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Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez: Take Your Sorry and Shove It!


Forgive the obvious opening here, but Justin Bieber has a message for Selena Gomez:

Yes, it's too late to say you're sorry now.

Justin Bieber Chills in Car
Selena Gomez in Concert Photo

On Tuesday morning, Selena tried to reach out to her ex-boyfriend.

She apparently felt bad about starting a public dispute with Bieber and shared a message aimed in his direction on Snapchat.

"What I said was selfish and pointless," it read.

Here's a look at that very basic message:

Selena Apology Snapchat

To what was Selena referring? Well...

Bieber shared a number of photos last week of him and Sofia Richie, his new girlfriend who accompanied him on a trip to Tokyo.

Soon afterward, the Internet did what the Internet so often, hating on Richie and even threatening her life on a few occasions.

Therefore, in response, Bieber spoke out.

“I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand,” Bieber captioned a photo of himself with Richie.

“If you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.”

Justin Bieber Rides with Sofia Richie

It actually seemed like a noble gesture at the time. Bieber was standing up for his new girlfriend, coming down on trolls who were clearly out of line with things they said to her.

But Gomez didn't take it that way.

She left a comment on Bieber's Instagram page that reads as follows:

"If you can't handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol – it should be special between you two only. Don't be mad at your fans. They love you."

It was unclear at first whether Gomez actually left this comment.

It didn't come directly from her social media account and it's very, VERY unlike her to comment publicly on any Justin Bieber romance.

Selena message?

But then Selena left the Snapchat apology we shared at the outset of this post and it now seems like she really did mix it up with Bieber online.

The back-and-forth between singers eventually led to Bieber leaving Instagram after he accused Selena of cheating on him with Zayn Malik.

Seriously. It got UGLY between Justin and Selena.

According to TMZ, meanwhile, Gomez has tried to reach out personally to Bieber in order to apologize… but he isn’t having it.

Bieber thinks Selena talks a good game in public about wanting to distance herself from him.

But then she goes ahead and gets all up in his personal business again and again.

Bieber is especially amused and annoyed because Gomez dissed him for threatening to quit Instagram, even though … well… she did the same exact thing earlier this year.

Case in point:

selena post

Justin makes a pretty good point here.

HOWEVER, this is worth noting:

TMZ also claims Bieber never once fired back at Gomez.

The site says Bieber did not allege she cheated on him and never once replied to her Instagram comments.

Those were edited on to the Internet by trolls with Photoshop. Interesting, huh?

Where do you stand on this feud? Should Selena have apologized? Should Bieber accept?

Or should both sides just leave each other the heck along until their inevitable reconciliation?

Justin Bieber: A Timeline of Poontang


Justin Bieber has had a lot of gal pals during his time in the limelight. 

There's been a string of confirmed relationships, along with a string of rumored ones. 

We've compiled a list of Bieber's extensive relationship history.

1. Miley Cyrus - 2009

Miley cyrus with buns
There are rumors that Justin and Miley got very close one night.

2. Caitlin Beadles - 2007-2009

Caitlin beadles 2007 2009
Caitlin and Justin's relationship lasted pretty long for a celebrity relationship.

3. Jessica Jarrell - 2009-2010

Jessica jarrell 2009 2010
Justin rebounded quickly with Jarrell, but they couldn't make it work in the end.

4. Mandy Rain - 2009

Mandy rain 2009
There's word that Mandy and Justin were dating sometime in 2009.

5. Kristen Rodeheaver - 2009

Kristen rodeheaver 2009
Kristen and Justin met on the set of the music video for Bieber's "One Time."

6. Selena Gomez - 2010-2015

Selena gomez revival world tour in sydney
Selena and Justin have been on and off like a light switch.
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Courtney Stodden BLASTS Selena Gomez in Drunken Rant! Watch!


Courtney Stodden has been in rare form lately.

Courtney Stodden on a Red Carpet

She gets a pass on much of her erratic behavior as of late because Stodden claims to have suffered a miscarriage.

There are many (including Courtney's own mother) who believe that she was never really pregnant to begin with but decided to milk the attention.

We're not eager to take sides on such a contentious issue, but we will point out that it wouldn't be the first time that Stodden let the media believe she's pregnant for the sake of stirring up some free publicity.

Anyway, in the weeks since she - let's just say miscarried - Courtney has waffled between offering updates on her questionable coping mechanisms (drinking heavily, shaving her head, carrying around a doll and pretending it's a real baby) to picking strange fights with celebrities.

(The girl challenged Brody Jenner to an acting contest. Seriously.)

Courtney Stodden Shaved Head Photo

Now Courtney is coming after Selena Gomez for some reason.

And by "for some reason," we mean because she thinks it'll help make her more famous.

In case you haven't heard, Justin Bieber quit Instagram recently because he couldn't handle the most mild smack talk from Selena.

Stodden felt the need to weigh in on this recently, and it seems she's staunchly Team Justin.

Yes, with the cigarette and wine glass that seem to be her constant companions these days, Courtney bravely announces that she's transitioning from Marilyn Monroe wannabe to Britney Spears circa 2007 wannabe.

(Minus the talent in both cases, of course.)

It might be fun to watch for a little while, but she's aiming way too high with her feud targets.

Courtney, you couldn't even get a D-lister like Brody Jenner to take the bait, now you're trying to start sh-t with Selena?

If a minnow snaps your line, you don't start fishing for marlins, ya know?

You have to start smaller.

Much, much smaller.

Go after, like, Mama June Shannon or Snooki and then get back to us.

Trust us. If there's one thing we know, it's celebrity feuds:

Also, if you're trying to make a situation (in this case, Justin dating a teen) seem more normal, don't compare it to you marrying Doug Hutchison when you were 16.

