tenderness is going to, as Wendy says, get girls to want to throw their panties at him.

Watch this video and decide for yourself if Wendy is actually right about this.

Wendy williams slams the weeknd hes a fake who used selena gomez

Justin Bieber: Selena Gomez Will Come Back to Me! It's God's Plan!


While some believe that The Weeknd used Selena Gomez to boost his fame, the relationship between Selena and Justin Bieber has a lot more critics -- and a lot more fans.

Justin has apparently bared his soul and, it is reported, believes that the two of them are literally destined to be together.

But what does Selena want?

Jelena Selfie

HollywoodLife reports that Justin Bieber is giving Selena space and letting her decide if and when they might get back together.

"Justin is leaving everything up to Selena when it comes to their next move -- if there is one."

That's usually how breaks work. It takes one to break up, but it takes two to reconcile.

"He’s laid his cards out on the table and made it clear what he wants, and what he thinks."

Since Justin's already poured out his heart, the ball's in her court.

"So now it’s up to Selena to decide."

Jelena Twit Pic

The source goes on to extoll the virtues and maturity of Justin in this time of uncertainty.

"Justin is actually being super cool about the situation."

When a source close to a celebrity says something that optimistic and complimentary, many take it with a grain of salt.

Continuing, the source says that Justin is stepping back to give her the breathing room required to make a decision without pressure.

"And he’s giving Selena all the time and space she needs"

That's good. Never be pushy over something this delicate, folks.

Jelena Photo

Even while giving her space, the Biebs has reportedly made his own intentions transparent.

"He’s made it clear that he’s not going anywhere, and that he will always be here for her."

So apparently Justin's reported dalliance with Baskin Champion is just, what? A way to pass the time?

We hope that she knows that.

But Justin believes that getting back with Selena (again) is inevitable.

"In his heart of hearts, Justin knows that Selena will come back to him, it’s just a case of when."

"But, they’re destined to be together, that’s one thing Justin really is certain of in life."

Ah yes. Famously, life's only real certainties are death, taxes, and Jelena.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

But what does Selena Gomez want?

We're talking about an accomplished actress, a social media master, and one of the most talented singers on the planet.

Also, she's a person. You don't have to be the singer of "Naturally" or "Kill 'Em With Kindness" to deserve autonomy and self-determination.

Recently, she's been spending time with friends and with people from her church -- Hillsong Church, the same global megachurch to which the Biebs belongs.

Will absense make the heart grow fonder?

Or was this most recent Jelena reunion a reminder of why they'd broken up in the first place?

Justin Bieber Hugs a Tree

Justin may believe that God blesses his relationship with Selena, but it's not clear that she feels that way any longer.

It's possible to be devoutly religious without believing that your romantic life is divinely ordained.

But we have to wonder how Justin will respond if, in a few months or a few years, Selena still hasn't come crawling back for his once-hot bod.

Maybe he'll accept it and move on. He's shown signs of maturity in recent months.

Or maybe Justin will be the one thing that Selena just can't quit. We'll all find out.

Justin Bieber: I'm Making Myself PERFECT for Selena Gomez!


Selena Gomez seems to be just fine with the current breakup situation.

But it sounds like Justin Bieber still holding out hope ... because he believes that their relationship is God's plan.

In the mean time, a report gives the scoop on how he's coping with their split.

Justin Bieber Likes Noodles

As it turns out, there's more to how Justin is dealing with Selena's absence than just sleepovers with Baskin Champion.

HollywoodLife reports that the Justin Bieber is taking this time to better himself, perhaps to make himself a worthier partner.

"Justin has been working on himself during his time away from Selena."

And clearly, there's more to this self-improvement plan than showing off his excessive body tattoos.

"He has been going to bed early, waking up early, exercising daily, hiking, spending time with family, and writing a ton of new music."

Wow! How many of us can say that? How many of us can say all of that?

Justin Bieber Torso Tattoos

Basically, it sounds like he's trying to not totally screw things up with Selena this time around. Well, not more than things are already screwed up.

"His goal has been to stay out of trouble and be patient while Selena figures things out."

