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Selena Gomez and Charlie Puth: Totes Hooking Up?


Sorry, Jelena supporters.

According to a new report, you may want to put away that confetti for the time being.

Selena Gomez on ITV
Charlie Puth is Cute

Despite talk of yet another Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez romantic reconciliation, insiders tell Us Weekly that Gomez has struck up a relationship with fellow young artist Charlie Puth.

A relationship of the often-naked variety, that is. 

“It’s not serious, but she’s super into him,” a source says of Gomez, although the tabloid does not that a Gomez friend insists the two stars simply share a “flirty friendship."

The singer, who recorded the duet “We Don’t Talk Anymore” for Puth's debut album, will take this alleged romance on the road in May when Puth appears on Selena's Revival tour.

Talk of the artists dating first surfaced last September after Gomez and Puth posed for a selfie on Instagram.

Several weeks later, Charlie said the following about Selena to Us Weekly:

“I don’t know if anyone really understands me. Which is why I hang out with Selena Gomez. She gets me."

In very related news, Puth actually cursed off Bieber in concert last month, dropping the F Bomb in relation to the beloved solo artist.

Puth then took to Twitter and wrote that he's a "massive" Bieber fan and he meant no disrespect... but it's clear there is some kind of love triangle afoot here.

Puth met Gomez at an MTV Video Music Awards party last August.

“I just went up to her and started talking to her,” Puth said back then.

“I was very floored by how well she handled herself and how mature she was. It’s nice to get to know the actual person and finding out she’s an interesting person ... I’m happy that we’re friends."

But are they friends with benefits?!?

Justin Bieber: CANCELED Big Date Night Plans With Selena Gomez?


Oh, Justin Bieber. He's just so darned wishy-washy.

Because the straw-haired singer absolutely, positively and fer sure still has the feels for his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, he planned an all-out "extravagant" date night for the two of them - and then canceled it.

Jelena Twit Pic

After his crush-for-life stopped by his concert last week in Los Angeles, Justin was so darned giddy he concocted a super romantic ploy to win her back.

"Justin wanted to rent out the Staples Center after his concert to do a repeat date night screening of Titanic for Selena because he is trying to get back with her," a source tells E! News.

Back in 2011, in the midst of peak Jelena, the Biebs pulled the exact same move, because nothing screams "romance" like witnessing a young Leonardo DiCaprio turn into a popsicle on screen.

Oh, but the signature move was never executed in this go-around, because Justin called it off at the last minute.

"I don't know why he didn't go through with it, and I also don't know if he ever even told Selena about his plan, but I do know he is really obviously trying to date her again," the source dished.

"He wanted to do something big and extravagant for her like this and had been making arrangements for the movie date before his concert even started."

Sadly, something threw Biebie boy off his high, because the source says the "Love Yourself" singer's mood was "off" all day.

In addition to bailing on the Big Date, he canceled $2,000-a-pop meet-and-greets with fans because they left him feeling "mentally and emotionally exhausted."

"The speculation is that an argument had taken place between the two before the show since he canceled the date plans," says the source. "Something had shifted Bieber's mood completely."

What was this thorn in Justin's paw? Could it have been the discovery that Selena was now getting her smooch on with a Mr. Charlie Puth - the same Charlie Puth that told Biebs to fark off during a concert earlier this month?

The source doesn't seem to know that much, but if Charlie's house ends up doused in eggs this weekend, I think we'll all know what happened.

Justin Bieber: DEVASTATED Over Selena Gomez & Charlie Puth Romance!!


Yesterday, we reported that Selena Gomez has been gettin' it on Marvin Gaye-style with singer Charlie Puth, and wouldn't you know it, Justin Bieber is sad.

Justin Bieber in the tub
Selena Gomez drinking coffee

Since Biebs learned of the new romance, he's been texting his ex nonstop, probably including plenty of cry emojis, begging her to ditch what's-his-face and give him another chance, according to HollywoodLife.

“Justin hates the rumors of a Charlie and Selena relationship and he has been blowing up her phone trying to talk to her about it,” a source told the site.

“He is threatened that he will lose her to him. He isn’t taking responsibility that his own actions are to blame for not having her in his life.”