Yes, at one point in the video, Courtney claims she "invented" the notion of cradle-robbing.

And no, Courtney, you didn't invent it.

Creepy old guys invented sleeping with women who were barely legal and/or way too young for them long before you born.

Just like how actual celebrities created acting messy to drum up publicity many, many years ago.

Selena Gomez Takes Time Off Due To Anixety, Depression, Panic Attacks


Selena Gomez has shown signs of strain in the past months, so it's no surprise to learn that she is taking some time off to focus on improving her mental health.

Selena Gomez WE Day California

"As many of you know, around a year ago I revealed that I have lupus, an illness that can affect people in different ways," Gomez said in a statement provided to People Magazine.

"I've discovered that anxiety, panic attacks and depression can be side effects of lupus, which can present their own challenges."

Gomez has been traveling for on her Revival world tour over the past few months.

Selena Silhouette

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off," she continued.

"Thank you to all my fans for your support. You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best.

"I know I am not alone by sharing this, I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues,

Sources close to People stress that Gomez's decision to take time off and focus on her health has nothing to do with alcohol or substance abuse.

The fact of the matter is that Gomez hasn't felt like herself since summer began.

"She decided to clear her calendar for the year in order to have this be her priority for future happiness and didn't want to leave any promoters at bay," one source said.

"She feels relieved that she can now make more sense of why she was feeling the way she was and is optimistic about the future."

The Lupus community is 100% behind Gomez's decision to take care of herself.  

Kenneth M. Farber of the Lupus Research alliance told People that the mental health side effects of Lupus aren't widely known.

"it is not commonly known that depression, anxiety and panic attacks can be side effects of lupus," Farber - who is co-CEO and co-president of the Alliance - explained.

"We are so proud of Selena for taking care of herself and bringing awareness to this sometimes very misunderstood illness."

We second that, and commend Gomez for taking time off to focus on herself.

Selena Gomez: Lying About Drug Abuse, Rehab?!


Selena Gomez may be trying to pin her latest bout of personal problems on her ongoing battle with Lupus, but insiders are crying foul.

Selena Gomez on Revival Tour

The newly (again) rehabbed singer, despite what she tells the public regarding her health, “is full of s--t,” according to a source close to her.

“It is terrible that she has Lupus,” says the insider, speaking to Radar Online, “but she is using this as an excuse for everything lately."

"The truth is that she is just a mess right now."

“She's been feeling completely alone lately.”

Lupus, for the uninformed, a chronic inflammatory disease occurring when the body’s immune system attacks its own organs and tissues.

Selena's battle with Lupus is well documented, but whether or not it has anything to do with her obvious struggles this year is debatable.

Selena Gomez in Brooklyn, New York

The murder of Christina Grimmie, her close friend, in June reportedly threw her for a loop, as it did many close to The Voice standout.

In Gomez's case, though, it took a major toll.

The shooting in Orlando reportedly sent her “spiraling” into drug abuse, something she is sadly familiar with during periods of her past.

She's yet to emerge from that spiral, in fact.

An insider revealed that Gomez had begun using a potentially deadly prescription cocktail of “Lunesta, Ambien, Klonopin and Xanax.”

Fortunately, her friends and family were able to get through to her, staging desperate intervention and getting her checked into rehab.

“Everyone close to her is worried because she seems to be back to old behavior,” said the source of Gomez, who also went to rehab in 2014.

The announcement that Gomez is taking time off due to anxiety and panic attacks came earlier this week, with Lupus cited as a factor.

"As many of you know, around a year ago I revealed that I have lupus, an illness that can affect people in different ways," Gomez said.

"I've discovered that anxiety, panic attacks and depression can be side effects of lupus, which can present their own challenges."

Gomez has been traveling for on her Revival world tour over the past couple of months, and clearly on the verge of a mental breakdown.

The 24-year-old's statement continued:

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off."

"Thank you to all my fans for your support."

"You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best."

"I know I am not alone by sharing this," she concluded, and "I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues.”

Gomez's camp insists that the decision to take time off and focus on her health has nothing at all to do with substance abuse.

Whatever the reason, there's little doubt that the oft-troubled singer-actress hasn't been feeling like herself since the summer began.

One Gomez source spun it as thus:

"She decided to clear her calendar for the year [so this is] her priority for future happiness and didn't want to leave any promoters at bay."

"[Selena] feels relieved that she can now make more sense of why she was feeling the way she was and is optimistic about the future."

Hopefully it helps her, whatever it is that ails her, because we don't need to see her breaking down on stage like a basket case anymore.

We just want her to get well, and soon.

The sooner Selena can return to her talented self and start doing her thing - and not mixing it up with that douche Justin - the better.

Selena Gomez: Drinking, Partying, In Dangerous Downward Spiral?


Selena Gomez is taking a break.

The singer confirmed via statement last month that her Lupus diagnosis has been taking its toll of late and that she simply isn't well enough to continue her world tour right now.

Selena Gomez, Hands Up

"As many of you know, around a year ago I revealed that I have lupus, an illness that can affect people in different ways," Gomez said at the time, adding:

"I've discovered that anxiety, panic attacks and depression can be side effects of lupus, which can present their own challenges."

She went on to thank her fans and explain her motivation for this hiatus:

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off.

"Thank you to all my fans for your support. You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best.

"I know I am not alone by sharing this, I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues."

Simple enough, right?

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that has no cure and most definitely makes people more susceptible to fatigue and illness.


Selena Gomez Sings

... within days of Selena's announcement, sources began to doubt her story.