That sounds smart. Maybe he really is growing up and maturing..

"It’s hard, 'cause he really loves her a lot."

Well, Selena is talented, beautiful, and well-spoken. There are plenty of reasons to love her.

"But as long as he is staying busy and productive, he is really happy."

It almost sounds like all of this work that he's reportedly doing to improve himself is also functioning as a distraction from the loneliness of once again living a Selena-less life.


Justin Bieber Celebrates Bunnies, Easter

Overall, though, the report says that Justin believes that things will work out for him and Selena. That it's inevitable and their destiny.

"He has his faith."

Remember, Justin Bieber canceled his tour last year because he believed that God wanted him to. He's super serious when it comes to his religious beliefs.

"And Justin believes strongly that love conquers all."

Selena's the one who grew to fame as a Disney star, but it sounds like the Biebs sees life as a Disney movie. In which he is the prince.

But as confident as Justin reportedly is that Selena will take him back, this source says that he's prepared to accept it if God decides on a different course for his life.

"And, with or without Selena, everything will work out the way it is supposed to."

That sounds healthy.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

But ... is Selena actually going to go back to Justin?

Honestly, most people didn't expect her to take him back in 2017. But that happened ... much to her mother's chagrin.

Sure, Selena and The Weeknd had split. And yes, Selena had survived a life-threatening ordeal thanks to a kidney transplant.

Sometimes, when people have near-death experiences, they start rethinking their choices. But was that behind Selena's decision to date Bieber again?

Or, as some believe, was it that she wanted to give him a chance, now that he was sober and seemed to be in a better place than he had been during their relationship.

Justin Bieber: Shirtless on the Beach

But given that Selena and Justin broke up again, reportedly after a huge fight, it sounds like the Biebs hadn't changed as much as Selena had hoped.

Which means that Justin might need to accept that his life is going to go in a different direction.

In the mean time ... this report says that he's writing new music.

Does this mean that he believes that God has decided that it's okay for him to one day go back on tour?

Only time will tell.

Justin Theroux: Is He Trying to Date Selena Gomez?


The first time that Justin Theroux broke his Instagram silence after he and Jennifer Aniston split, his post included a message to Selena Gomez. Most people didn't think much of it at the time.

But a report claims that they've been exchanging many more messages in private.

Is this the beginning of something more? If so, what will Jennifer Aniston think?

Justin Theroux and Dog

RadarOnline reports that Justin Theroux has been covertly texting Selena Gomez in the wake of their respective splits.

"It was kind of an open secret that Justin was sweet on Selena when he and Jen hung out with her."

(First of all, everyone is at least a little sweet on Selena Gomez because people aren't as stupid as you think, so right that down)

"To be fair they did get on well."

Selena and Jennifer are known to be friends.

"But he’s asking for major trouble by trying to hang out with her so soon after his and Jen’s split."

Even if he has zero romantic intentions, it could look bad. Especially in his ex's eyes.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

Common sense says that Selena should just stop returning Theroux's texts.

The source says that Selena is "not the type to blow someone off who she genuinely likes."

As was revealed when Mandy Teefey, Selena's mom, threw her under the bus over her recent choices, Selena answers to no one but herself.

So it doesn't sound like anyone can convince her that she shouldn't be texting back and forth with her good friend's ex.

This could have some negative repercussions for her, but it might also make things worse between Jennifer and Theroux.

The source says that, in Jennifer's mind, Selena is "very much her friend not Justin’s."

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston on Instagram

This isn't the first time that a report has linked Justin with an attractive, much-younger, latina actress in the weak of his split from Jennifer.

Intriguing rumors suggested that Justin Theroux and Audrey Plaza might pair up.

But it's important to note that Theroux's taste in women has not been reported as a contributing factor in ending his relationship with Jennifer Aniston.

Instead, the two are said to have broken up largely because they had different plans in mind for their lives.

If you can't even agree on a place to live, as these two could not, it's hard to see yourselves having a future together.

Jennifer Aniston and The Weeknd

Funnily enough, Jennifer Aniston was spotted cozying up to The Weeknd, though that probably isn't a budding relationship.