So, Justin, maybe it IS too late to say sorry.

The thing is, Selena's been sending some mixed messages. She's been flirting with Justin on Instagram and attended his concert last week, and sources say they were seen getting real chummy backstage.

But, hey, Selena's a single lady, and Justin's on tour, so what's a girl to do?

She and Charlie appear to have a strong mental connection, so she might as well explore the potential there.

“I don’t know if anyone really understands me," Puth told Us Weekly. "Which is why I hang out with Selena Gomez. She gets me."

A friend of Selena's says she's "super into" Charlie, and so far we haven't heard any reports of him throwing eggs at houses or whizzing in buckets at restaurants.

Doggonit, he may just be a keeper!

Justin Bieber Can't Decide: Proposes THREE-WAY With Selena Gomez & Kourtney Kardashian


It's the love triangle we never saw coming.

Justin Bieber on pillow

Nearly every day we see another headline about Justin Bieber getting back together with Selena Gomez - only to be followed by reports that he's still totally digging on hookup buddy Kourtney Kardashian.

How can the 22-year-old ever be expected to decide between two such hot brunettes who are both just standing by, waiting eagerly to please him?

Fortunately, it came to him in the middle of his San Diego concert earlier this week.

"EUREKA!!!" he cried out just before the bridge during a performance of "Love Yourself," then quickly ran offstage. 

"Biebs racked his brains trying to figure out how to decide between these two," a source tells THG EXCLUSIVELY. "Selena is the love of his life, but Kourtney just completely blows his mind in the sack."

"Justin's from Canada, but never before did he think to do such things with a hockey puck," the source added with a wink.

So what was this light bulb moment Bieber had?

"Justin wants to have a threesome with both women, in a sort of gladiator-style battle to win his heart... and loins."

The singer shot off a group text to both SelGo and Kourtney, and lo and behold, they're into it!

Kourtney always thought Selena was "totes adorbs" and says she can't wait to Snapchat the entire event.

Selena was hesitant at first, but Kourt was just so darned charming and figured, if nothing else, maybe she could learn a trick or two from the reality show star.

And that's when Scooter Braun dumped a bucket of ice on Justin's overgrown head, because clearly he was in the middle of a lurid dream that could never in a million years be real, and because...


iHeartRadio Music Awards 2016: Everyone Looked Great, No One Fought


1. Iggy & Demi

Iggy azalea and demi lovato backstage at the 2016 iheartradio mu
"Just got off stages. We bitches be flawless."

2. Zendaya

Zendaya 2016 iheartradio music awards
Zendaya attends the iHeartRadio Music Awards at The Forum on April 3, 2016 in Inglewood, California.

3. Sophia Grace Brownlee

Sophia grace brownlee 2016 iheartradio music awards
Where TF is Rosie? It doesn't work if just one shows up.

4. Mercedes Javid

Mercedes javid 2016 iheartradio music awards
"Everyone watch Shahs of Sunset. I'm a star."

5. Meghan Trainor

Meghan trainor 2016 iheartradio music awards
Meghan Trainor attends the iHeartRadio Music Awards at The Forum on April 3, 2016 in Inglewood, California.

6. Kat & Derek Present

Kat graham and derek hough present at the 2016 iheartradio music
Kat Graham and Derek Hough present at the iHeartRadio Music Awards at The Forum on April 3, 2016 in Inglewood, California.
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Justin Bieber: It's Taylor Swift's Fault Selena Gomez Won't Take Me Back!


Over the past few weeks, it's become clear that Justin Bieber is trying to win Selena Gomez back.

Justin Bieber Likes the Rangers?
Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez at the Grammys

It's an unexpected development, not only because the couple has broken up so many times in the past, but also because Bieber seems to be enjoying the single life as much as humanly possible.

But as Selena once told us in song form, the heart wants what it wants.

Unfortunately, in this case, it looks like Justin is being heart-blocked by Selena's bestie, Taylor Swift.

“Justin knows Taylor doesn’t like him and never will and the feeling is mutual, but he is smart enough to know not to say anything in public or on social media because he knows all the scrutiny he’d endure,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“He never expects to be her friend and is not looking to be her friend. He blames Taylor for some of his issues with Selena and that will never go away."