One Radar Online report claimed that Gomez uses the disease as an "excuse" all the time and that she's simply feeling "alone" and sad these days.

One does not need to think very hard about the reason why.

Gomez got into a public beef with ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber a few weeks ago, calling the singer out after he threatened to make his Instagram account private because fans were insulting his new girlfriend, Sofia Richie.

In response to Bieber telling his followers to leave Richie alone, Gomez left a comment that read as follows:

“If you can’t handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol. It should be special between you two only.

"Don’t be mad at your fans. They love you and supported you before anyone ever did.”

Sources say she later tried to apologize to Bieber, but he turned his back on his former lover.

As a result of this argument with Bieber, an insider tells In Touch Weekly that Gomez is in a "free fall," explaining:

“Her problems are a combination of drinking, partying and her Lupus.”

Yes, the illness may absolutely be playing a role in Selena's ongoing issues, but this tabloid goes as far as to say Gomez is suffering from a "meltdown."

And another tabloid agrees.

Selena "hates being single, and seeing pictures of Justin and Sofia [Richie] rubbed salt in the wound," according to Life & Style.

It certainly is true that Bieber and Richie have not been hiding their romance.

The former may have deleted his Instagram account, but not before peppering it with photos of himself and his new squeeze.

Bieber and Richie have also been spotted out and about on many occasions, clearly very smitten.

"One day she's saying she doesn't want 'negativity' in her life, meaning Justin, and the next she's saying she wants to be with him again," the source tells Life & Style.

"It's very chaotic. Everyone is worried about her."

Selena has said in many interviews that she's done talking about Bieber. She wants to move on. She wants to be known as her own person...

... but it's clear she can't truly do so.

Selena Gomez in Brooklyn

According to In Touch Weekly, Bieber is aware that Selena is in a bad place.

There's only so much he can do about it, however.

“Justin and his family are praying that she gets the help she needs,” a source close to the singer alleges.

“They just want Selena to get well.”

We all do. Hang in there, SG. Everything will be okay in the end.

Selena Gomez to Justin Bieber: Don't Call Me!


Selena Gomez is doing her best to move on from Justin Bieber.

Selena Gomez Stands Up Straight

As previously reported, Gomez is not in a very good place these days.

The singer has taken a break from her world tour and stepped out of the spotlight in general, citing her Lupus diagnosis as the basis for this hiatus.

Said Selena in a statement late last month:

"As many of you know, around a year ago I revealed that I have lupus, an illness that can affect people in different ways.

"I've discovered that anxiety, panic attacks and depression can be side effects of Lupus, which can present their own challenges.

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off.

"Thank you to all my fans for your support. You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best.

"I know I am not alone by sharing this, I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues."

Fair enough, right?

Not for everyone.

Selena Gomez Tour Photo

Multiple outlets have openly questioned what's really going on with Gomez.

Yes, sources say, she really does have Lupus and, sure, it may very well be affecting her.

But the real issue at play here is Selena's ruptured relationship with Justin Bieber.

One insider claims Gomez uses Lupus as an excuse for everything, adding that the singer is a "mess" these days, feeling "completely alone."

Another insider alleges that Gomez is drinking, partying and headed down a very dangerous path ever since her public falling out with Bieber.

Earlier this summer, of course, Gomez gave Bieber a hard time after Justin told his fans to stop harassing new girlfriend Sofia Richie.

Gomez basically told Bieber to shut up and keep his private life private, lest her invite folks to comment on the new woman in his life.

Bieber didn't take kindly to this advice... he deleted his Instagram page... he ignored Selena's attempts to apologize... and the former lovers are now barely speaking.

According to a new Us Weekly report, meanwhile, they may never speak again.

The tabloid writes that Gomez “changed her phone number” recently and told "everyone not to give it to" Bieber.

She really wants to make an effort to cut the artist out of her life now. Once and for all.

The fight she had with Bieber in August really exerted a roll on her, a friend says, both emotionally and physically.

“Selena lost it,” says the source. “She can be fragile emotionally and Justin is a major factor."

Now Gomez is at least “focused on her mental health," however, and is trying to use her spat with Bieber as a way to refocus herself, personally and professionally.

Selena Gomez Sings

We hope she succeeds in this goal.

We were once young and in love and in a roller coaster relationship and it isn't easy.

But you can do better, Selena. You deserve to do better.

Angelina Jolie: FURIOUS With Brad Pitt Over Selena Gomez Photo


The past has come back to haunt Brad Pitt.

Selena Gomez and Brad Pitt

After January's Golden Globes, Selena Gomez shared an Instagram of herself chatting with Pitt.

"Just discussing #TheBigShort," Gomez captioned the photo, referring to the movie she and Pitt starred in.

"Angie blew a gasket when she saw Selena’s Instagram, and heard through friends about how brad and Selena flirted so shamelessly,”  a source told the National Enquirer at the time.

“Now Selena is bragging to everyone that Brad is gung ho to make another movie with her."

“I’m not going to lie. It’s nice to look at all of the hot guys I admire,” Gomez joked to Instyle at their after party, co-hosted by Warner Bros. 

“I’m trying to find Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt right now!”

Gomez might have found it funny, but Jolie was not amused.

Brad Pitt, Agelina Jolie DIVORCE Cover

“Selena is going around jokingly calling Brad ‘my future husband,’ and Angie is obviously none too pleased,'" a source said at the time.

 “Angie warned Brad to cut all ties with Selena, and she’s forbidding him from working with her again."

Gomez is friendly with Jennifer Aniston, who was married to Pitt for five years before he left her for Jolie.

“Jen is furious with Selena for betraying her, and she’s mad at Brad for acting like a dog with a young girl."