The photo, taken at Ellen DeGeneres' 60th birthday party and snapped by Oprah Winfrey herself, included others.

Besides, it was a party.

Just as Selena and Theroux got to know each other through Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer and The Weeknd also recognized each other -- thanks to Selena.

There is a difference between two celebrities talking to each other and the two of them dating. This isn't elementary school.

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston, Back in the Day

It is difficult to say what, if anything, will become of Justin Theroux's alleged texting with Selena Gomez.

After all, text messages are normal. Friends exchange them all of the time. The fact that one allegedly has the good sense to have a crush on the other doesn't mean that this will turn into something more.

Could they end up together? Sure.

But, like it or not, the odds are probably better of her taking a different Justin back.

Especially since the Biebs is trying to make himself perfect in order to be worthy of Selena's love.

Selena Gomez Just Shaved Her Head Into an Undercut


Selena Gomez has changed her hair again ... and no, she hasn't gone back to blonde.

She has actually decided to make a more radical change than that ... by shaving her head.

Take a look in the photos below.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

When we first read that Selena Gomez had shaved her head, we were really taken aback.

She wouldn't be the first supremely talented singer to do so, and a number of famous actresses have shaved their heads in recent years for beloved, hard-hitting roles in films.

But Selena's hair is legendary.

In her music video for "Naturally," her huge hair would be the most noticeable thing -- if she didn't have to be singing what is perhaps the greatest song that any human has ever produced.

We quickly realized, however, that there are many ways to shave one's head without buzzing the entire thing.

For example: an undercut. In this case, an undercut at the back.

Selena Gomez Undercut

Selena posted a couple of photos of her new undercut, writing:

"Always need a subtle change. @puma Germany family time [smiley face emoji] grateful for the welcome!"

Wow, she summarized what she's been up to very quickly.

She's clearly busy.

Selena has of course been working with Puma a lot lately.

She and Puma have collaborated to contribute to the Lupus Research Alliance.

Selena Gomez, Undercut with Ponytail

(By the way, Selena's neck tattoo is the Roman numerals LXXVI, which is the number 76. Her mother was born in 1976)

Tim Duenas is the hairstylist to whom Selena entrusted the task of giving her this unorthodox undercut.

Sharing the photos of her now-shaved neck, he wrote:

"When your friend calls you to give #selenagomez an undercut... @marissa.marino killing it with the styling."

He thanked both Selena and Selena's stylist for thinking of him for the job.

"Thanks for letting me join in on the fun."

He certainly did her justice.

Selena Gomez, Stunning Selfie

It's so nice to see Selena Gomez focusing on herself and her career.

So often, the news about her has to do with her love life.

She broke up with The Weeknd last year ... and some still believe that he was just using her for fame.

She broke up -- not for the first time -- with Justin Bieber not too long ago.

While Selena's been spending time on herself, Justin's holding out hope that he and Selena are fated by God to be together.

It sounds like Selena deserves a break -- from boy-drama, anyway.

Selena Gomez, Blonde in a Floral Print

So this isn't Selena's most drastic change -- not to her life and not to her hair.

But she's walking around with her friend's kidney filtering her blood because her own body's autoimmune system perceives her tissues and organs as the enemy and attacks them sometimes.

Fighting a battle against Lupus or a similarly dangerous disease can really change your perspective on what is or is not too daring of a thing to do with your body.

This undercut is very tasteful and practical and it's intensely stylish.

As always with Selena, there's a lot to love.

Justin Bieber: Shading Selena Gomez for Faking Happiness?


The 2018 MET Gala has come and gone, leaving us all with photos and fond memories of extraordinary outfits like Rihanna's and Zendaya's. Also, a lot of disappointments.

Justin Bieber was not in attendance, but that didn't stop him from posting a curiously cryptic tweet early the following morning.

Was the Biebs throwing shade at the MET Gala ... or just at Selena Gomez herself?

Justin Bieber: Shirtless on the Beach

Justin Bieber reportedly believes that it's God's plan for Selena Gomez to take him back.

He is a devout Christian from a family of devout Christians (check his mom's Instagram from time to time; she's been known to post End Times materials).