Yes, the Swift-Bieber feud has been going on for years, and it shows no signs of letting up.

We'd say Justin is just being paranoid, if he thinks Taylor is encouraging Selena to stay single, but there's a very good chance that's exactly what's happening.

Actually, that's not quite true. 

Ms. Swift is probably fully supportive of Selena dating Charlie Puth - or anyone who's not Justin, for that matter.

Selena Gomez: Did She Catch Justin Bieber With Hailey Baldwin?


For weeks now, we've been hearing rumors about Justin Bieber's attempts to back together with Selena Gomez for the 47,5675th time.

Unfortunately, the Biebs seems to have forgotten about the all-important "not banging other women" part of trying to win back an ex's heart.

Justin Bieber with Dreadlocks
Selena Gomez on ITV

Yes, it seems that like most of us, Selena assumed that Bieber ended his relationship with Hailey Baldwin before trying to weasel his way back into Selena's life. 

How wrong she was to assume he would take the least scumbaggy approach:

“Justin tried to secretly bring Hailey as his date to the iHeartRadio Music Awards,” a source tells Hollywood Life. 

“He’s decided to give things another go with her and hid her backstage away from prying eyes because he didn’t want Selena to know.” 

It seems a star-studded, nationally-televised awards show might be a less-than-ideal place to try to pull execute a down-low hookup, but Justin is as brazen as he is douchey.

Sadly, his operation didn't pay off:

“[Selena] went backstage and saw Justin with Hailey and she was furious about the whole thing. That’s why she was so stand-offish with him that night."

So that's why! We assumed she was keeping her distance because of Justin's dreadlocks. So many bad decisions in a single night.

Taylor Swift to Selena Gomez: Get Justin Bieber Out of Your Life!!!


For weeks now, we've been hearing rumors about the possibility of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez getting back together.

Bieber's reportedly been putting his all into the reconciliation effort, but all along, Selena's been resisting, possibly as a result of the influence of one of her closest friends:

Justin Bieber: 2016 iHeartRadio Awards Press Room
Selena Gomez: 2016 iHeartRadio Music Awards
Taylor, Victorious as Always

Yes, Justin can swear he's changed all he wants, but Taylor Swift is still firmly anti-Biebs.

In fact, some say Bieber blames Swift for the fact that Selena hasn't taken him back yet. 

At first we thought he was just being paranoid, but now it seems there may be something to that theory.

Following an incident at the iHeartRadio Awards in which Selena allegedly caught Justin with Hailey Baldwin - an ex he claimed to have parted ways with - Taylor has reportedly encouraged Gomez to have no further contact with her ex:

“After what he pulled at the iHeartRadio Awards, Taylor really wants her to cut ties with Justin once and for all. None of this back and forth stuff,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Taylor has been telling Selena that once she makes a commitment to shut the door on him completely, she will meet the true man of her dreams.” 

Maybe she'll meet the man of dreams, maybe not. Either way she won't have to put up with Justin's crap anymore, which seems like reason enough.

Listen to Taylor when it comes to your love life, Selena. Millions of other young women do.

Hailey Baldwin: Justin Bieber's Her Bae, Doesn't Care About Selena Gomez?!


Hailey Baldwin recently gave an interview to Marie Claire magazine, and in it she discussed her relationship with one Justin Bieber.

Hailey Baldwin, Justin Bieber Pic

“I don’t want attention out of dating somebody," she told the publication.

"Texts started coming through, crazy phone calls… it’s hard to date somebody in this industry. You have to have really thick skin and be very strong. You have to focus on the person and nothing else.”

Sounds reasonable.

I personally think it would suck like hell to date Justin Bieber, due to the media attention alone. And, you know, death threats from Beliebers.

And speaking of negative media coverage, Celeb Dirty Laundry is taking Hailey's innocent quote and making insane assumptions.

Because Hailey didn't specifically say "Justin and I are not currently dating," the site presumes that she's talking about a current relationship with the Biebs.

Taking an even grander leap, it accuses Hailey of being oblivious to the rumors of Justin trying to get back together with Selena Gomez, even though that whole shtick was probably just for publicity anyway.