Selena Gomez Jennifer Aniston 2015 Golden Globes

The thing is, Aniston and Pitt were almost at the point where they could stand to even be in the same room, but Gomez allegedly ruined all that.

“Jen and Brad had been moving into a cordial friendship, but Jen realizes a tiger never changes his stripes.”

Jolie filed for divorce on September 19th after two years of marriage.  She and Pitt, however, had been together since 2004.
The filing came as a "complete shock" to those close to the couple.
They have definitely spent more time apart this year, but it's still a shock," a source told People.

"They just celebrated their wedding anniversary together."

Pitt, it seems was also bummed out about what Jolie did.

“I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids,” the Allied star said in a statement.

“I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during this challenging time.”

Selena Gomez Checks Into Rehab: Why is the Singer Seeking Help?


It's been a tumultuous month for Selena Gomez, and for once the drama in her life is not related to Justin Bieber.

At least not directly.

Rumors about Selena's drug use have been circulating for several months now with several media outlets claiming that the 24-year-old is seeking treatment for a prescription painkiller dependency.

Selena Gomez in Staples Center

Sources close to the singer have claimed that Gomez is stuck in a "dangerous downward spiral" that they fear could have disastrous consequences.

Now, Radar Online is claiming that Selena has checked into a rehab facility to undergo a 60-day treatment program.

“The facility is a women’s only facility in a secluded wooded area,” an insider tells the website, adding that Gomez may stay for "more than 60 days" if she feels the need for further counseling.

The source stated that Selena is not seeking treatment for any chemical dependency issues.

Rather, she's reportedly "taking time to focus on her self and her health."

Selena Gomez Tour Photo

Last year, Gomez revealed she'd been diagnosed with lupus, and that her condition necessitated an earlier stay in a long-term treatment facility.

The continued strain of staying healthy coupled with recent stresses in her personal life are believed to be responsible for Gomez checking in for another extended stay.

The insider says this latest facility was hand-picked by Selena and her management following extensive research.

“It's not a huge celebrity center or anything like that, and it’s not somewhere where Selena has any ties,” the source claims.

“The rehab has a Christianity-based track, which might have been appealing given her religious background.”

Selena Gomez Revival World Tour In Sydney

In addition to the ongoing emotional strain of her on-again, off-again relationship with Bieber insiders claim rumors about Gomez's involvement with Brad Pitt have been a major source of tension.

The Big Short co-stars were photographed together during awards season in early 2016, prompting rumors that their relationship was more than professional.

Gomez has been adamant that she and Pitt are nothing more than friends and co-stars.

Nevertheless, Selena was derided as a homewrecker after Jolie filed for divorce from Pitt last week.

Here's hoping that the talented young songstress is able to find the help and support that she needs at this time.

21 Celebrities With REALLY Weird Addictions


Everyone has a vice. Maybe it's coffee, maybe it's alcohol, or maybe it's spending too much time watching Netflix. 

But these celebrities have addictions that are, well, they're pretty darn weird. 

From carrot juice and tanning to eyeliner and online gaming, find out which celebrities have some very strange addictions!

1. Megan Fox

Megan fox on the red carpet
This one is a bit of a cliche, but that doesn't make it any less of an addiction. Megan Fox is apparently obsessed with shoes. Lots, and lots, and lots of expensive shoes.

2. Anna Kendrick

Anna kendrick at the oscars
Anna Kendrick has an obsession we can probably all understand, but she might be more addicted than most. She's totally obsessed with online gaming, and says she plays games for hours almost every day. The game she's most addicted to? Angry Birds.

3. Robert Pattinson

The robert pattinson smile
Robert Pattinson's two weird addictions might end up getting him into some trouble. He's admitted to drinking as many as 300 cans of Diet Coke in a week, and eats way too much Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

4. Cheryl Cole

Cheryl cole at cannes
Cheryl Cole's obsession isn't so bad, but it's definitely pretty weird. It's carrot juice. She admitted to drinking about 8 glasses a day. EIGHT.

5. Avril Lavigne

Avril lavigne with green hair
Avril Lavigne's addiction isn't actually very surprising. In fact it's part of her overall look. She's obsessed with, you guessed it, eye makeup.

6. Michelle Williams

Michelle williams at the oscars
We've all probably admitted to being addicted to checking email at some point or another, but for Michelle Williams, it feels like "a dopamine hit." She even tried writing letters by hand to help matters.
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Taylor Swift vs. Demi Lovato: What Caused Their Feud?


As you may have heard, Demi Lovato announced she'll be "stepping away" from music and "the spotlight" earlier this week after receiving some harsh criticism for comments she made about Taylor Swift in a recent interview with Cosmo.

Even those who are no great fans of Taylor's believed that Demi went too far when she slammed Swift's friends for being too thin, declaring that no one in the singer's famous squad has "a normal body."

Perhaps even more controversially, Demi doubled down on her previous claims that Swift is a fake feminist, who doesn't walk the walk when it comes to putting her beliefs into practice.

Demi Lovato at the DNC

First, Demi played the old "starving kids in Africa" card by wondering why people care about what public figures have to say when they're ... addressing the public:

"I don't understand why people care so much about what I say in interviews? Do y'all watch the news? Don't y'all got sh-t to worry about?" Demi tweeted.

It seems Lovato herself didn't even buy that argument, as moments later she casually declared that she'll be taking the entirety of 2017 off, as though the decision had nothing to do with the roasting she'd been taking on social media all day:

"So excited for 2017. Taking a break from music and the spotlight.. I am not meant for this business and the media."