So it absolutely make sense that he would view major life events such as the biggest relationship of his life through a religious lens.

But, in the mean time, the two have been broken up since March.

And a lot of fans can't help but wonder if Justin was referring to Selena when he wrote this:

Justin Bieber's cryptic IG message

"Hey world that glamorous lifestyle you see portrayed by famous people on Instagram don’t be fooled thinking their life is better than yours."

That's almost a sentence.

"I can promise you it’s not."

While plenty of commenters pointed out how much money would improve their lives, others guessed at the timing of Justin's post.

This was early in the morning, following the MET Gala.

And Justin's ex, Selena Gomez, had attended.

Selena Gomez at the Gala

We absolutely adore Selena Gomez, but while her dress is fine, it doesn't really meet the assignment of the MET Gala.

Rihanna came out dressed like a stylish, sexy pope. Zendaya's outfit was so inspirational that people have been drawing fanart of her as a warrior.

Chadwick Boseman, Cardi B, Ariana Grande, and others really lived up to and exceeded our expectations.

But some wonder if Justin saw these photos -- the official ones, and the personal ones posted to social media -- and grew jealous of the happy expressions.

Maybe he wasn't so much speaking to fans as he was reminding himself that a smiling photograph does not equate to happiness.

And, indirectly, telling himself that Selena isn't necessarily happy without him.

That's what some fans interpreted his cryptic PSA to mean, anyway.

Justin Bieber Likes Basketball

Let us consider, for a moment, that he was not referring specifically to Selena.

Perhaps he was making a broader statement.

Perhaps he was blasting many fellow celebrities -- and we should note that Selena was not his only ex at the MET Gala.

(Hailey Baldwin, of course, attended arm-in-arm with Shawn Mendes)

Some celebrities go through awkward phases during which they reject many of the trappings of fame because they're "fake" or whatever.

Or maybe Justin was really just trying to assure people at home that beautiful famous people have bad days, too.

Justin Bieber, Shirtless Tattoos

There is also a chance that Bieber, though not a Catholic, took offense at the Gala's Catholicism motif.

Though the Vatican approved it and even loaned a number of items for the event, a number (who were not aware of this) tried to raise an uproar and allege "cultural appropriation," which this is not.

(For so many reasons, dressing like Catholic art with the official approval of the Vatican is not cultural appropriation)

Maybe Bieber was offended that people were using some pieces of Christian imagery as a costume.

But that, too, is just fan speculation.

That's the problem with cryptic tweets -- they leave people wondering what you really mean.

One of Justin's biggest hits was "What Do You Mean," so ... he should understand that.

Selena Gomez: I KNOW My Makeup Was Bad. Enough Already!


Selena Gomez is a gorgeous and talented woman, but fans noticed that at the 2018 MET Gala, she did not look her best.

Specifically, a number of people roasted her over looking like she had been on the receiving end of a bad spray tan. Some even suspected sabotage.

Selena has posted her response

Selena gomez at the gala

Selena usually looks better on camera than this.

This has happened at least once before -- Selena's face appearing to have different, less flattering contours.

This time, fans could not help but notice, and those who don't care if their words are unkind took to social media to point it out.

"Whoever gave selena gomez that spray tan tonight is holding a secret grudge against her."

We don't believe that makeup artist Hung Vanngo was trying to sabotage her.

"Selena Gomez is looking like a reminder of why I’m scared to fake tan."


"Selena Gomez was counting one Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi while getting a tan yikes."

Selena gomez at the met gala 2018

Others were clearly not trying to be too harsh to Selena but admitted that she had looked better.

"Selena Gomez isnt ugly but her makeup team did her so bad."

Someone else defended her ... while roasting her.

"Everyone jumping down @selenagomez throat for her spray tan actin like half of y’all haven’t walked out of a tanning salon looking like a straight dorito. You’ve been there, I’ve been there, we’ve all been there."

Another believes that there may be a medical explanation.

"Guys she (selena gomez) had a kidney transplant! The medication after bloat you like crazy and swell you like crazy stop being so judgmental! If you dont accept what she looks like. Dont drag her down because its not “what you approve” ..."