In reality, Hailey never claimed Justin as her boyfriend, and vice versa. In fact, she confirmed the two were not exclusive back in February.

"We are not an exclusive couple," Baldwin said. "He's about to go on tour. Relationships at this age are already complicated, but I don't really like to talk about it because it's between me and him."

Sounds fair enough.

Selena Gomez: Topless in GQ!!!


Note to Justin Bieber

You may want to work even harder than you have been to win back over Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez GQ Pic

Why do we say this?

Because - holy hotness!!!! - have you seen the latest issue of GQ?!?

The magazine will not come out with its full-length Gomez interview until Thursday, April 14, but GQ has gone ahead and unveiled a handful of photos from the pictorial.

And each one is more sizzling than the one before it.

If you think the image above is red hot, for example, click on the one below to see Selena Gomez... topless.

Selena Gomez Topless

Might Selena receive some flak for this sexy spread?

Might some folks criticize her body or her decision to flaunt said body?

Perhaps. But the artist has spent over half of her life in the public eye, so she's used to it.

"I didn't have an opportunity to figure out my life without people having an opinion every step of the way," she tells the publication, quickly adding that she doesn't expect or want any kind of sympathy. 

"I chose this. So I'm not gonna sit here and say, 'Oh, my God, poor me, I didn't have a normal childhood.' I don't give a f-ck about that." 

Visit GQ.com tomorrow to read Selena's full interview and continue to ogle the singer below if you wish.

Here are some sexy GIFs from her "Hands to Myself" music video:

Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez: Texting Daily, "Can't Live Without Each Other," Friends Say


Just yesterday, Hailey Baldwin claimed Justin Bieber as her bae (Okay, maybe that wasn't her exact word.) in an interview with Marie Claire.

Justin Bieber with Dreadlocks

In fairness, she had good reason to think she and Justin were in an exclusive relationship.

After all, just last week Justin took Hailey to the iHeartRadio Awards.

Sure, he hid her in his dressing room, but that's beside the point.

Unfortunately, it now seems that Hailey is receiving the same rude awakening endured by Kourtney Kardashian and so many before her.

Yes, it seems she learned the hard way that when it comes to the Biebs, there's only one true bae in his life:

“Justin and Selena are talking over text but it is a little strained between the two right now,” a source close to Justin tells Hollywood Life.

“But as much as it isn’t getting romantic right now, things change every second with these two that by the weekend if Justin is lonely, he will probably start putting on the charm to get her interested again."

Though they still won't discuss their relationship publicly, and Justin recently canceled a planned date with Selena, sources say things are heating up between the exes, and they'll be back to their unhealthy, co-dependent ways in no time.

“Just another day between these two, they can’t stand each other and they can’t stand being without each other," says the insider.

So you can expect to hear that they're officially back together sometime in the next week...and then that they're broken up again a few days later.

Selena Gomez Opens Up About Rehab, Health Issues


Back in 2014, Selena Gomez checked into rehab for undisclosed reasons.

Selena Gomez in GQ

At the time, numerous media outlets assumed that Gomez was struggling with substance abuse or depression linked to her most recent breakup with Justin Bieber.

We later learned that Gomez was suffering from Lupus which forced her to undergo chemotherapy, cancel tour dates, and generally step away from the spotlight for several months.

Gomez doesn't often discuss her health issues in public, but in her recent GQ profile - yes, the one that features a photo of Selena topless - she revealed far more than just her figure:

"First off, this is something that everyone always wants to fixate on. I got diagnosed with lupus," Selena told the men's mag.

"My mom had a very public miscarriage. So I had to cancel my tour. I needed time to just be okay, and I was going through leukemia." [She presumably meant to say "chemotherapy."]

"I went to two different locations for those treatments. It's really frustrating, because I am 100 percent allowed to have that, but I think people just want to have some sort of—"

According to the interviewer, Selena stopped mid-sentence, seemingly overcome with emotion.

She went on to reveal that one of the first people she told about her illness was a sick young boy she met while visiting a children's hospital:

"And there was this kid that wouldn't look me in the eye at all...I wanted to get his attention, even though maybe it was too much. So I just said, 'Ask me anything you want,'" she recalled.