Demi Lovato Works the Red Carpet

Based on her deep concern for what she sees on the evening news, we assume Demi will be spending that year running aide missions to Aleppo.

Anyway, clearly the bad blood between Demi and Taylor runs deep.

There's no doubt that these two are no fans of one another (Demi basically never passes up an opportunity to publicly bash Taylor.), the only question remaining is: why?

This isn't a Taylor v. Katy Perry where the ladies have given a reason for their beef (a dispute over backup dancers) and the public has its own theories (a dispute over John Mayer's dong).

Taylor and Demi have never given a reason why they don't like each other.

Demi Lovato Thanks Fans

In fact, Taylor refuses to speak publicly about Demi at all.

But that hasn't stopped social media stans and the tabloid press from coming up with their own theories.

At the moment, the most widely-circulated explanation has to do with Selena Gomez.

Those who claim to be in the know say that Demi and Selena were close friends back when Lovato was struggling with various addiction issues.

Selena Gomez WE Day California

Selena attempted to convince Demi to seek help and sober up, but Demi was having none of it.

Gomez reportedly wished her the best but parted ways with Lovato for the sake of her own mental health.

Selena is tight with Taylor these days, and Demi is reportedly pissed that she wasn't able to salvage their friendship after she got clean.

There's also a hypothesis that Demi is more than a little jealous of Taylor's career, which would make a lot of sense.

Taylor Swift 2015 Grammy Awards

Lovato is only two years younger than Swift, and they both got their starts around the same time, yet Taylor is one of the most celebrated entertainers on the planet, while Demi remains best known for her troubled personal life.

We may never know for sure what set these two against each other, but...

Oh, who are we kidding?

Taylor will slam Demi on her next album, and Demi is probably giving an in-depth interview about her hatred of Taylor at this very moment.

Both of them claim to hate drama out of one side of their mouth, while courting it with the other.

Selena Gomez: Caught in Middle of Brangelina Cheating Scandal?!


Selena Gomez could be embroiled in the biggest celebrity scandal of the decade, because according to Naughty Gossip, she was instrumental in the breakup between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Picking your jaws up off the floor yet? Take your time - sometimes those pesky teeth can be hard to find, especially when they roll underneath your desk. It's cool. 

Selena Gomez and Brad Pitt

According to the gossip site, the trouble all began with a cozy-looking snap that Gomez shared from last year's Golden Globe Awards, where she and Brad Pitt were pictured hanging out, as buds, and "just discussing The Big Short."

Jolie reportedly went absolutely ballistic over the photo - and the purported budding relationship - between her estranged husband and the steamy little dynamo known as Selena Gomez.

Needless to say, if Gomez has a role in the demise of Brangelina, no matter how small, this would be huge news. 

At first glance, Selena doesn't seem to be Brad's typical type - he's twice her age, for starters, and though Pitt's dated some of the most beautiful women in the world, they've mostly been somewhere in his peer group. 

Additionally, Angelina doesn't appear to have a problem outing the couple's dirty laundry - hence her wild smear campaign against Pitt and his private behavior.

That in itself seems to make it hard to think if Selena were involved that Jolie wouldn't come out in full force against the "Come and Get It" singer.

Selena Gomez, Brad Pitt Cozy Up

Jolie doesn't appear to be afraid of anybody or anything, let alone someone with a much less impressive resume in comparison to her own - threat or otherwise. 

However, NG alleges that Angelina found photos of Selena on Pitt's phone...which doesn't sound good by any stretch of the imagination, regardless of who you are. 

Brangelina, Back in the Day

The couple has obviously had their issues - the divorce papers speak volumes - but bringing Selena Gomez into the fold, for crying out loud? This would make for one of the juiciest bits of gossip the world has seen in all of 2016. 

Just you wait, though - the year's not over, and we have a strong feeling that we haven't even heard the worst of what's happened with Brangelina - or what's to come. 

Gomez could very well be involved after all, and wouldn't Justin Bieber just lose his damn mind

Selena Gomez Leaves Rehab After 5 Weeks of Treatment


Last month, we reported that Selena Gomez had checked into rehab, reportedly to seek help for the emotional issues that she's opened up about in the past.

But while her team insisted that Selena was being treated for "anxiety, panic attacks and depression," rumors that Selena had been struggling with substance abuse issues began to circulate online.

Selena Gomez Stands Up Straight

Whatever the case, the singer has apparently completed her course of treatment, as she was spotted by several fans during an afternoon on the town in Tennessee yesterday.

Selena and friends reportedly hit up an arcade and had dinner at a Texas Roadhouse not far from her treatment site.

The dressed-down singer happily posed for photos with fans and appeared to be in good spirits, onlookers say.

Selena Gomez: Out of Rehab!

While it's possible that Selena returned for further treatment after her evening out, sources who are familiar with the facility where she stayed say it's unusual for patients to leave and return.

Which means that even though she stayed around the area after her release, she most likely headed home the following day.

One witness tells Radar Online that while some fans leapt at the opportunity to take a selfie with the pop star, Selena's presence went mostly unnoticed.

"You could tell she was hoping to be recognized by someone at the arcade," the source says.

"But not even the worker getting her ice cream knew who she was."

Selena Gomez in Staples Center

It's been a tough year for Selena who - in addition to the usual endless tabloid scrutiny of her love life - was forced to publicly cope with a debilitating illness.

Selena suffers from lupus and in October of last year, she revealed that she had been forced to take time off due to chemotherapy treatments.

Insiders say the illness prompted Selena to slow down and pay more attention to her overall well-being - mental health included.

The rumors about why Selena decided to undergo in-patient treatment are sure to persist, but the pop star seems unperturbed by the rumor mill.