Selena gomez runs met gala 2018

Selena Gomez herself responded by posting a video, which you can see in its entirety below.

In the caption of her Instagram video, she writes:

"Me when I saw my pictures from MET."

The video itself shows her running away from the camera, letting the train of her dress flow behind her.

It seems clear that she felt similarly about her makeup job to a number of her critics.

But ... she also disabled comments on that video.

Selena gomez 2018 met gala

An insider tells People that Selena's makeup fiasco was not apparent until the photos turned up.

"In person, she honestly felt great but not everything looks the same as it does in person."

Being photogenic is a real thing, and makeup that looks good in person does not always play well on camera.

And they reveal why she shared that video.

"She was just clapping back at people who were commenting on her tan and hair and wanted to make a joke about it."

We wouldn't call that much of a clapback. It just seemed like she was gently acknowledging the situation.

Selena gomez stunning selfie

In real life, Selena Gomez is as beautiful as she is magical and lyrical.

Admittedly, her dress was a disappointment when compared to Rihanna or Zendaya's looks.

But not everyone who attends the MET Gala actually dresses for the assigned motif.

And, quite frankly, Selena still played by the rules a lot more than most of the men who were in attendance.

We're sorry that her makeup caused so much criticism.

Selena's done a couple of things in her life that warrant controversy. Showing up with contouring that doesn't play well on camera should not be one of them.

Selena gomez i know my makeup was bad enough already

Selena Gomez Just Released a New Song. It's Clearly About Justin Bieber.


Selena Gomez has released brand new music.

And it very clearly seems to focus on a famous old boyfriend.

Yes, we're looking at you, Justin Bieber. (But you may want to look away right about now, before it's too late.)

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose on Instagram

Back in March, Gomez and Bieber broke up, although source insisted at the time that this split was different from the MANY other times the stars parted ways.

They insisted this was merely a temporary setback for the singer, who had reconciled romantically in November, just a few months earlier.

However, now here we are in May and there are no real signs that Selena and Justin have been hanging out again.

Bieber is allegedly making himself as perfect as possible in order to appeal to his frequent girlfriend, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Selena may truly be over Justin.

How do we know for sure?

Just consider the lyrics from her latest track, "Back To You."

Selena Gomez Laughs Hard

Gomez told Zane Lowe Thursday on Apple Music's Beats 1 that this record is "special," adding of the single:

"I want it to be a beautiful message in a really complicated way - but really fun."

Will Bieber consider it beautiful, though? We somehow doubt it, not when the song appears to center on their romance and Selena's regret over it.

Sings Selena:

We never got it right/Playing and replaying old conversations/Overthinking every word and I hate it/'Cause it's not me, and what's the point in hiding?

Everybody knows we got unfinished business/And I'd regret it if I didn’t say this isn't what it could be.

You could break my heart in two/But when it heals, it beats for you/I know it's forward, but it's true/I wanna hold you when I’m not supposed to.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in 2011

On one hand here, Selena is freely admitting that she can't resist Justin Bieber. She just can't say no to his personality or his smile or those rock-hard abs.

But on the other hand... she's sounding wistful, isn't she?

She's not sounding very excited over the fact that she always ends up with this unnamed individual, she's just sounding resigned to it.

Indeed: Gomez has "completely moved on" from Bieber and is "not interested in getting back together with him anytime soon," an insider tells E! News, echoing a sentiment we have heard before of course.

But why do we believe it now more than ever?

Selena Gomez on the Instagram

Gomez nearly lost her life last summer upon getting a kidney transplant.

She appears to be a new lease on life.

She's more mature and more grounded than ever and she certainly appears to have more perspective than ever before.

"Selena is going in a different direction with her life," this same source tells E!, adding:

"She's had a lot of self-reflection time and it's been good for her. She's hanging out with friends and taking it easy."

Clearly, we still would not be stunned if Selena does get back together with Justin.

"When I'm lying close to someone else, you're stuck in my head, and I can't get you out of it," she sings in this track, adding:

"If I could do it all again, I know I'd go back to you."

But WILL she?

Will Selena go back to Justin in real life?