Selena Gomez Revival World Tour In Sydney

In a statement issued before she checked in for treatment, Selena wrote:

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off."

"Thank you to all my fans for your support. You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best.

"I know I am not alone by sharing this. I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues."

Here's hoping the singer received the help she needed.

Selena Gomez: NOT Out of Rehab ... Yet


Selena Gomez is serious about getting her mental and emotional stability in check: after cancelling 34 tour dates, Selena admitted herself to rehab, where Us Magazine reports she has remained since August, located at a Tennessee facility.  

If you thought that this was a celeb on another "get well tour," kicking back and binge-waching Netflix, you'd be wrong.

The report claims that the rehab -- outside of Nashville -- is a "super intense" facility. 

Selena Gomez Eats Popcorn

The source states, "Selena is dealing with lupus, but this break is to focus on her mental health." 

Adding, "She can go to a very dark place," the source claims that the stay isn't strictly inpatient. 

Gomez was spotted out at dinner with her family at a Texas Roadhouse in Tennessee, where the manager said she was "just like any other guest." 

Though it was reported just two days ago that Gomez was out of rehab, the mag asserts that she's still definitely in, and is focused on her treatment. 

Selena Gomez drinking coffee

Gomez was previously admitted to the Meadows rehab in Arizona, which specializes in substance abuse.

However, in April 2016, Selena claimed that her admission didn't have anything to do with drugs or alcohol, but as treatment for her chronic lupus diagnosis. 

Gomez claimed that she was receiving chemotherapy treatment in order to squash her autoimmune disease's symptoms, and even lashed out, saying "I was in rehab after chemo for my lupus, you jerks."  

Selena Gomez: Out of Rehab!

In August 2016, it was reported that Gomez was suffering intense breakdown symptoms, and also alleged that she had been drinking and partying too much to focus on her mental well-being. 

Needless to say, drinking and partying isn't a great idea for someone suffering from a serious autoimmune disease. 

Later in August, Selena had a very public spat with ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber, over what he shared -- and didn't share -- on his social media accounts, resulting in Bieber suspending his Instagram activity. 

Some speculated that her embarrassing moment also drove her to rehab. 

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Pic

Selena also alleged that Justin had cheated on her -- and vice versa -- in a deleted Instagram snap, but as y'all know, the internet never forgets. 

Gomez said, "Funny how the ones that cheated multiple times, are pointing the finger at the ones that were forgiving and supportive, no wonder fans are mad." 

"Sad," she concluded. "All love." 

Get well, Selena. It's been a rough few years to be sure. 

Selena Gomez: Mom Seeking Britney-esque Conservatorship?


All signs point to "yikes." 

Selena Gomez - still fully enveloped in an intensive rehabilitation facility in Tennessee - apparently isn't taking to rehab as well as she should.

... So much so that new reports have emerged claiming that her mother, Mandy Teefy, is looking into a Britney Spears-type conservatorship for her daughter. 

Britney 2.0? 

Selena Gomez Sick Photo

OK! reported that Gomez's mom is worried that Selena's bid to be rehabbed will end badly, and that she's ready to take "extreme measures" if that happens. 

In photos obtained by OK!, Gomez looked tired and haggard, sporting gigantic bags under her eyes and smoking like a chimney. 

Needless to say, she doesn't look the healthiest. 

In Touch reported that Gomez is "ready" to leave the facility, but that she's not even close to being out of the woods yet. 

Selena Gomez WE Day California

A source purportedly told In Touch that Selena is going through hell. 

"Selena keeps saying she feels like hell and wants to leave the facility, or go switch to outpatient treatment." 

"Apparently some of the medicine and treatment she's receiving [to deal with anxiety] isn't working very well," the source revealed. 

The source continued, and claimed that Gomez is even reaching out to her friends and family to help spring her from the rehab. 

"A few weeks ago, [she] called her friends and family and told them that she felt trapped," the insider said. 

Selena Gomez in Staples Center

"Her mom came to visit her and took her out of the facility to talk."  

"She's still telling everyone she wants to go home, and then gets mad because she feels like they aren't listening," the source added. 

The source then claimed that Gomez is so intent on leaving the facility, that it's got her mother majorly concerned about her Disney daughter. 

"[Selena's mother has] been reaching out to find out what it would take to get a conservatorship for Selena," the insider told In Touch.  

Selena Gomes

The mole also said that Gomez's mom fears things will end badly if Selena doesn't get the treatment she needs. 

"Mandy believes that a mental breakdown is possible if Selena doesn't take this rehab stint seriously." 

Rumors have swirled as to what really caused Selena's latest stint in rehab - one of several at just 24 years old. 

Some say that Justin Bieber and their unresolved relationship is the crux of the matter, while others blame her mental health and "poor me" mentality on bad decision-making skills. 

Only one thing can be certain - somebody needs to stop Disney before they ruin all the child stars. 

Our hearts are with you, Selena. 

This can't be easy for anybody. 

Selena Gomez: I'm in Hell!


Our heart continues to break for Selena Gomez.

Now more than ever.

The singer has been battling the medical condition Lupus for years, which can result in exhaustion and other ailments that make it impossible for her to tour or perform.

She's also been battling the continued fallout from her roller coaster relationship with Justin Bieber.

Selena Gomez Inside Staples Center

About a month ago, Gomez checked into rehab in order to deal with these personal issues.

She is reportedly a patient at the Brookhaven Retreat in Tennessee, although the reasons for this development remain somewhat unclear.

Is she really dealing with a drug problem, as has been rumored across the celebrity gossip universe for a few weeks?

“The facility is a women’s only facility in a secluded wooded area,” an insider told Radar Online of Selena’s current residence, adding that the artist is “taking time to focus on her self and her health.”