This is the question, folks.

Jennifer Aniston to Justin Theroux: You Better Not Be Banging Selena Gomez!


It's been three months since the world learned Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have separated, and while both parties claim the split was amicable, their behavior during that time tells a different story.

Despite frequent rumors that Aniston is back together with Brad Pitt, there's been no definitive indication that either party has moved on - and that might be by design.

Justin, Jen, Selena

Neither Jen nor Justin has come out and confirmed that they're dating someone new, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're both still single.

In fact, Jen's not the only one who's been the subject of persistent rumors regarding an alleged rebound fling with an A-lister.

For several weeks now, rumors that Justin is dating Selena Gomez have been circulating on social media.

The whole thing seems very far-fetched, especially considering the fact that Justin is 21 years Selena's senior.

But according to Hollywood Life, Jen has been considering the possibility that there's some truth to these reports.

And she's very, very unhappy about it:

Jennifer Aniston at Vanity Fair Party

"Jennifer is upset over the dating rumors swirling around her ex and Selena,” claims a source close to the actress.

“It hurts Jen to think that Justin would move on already," the insider adds.

"To think of him with anyone else, especially someone so young and that Jen has a personal relationship with like Selena, is painful for her. Jen doesn’t want to think about it and definitely does not believe it.”

And it seems Selena isn't the only potential rebound partner that Jen is concerned about these days:

"Jennifer is tired of hearing about all the women Justin may be dating since there split,” the source continued.

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston, Back in the Day

“From Emma Watson to Selena, Jen is furious over every picture she sees of her ex with another pretty face out in New York. Jen won’t believe any of the rumors until she hears from Justin himself that he is involved in a new relationship.”

Yes, it seems Jen is concerned that Justin is running around Manhattan sleeping with everything with a pulse, a la Joey Tribbiani.

We're of the opinion that the only way for Jen to exact revenge is for her to engage in a high-profile fling with Brad.

Actually, we have no idea if that would bother Justin or not.

We'd just like to see Jen engage in a high-profile fling with Brad Pitt.

Give the people what they want, you two!

Selena Gomez: Avoiding Alcohol After Latest Stint in Rehab


Selena Gomez was recently spotted wearing semi-disastrous makeup. It's also become clear that she regrets reuniting with Justin Bieber.

But she has bigger concerns, including her health. But she's taking the steps that she needs to stay well.

Including, it's reported, avoiding alcohol at all costs following her latest stint in rehab.

Selena Gomez at The Forum

Page Six reports that Selena Gomez held a dry party at her California home last week to celebrate a friend's birthday.

"Alcohol was not at the party."

That's what a dry party means.

"Selena is really focusing on her health."

They mention that Selena did a two week stint in a luxury rehab facility, Prive-Swiss in Connecticut, back in February.

It is also mentioned that she reportedly continues to receive support of some kind from their program, though that could mean ... almost anything.

"It was a family friendly party with a bouncy house and kids."

Perhaps alcohol wouldn't have been a good fit for that party, anyway.

Selena Gomez and Francia Raisa, Kidney Donation

In case you're wondering if Selena has just decided that she's done being fun, a couple of things.

One, drinking can be great, but if you need to drink to have fun, you have a problem. That's not an insult, that's a fact.

Two, we suspect that Selena's focus on her health has to do with her ongoing battle with Lupus and the fact that she has only one kidney ... a kidney donated to her by her very good friend Francia Raisa.

Kidneys are responsible for filtering your blood. A lot of people associate drinking with the liver, which is accurate, but heavy drinking can be hard on your kidneys.

We're not suggesting that Selena is or has been a heavy drinker.

We're just saying that she's playing it safe and playing it smart because she values her life and her health.

Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift, IG Besties

Over the weekend, Selena joined her very good friend Taylor Swift at the Rose Bowl, which is a sporting event featuring college football.

Afterwards, Selena posted a selfie of the two of them being adorable together.

In the captions of the photo, she wrote:

"I’m grateful for those I surround myself with."

Selena's inner circle is very supportive.

"And this woman right here happens to be one of my favorites."

That is so sweet.

"Love our tradition and I love you."


Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

Selena is obviously taking care of her health -- her kidney transplant was less than a year ago, after all.

But some wonder if her party in California was as dry as it was for her sake, or for someone else's.

First of all, it was a party for a friend.

Perhaps that friend is no longer drinking. Or hey, maybe a different friend who was invited isn't drinking. A lot of people will go out of their way to accommodate those whom they love.

Or maybe there was no alcohol because it was a party featuring children. Not all parties are built alike, folks.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose on Instagram

Someone who is avoiding alcohol for their health (or because they're the designated driver, etc) rather than because they have a problem with alcohol can be around people drinking.

So let's not make a mountain out of a molehill and assume that, if we see Selena toast with champagne, that she's "off the wagon."

But all of this is a reminder that Selena's health issues did not go away when Francia gave her that life-saving kidney transplant.

Selena still has Lupus. And now she has to grapple with making sure that her body does not reject the donated kidney.

Her health battle will probably continue for a long time. She deserves so much better.

Jennifer Aniston Cutting Ties With Justin Theroux ... Because of Selena Gomez?!


It's been four months since Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux ended their marriage, but they're a modern couple with a lot of mutual friends, so they'll probably stay on amicable turns, a la Chris and Gwyneth or Ross and Rachel, right?

Wrong! It turns out this situation is closer to when Rachel left that dentist at the altar or ... every other non-Hollywood divorce you've ever heard about.

Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux In Happier Times

According to Life & Style, Jen and Justin are at war, and Aniston is planning to go nuclear on Justin's career and social life.

But it wasn't the breakup that left her so angry.

No, those who know them best say Jen and Justin parted on good terms.

Unfortunately, after the fact, the fact Justin went tom-catting about town with various young starlets, a practice that Jen took as his attempt to embarrass her publicly.

Sources say Aniston was particularly upset over rumors that Theroux is dating Selena Gomez, a woman with a well-known affinity for Justins.

Justin, Jen, Selena

"As far as Jen’s concerned, it’s her or Justin and she doesn’t want to be a part of Justin’s social chain," a source tells L&S.

Selena may have been the final straw, but she's not the first young starlet Justin's been spotted with.

"Jen was angry enough to see [Justin] at dinner with Emma Stone, whom she considers a friend," says the insider.

"But then she has to contend with new photos of him schmoozing all over Selena Gomez and it’s really tipped her over the edge." 

Unfortunately for Jen, it seems she might be seeing a whole lot more of Jen and Justin canoodling.

"They've known each other for years through their manager," the source claims.

Selena Gomez Strikes a Pose

"Initially, they leaned on each other for emotional support after going through messy breakups."

The insider adds that Jen and Justin have "become closer than ever" in recent months, adding:

"It's turned into something more than friendship."

And if the insider is to be believed, Aniston has come up with a sort of sad revenge plan:

"Jen’s telling friends that she wants to date a younger guy," the insider claims.

Seems to us that getting back together with Brad Pitt would be an even bigger eff-you, but maybe that's just because we want to see that happen.

Loser Designer Blasts Selena Gomez as "Ugly," Fans React in Horror


You can say many things about Selena Gomez.

You can say you don't like her music because you're entitled to that opinion.

You can say you she has bad taste in men because Justin Bieber has never treated her well.

You can say she makes poor decisions with her hairstyle at times.

Selena Gomez MET Gala Pic

But you cannot say what Stefano Gabbana just said about the singer, not if you want to avoid very deserved backlash from millions of people on social media.

The Italian designer, who co-founded the fashion label label Dolce & Gabbana, went out of his way on Instagram this week to attack Gomez.

In the comments of a photo on The Catwalk Italia's Instagram account, Gabbana wrote the following alongside a collage of Selena picture:

È proprio brutta!!!

This translates, very simply and extremely rudely, to: She's so ugly.

The insult was many things; unprovoked, cruel, sexist and objectively untrue.

And while Gomez has thus far taken the high road, refusing to even acknowledge Gabbana's existence, her friends and fans online have been unable to show similar restraint.