This report emphasizes that Gomez is NOT seeking assistance for any sort of substance abuse problem.

We're very glad to hear that.

Selena Gomez in Los Angeles

But we're not very glad to read the following:

According to In Touch Weekly, the 24-year old star is not enjoying her time in rehab.

Granted, this is not the sort of thing one is meant to enjoy, not in the sense of actually having fun.

But the problems run much deeper than that.

"Everyone is worried,” a source tells In Touch of Selena's family members, friends and loved ones.

For what reason?

“Selena keeps saying she feels like hell and wants to leave the facility or go switch to outpatient treatment."

However, leaving the all-women's facility doesn't seem like a plausible option at this point due to the artist's anxiety and depression, as a source previously confirmed that Gomez is expected to stay for "a few months."

She has not commented publicly on her need for help, aside from the initial, broad statement Selena made at the end of August.

"As many of you know, around a year ago I revealed that I have lupus, an illness that can affect people in different ways," the singer said in a statement.

"I've discovered that anxiety, panic attacks and depression can be side effects of lupus, which can present their own challenges."

She continued:

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off.

"Thank you to all my fans for your support. You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best.

"I know I am not alone by sharing this, I hope others will be encouraged to address their own issues."

It became clear this summer that Gomez was still struggling with her feelings for Bieber.

After Bieber shared a few photos online of him and then-girlfriend Sofia Richie, followed by a request for his fans to stop insulting her, Gomez commented on her ex-boyfriend's Instagram page.

She told him to keep his private life private, which prompted Justin to actually delete his Instagram account for awhile.

Insiders say Gomez then tried to reach out to Bieber, only to be rebuffed.

This started her latest downward spiral.

“If anyone knew how bad she was [doing], they’d be in shock," In Touch concludes.

We send Selena our best.

Justin Bieber Ordered to Leave Selena Gomez Alone?!


When Selena Gomez checked into rehab late last month, we weren't exactly expecting a bunch of nice, happy little stories to come from it.

But we weren't expecting a mess like this.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Pic

But first, let's rewind.

At the end of August, Selena announced that she was taking some time off from her career to focus on her health.

"As many of you know," her statement read, "around a year ago I revealed that I have lupus, an illness that can affect people in different ways."

"I've discovered that anxiety, panic attacks, and depression can be side effects of lupus, which can present their own challenges."

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off."

"Thank you to all my fans for your support. You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best," she concluded.

Selena Gomez in Staples Center

It sounded like Selena was really struggling with her mental health, and a month later, at the end of September, she checked into a rehab facility in Tennessee.

Some sources claimed that she went to rehab to seek help with an alleged prescription painkiller addiction, but others maintained that she went for depression and anxiety issues.

Either way, the girl's staying at some backwoods treatment center in the Appalachian Mountains. Things aren't great.

And now we're learning an additional bit of information about Selena's stay in rehab.

And that is that Justin Bieber is not, under any circumstances, allowed to contact her.

Justin Bieber Hangs Head

According to a new report, Selena's family "recently reached out to Justin and told him to stay far, far away."

Also, "they told him he's banned from calling, texting, emailing, or visiting her."

Apparently, Selena's family "blames Justin for much of her downward spiral," which actually does make sense.

Back in August, just days before she made the announcement that she was taking some time off, she got into a very messy feud with Justin.

It started when Justin threatened to delete his Instagram account over rude comments his fans were making about his then-girlfriend, Sophia Richie.

Selena commented on the post, writing "If you can't handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol -- it should be special between you two only. Don't be mad at your fans. They love you."

Selena Instagram Pic

She apparently had some regrets about the comment though, because she later shared a message on Snapchat that simply read "What I said was selfish and pointless."

She also reportedly tried to reach out to Justin personally to apologize, but he wasn't having it.

Then, in September, insiders claimed that Selena was blaming lupus for her emotional problems, but the real issue was her very public, very embarrassing fight with Justin.

"Selena lost it," a source said. "She can be fragile emotionally and Justin is a major factor."

So if her family really did forbid Justin from contacting her, maybe it's for the best.

Poor, poor Selena.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber: GETTING MARRIED?!?


Well... this certainly escalated quickly.

Just two weeks ago, we reported on the rumor that Justin Bieber had been ordered to leave Selena Gomez alone.

With the latter singer in rehab for a number of emotional issues, OK! Weekly claimed that Selena's family "recently reached out to Justin and told him to stay far, far away."

These loved ones apparently blame Bieber for Gomez's ongoing "downward spiral," which forced her to cancel the remainder of her 2016 tour and basically go into hiding.

Selena Gomez on Stage in NYC

But do they really?!?

Okay, yes, they probably do.

But does Selena agree with this assessment? Not according to a hilarious new report from In Touch Weekly.

The tabloid claims that not only are Justin and Selena in contact again... but they are back together! And REALLY, REALLY serious!

“She’s already talking as if they are engaged,” an anonymous tells In Touch, adding:

“Selena will get married in private, just to show them she doesn’t need [her family’s] approval.”

Why would Gomez go from zero to sixty in this kind of manner? What would make her think that she and Bieber remotely prepared to be husband and wife?

“She thinks if they just bite the bullet and get married, all of their problems will disappear,” the insider says.

Note to readers everywhere: This is not a reason to get married. Please take our free advice.

Justin Bieber in England for Concert

At the end of August, Gomez cited her Lupus diagnosis and said she was taking a professional break to focus on her health.

"As many of you know, around a year ago I revealed that I have lupus, an illness that can affect people in different ways," she wrote in a statement that continued as follows:

"I've discovered that anxiety, panic attacks, and depression can be side effects of lupus, which can present their own challenges.

"I want to be proactive and focus on maintaining my health and happiness and have decided that the best way forward is to take some time off.

"Thank you to all my fans for your support. You know how special you are to me, but I need to face this head on to ensure I am doing everything possible to be my best."

This announcement came just a short while after Gomez criticized Bieber for being so public with his romance back when he was dating Sophia Richie.

After Bieber asked fans to stop threatening his new girlfriend over the summer, Gomez jumped in to his Instagram comments and said Justin ought to keep the relationship private if he wants Sophia to be left alone.

This allegedly led to a big fight between the ex-lovers and Selena's eventual stint in rehab.

So, why would Gomez want Bieber back now?

Not because he's been acting like a gentlemen, that's for sure.

On two recent occasions, Bieber told off fans at his concerts because they dared to scream and cheer while he tried to talk.

After receiving backlash for his actions, Bieber issued a lame apology over why he acted like such a douchebag.

"I simply feel like, if I didn't use this platform to say how I truly feel, and if I didn't use this platform to be the man that I know I am, and speak from what's in my heart, then I'm doing myself injustice, and I'm not doing anybody in this audience any justice," he Tweeted as an explanation for his behavior.

Bieber, thinking he's all profound, went on to add:

"There's going to be times where I say the wrong thing, because I'm human. But I don't pretend to be perfect and I hope to God that, you know, I don't say the right thing all the time because if that was the case then I'd be a robot, and I'm just, I'm not a robot.

"There's times when I get upset ... times when I get angry, there's times when I'm going to be myself on this stage.

"All I was simply doing was wanting people to listen; to kind of hear me out a little bit. Certain people ... certain cities aren't going to want to hear me out, and you know, sometimes it's my job to just say, 'hey, I'm not going to try to force anything.'

"I just appreciate you guys tonight, listening to me and understand, and rocking with me. You guys are truly amazing."

You've got a real keeper here, Selena.

Selena Gomez to Pen Tell-All?!


Poor Selena Gomez, right?

Girl has not been having a good time lately.

Selena Gomez WE Day California

She's still in rehab, which is good, but she's been in there for nearly two months because of depression and anxiety brought on by her lupus, which, you know, not so good.

And if that weren't enough stress, she's also been the subject of quite a few rumors, even while she's been away from the spotlight.

While in rehab, Selena's reportedly been thinking about marrying Justin Bieber -- but he's also said to have been banned from seeing her, so we'll just have to wait and see how all that turns out.

She's been having such a rough time that her mother is even allegedly thinking of getting a conservatorship set up, Britney Spears-style.

We've also heard that Selena is really struggling with the rehab experience itself, and that "she keeps saying she feels like hell and wants to leave the facility or go switch to outpatient treatment."

Selena Gomez Inside Staples Center

So really, any way you look at it, things aren't great.

And with this new report from In Touch, things are looking even worse.

Yes, Selena just might be the next celebrity to spill her guts in a sleazy, scandalous tell-all.

Bless this mess.

"Fed up with her A-list pals," the report states, "Selena Gomez is ready to expose their secrets in a scathing book."

But what's more upsetting is that Selena was apparently inspired to start such a book after a big fight with her bestie, Taylor Swift.

The cause of the fight? Selena's relationship with Justin Bieber, of course.


According to a source, "Taylor was livid" about the Jelena reunion "and wrote a letter to Selena telling her their friendship is over."

"When Selena first read the letter, she was a mess over it. But she went from sad to angry very fast."

Indeed, Selena is said to be "out for blood" and "working on a tell-all book that will expose the secrets of her former A-list friends."

Such friends allegedly include Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and Nick Jonas. Sounds like Christmas is coming a little early this year, huh?

Poor Selena "feels like everyone wants to control her," and so "she's writing this book to be honest about what she's gone through and to get back at the people who have hurt her."

Selena Gomez in Staples Center

"Selena knows all she has to do is pick up the phone and she'll have a major book deal in 10 seconds flat. She's made it clear that no one in Hollywood is safe."

What's more, "Selena knows so many secrets, and if they are exposed, it could ruin people."

"Everyone is telling her that publishing this could be career suicide ... but she's not listening. Selena thinks it's time to tell the truth."

On one hand, if this is true, it's very sad that so many of Selena's friendships have come to this.

But on the other hand, can we get the link to pre-order this mess?

Selena Gomez Makes Everyone Cry at the 2016 AMAs


Selena Gomez didn't just win the trophy for Favorite Female Artist – Pop/ Rock at the 2016 American Music Awards.

She also delivered the most powerful acceptance speech of the evening.

Showing up in public for the first time since announcing a break from performing, as a result of emotional stress and a recurrence of Lupus, Gomez didn't hide her problems from a national audience.

“I think it’s safe to say that all of you know my life whether I like it or not,” the singer said on stage, adding:

“I had to stop because I had everything and I was absolutely broken inside. I kept it all together enough to where I would never let you down, but I kept it too much together to where I let myself down.”

Several weeks ago, Gomez got into a public dispute with Justin Bieber over photos her ex-boyfriend shared of his new girlfriend at the time.

She then basically went into hiding, as rumors circulated that she was in rehab... still fighting with Bieber... and even getting married to Bieber.

“I don’t want to see your bodies on Instagram. I want to see what’s in here [holds chest]," Gomez said through tears at the AMAs.

"I’m not trying to get validation nor do I need it anymore... If you are broken, you do not have to stay broken."

Truly powerful stuff. WATCH THE FULL SPEECH BELOW:

Selena gomez wins american music awards admits shes been broken
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