Stefano Gabbana

“@stefanobabbana you’re tired and over. your homophobic, misogynistic, body-shaming existence will not thrive in 2018,” Tweeted 13 Reasons Why actor Tommy Dorfman, who plays Ryan Shaver in the Netflix drama.

He added:

“it is no longer tolerable or chic. please take many seats.”

And then there was this from a Gomez follower:

“Shame on you for online bullying. Doesn’t matter if 1 million people see it or 1 person, it’s bullying. It’s wrong."

And then this from another Gomez follower, who kept it short and simple and supportive:

“We love this beautiful queen.”

Selena Gomez and Taylor

Julia Michaels, a singer-songwriter and close friend of Selena's tweeted:

"@selenagomez just here to tell you that you are one of the most beautiful women I know, inside and out. I love you always."

This really is true.

While the merits of what Gabbana said are really beside the point, it might as well be pointed out while we're here:

Selena Gomez is a very pretty young woman. Full stop. This statement really can't be debated.

the mean comment

Over the years, Gabbana has bullied stars on social media numerous times, including Kate Mossand Victoria Beckham.

Most recently, he went after Kate Moss on the same Catwalk Italia Instagram page, dissing a Saint Laurent look she was wearing ... just because.

In 2015, celebrities such as Elton John, Courtney Love and Ricky Martin boycotted the fashion brand over insensitive comments Dolce and Gabbana made about IVF and LGBTQ families.

Moreover, the brand released a $245 "#BoycottDolceGabbana" graphic T-shirt inspired by the negative response to First Lady Melania Trump wearing their designs.

In other words: it courts controversy like this.

So the best thing to do is what Selena has done, which is to totally and completely ignore the misguided and pathetic messenger.

This will be the last time we write about him.

Selena Gomez to Hailey Baldwin: Enjoy My Sloppy Seconds!


Selena Gomez knows a thing or two dozen about getting back together with Justin Bieber.

So, with the latter singer very clearly having reunited recently with ex-girlfriend Hailey Baldwin, what does his other ex-girlfriend have to say about this development?

LOL! Good luck with that, Hailey, basically sums it up.

Selena Gomez: An Image

Gomez, of course, jumped into bed once again with Bieber late last year, shortly after her split from The Weeknd and also shortly after she underwent a kidney transplant.

Sources claimed at the time that it took this sort of life-altering procedure for Bieber to realize how much he truly loved Selena and to realize that he couldn't live without her.

The Internet thought that maybe this reconciliation would be the final one and the stars truly would end up together.

Instead, they broke up after just a few months.

Most insiders agree that it was actually Selena who ended the latest version of this romance, as she clashed with loved ones over Justin's influence on her and, we guess, at last concluded that the artist just wasn't worth her time.

She could do a lot better.

Justin Bieber, Shirtless Tattoos

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and rumors that Bieber was dating Baldwin, with whom he had enjoyed a fling back in 2016.

The model and the singer were spotted making out in public this past weekend during a visit to New York City, prompting many to wonder how Selena must be feeling at the moment.

And Radar Online claims to have the answer:

She's feeling just dandy, thanks for asking!

"Hailey must recognize now that she will always be Justin's second choice," Radar quotes a friend of Selena's as saying, adding:

"Selena doesn't care what Justin does with his love life anymore.

"In the end, Justin turned out to be exactly the same person he [always was], a selfish and immature kid who only cares about himself."

Hailey Baldwin at the BMAs

Wow, well... okay then!

Bieber may not be touching her bush any longer, but Gomez apparently isn't interested in beating around any bushes, either, when it comes to her take on her ex.

Don't get this report wrong, though.

It's not as if Gomez is sitting back and refreshing her social media feed every two seconds for an update on Justin and Hailey. She has moved on.

Jelena Throwback Photo

"Selena is relaxing on vacation in Italy with a hot European hunk," this insider actually tells Radar, concluding:

"Justin is the farthest thing from her mind right now and she is just glad that she decided to leave him when she did."

Amen, sister!

You deserve SO much better than Justin Bieber and we're confident you will someday find it.

Just keep doing you, girl. Oh, and keep doing whichever hot Italian hunks you please as well. Well earned.

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