"And he was the first person that I told, besides my best friend and family, because he asked me, 'Have you ever dealt with anything like this?'

And I said, 'I have lupus. I was in the ICU for two and a half weeks. I was in this exact same room.' And it was the first time that he looked at me."

Fortunately Gomez says she's optimistic about her future health:

"I just have to be patient. It's slowly dissolving the older I get. And I just have to be patient and make great things with quality, from producing to singing to acting.

"And one by one, I will be able to change the dialogue and people won't care about everything that's happened to me."

Selena Gomez Reveals Her HOT Date to the 2016 Met Gala!


For months, the gossip community has been speculating on who Selena Gomez is dating.

Just this year, she's been linked to Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt, Wiz Khalifa, Niall Horan, Samuel Krost, Charlie Puth and, of course, her ex Justin Bieber.

Selena has confirmed exactly zero of these rumors, but she did just reveal who'll be on her arm at this Monday's Met Gala.

It's her BFF Taylor Swift!


Selena revealed her plans during an interview with Access Hollywood.

“We’re going together!" she said when asked about Taylor. "It’s so fun. It’s going to be the best.”

Taylor is serving as co-chair for the annual event this year, which has been hailed as THE fashion event of the year.

“It’s like kind of prom for fashion,” Selena explained.

She wouldn't give any clues as to what (or who) she'll be wearing because she doesn't want to "get in trouble," but she is enthusiastic about it.

“It’s beautiful and so cool,” she gushed. 

“And I love going, because everybody just shows up and feels great and has fun,” she added.

And it turns out Selena's favorite part of the soiree is the same as ours: 

Ogling (and judging, if we're being honest) everyone else's outfits.

“I’m waiting to get off the carpet so I can see everybody else and be like, ‘Yay!'”

We can't wait to see what Selena, Taylor, Beyonce, Kim K. and all the other stars show up in.

Check back here Tuesday for full fashion coverage of the 2016 Met Gala!


Selena gomez reveals her hot date to the 2016 met gala

2016 MET Gala: All The Red Carpet Looks!


ErMahGahd there was so much couture tonight at the 2016 Costume Institute Ball.

The good news: Almost everyone looked amazing. Almost.

The bad news: Yet another Jenner (Kylie) showed up to this year's gala.  

The even worse news: She looked fantastic.

The night's theme was "Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology, which - according to the Metropolitan Museum of Art's site - was designed to "explore how fashion designers are reconciling the handmade and the machine-made in the creation of haute couture and avant-garde ready-to-wear.

Let's check out the clothes, shall we?

1. Blake Lively

Blake lively 2016 costume institute gala
Lively, rumored to be pregnant with her second child with husband Ryan Reynolds, wore Burberry to the gala.

2. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Kim kardashian and kanye west 2016 costume institute gala
The couple wore Balmain.

3. Beyonce

Beyonce 2016 costume institute gala
Beyonce in Givenchy.

4. Zoe Saldana and Marco Perego

Marco perego and zoe saldana 2016 costume institute gala
Saldana wore a feathered strapless Dolce & Gabbana gown.

5. Alicia Vikander

Alicia vikander 2016 costume institute gala
The Best Supporting Actress winner wore Louis Vuitton with Bulgari jewels.

6. Kate Upton

Kate upton 2016 costume institute gala
The newly engaged model wore Topshop.
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2016 MET Gala: Worst-Dressed Stars!


Surprisingly, I'm not going to include Kim Kardashian in this round-up.

Yes, her face looked especially plastic at the 2016 Met Ball, and her dress was mostly metal, but it wasn't a serious crime against fashion.

There were others wearing far more offensive garb. Let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?


1. Katy Perry

Katy perry 2016 costume institute gala
I don't know what this is. I think she's trying to pick up where Rihanna left off, but all I see is an audition for 'Wicked.'

2. Madonna

Madonna 2016 costume institute gala
WTF is going on here, and I'm not just referring to the outfit.

3. Selena Gomez

Selena gomez 2016 costume institute gala
I lived through this trend the first time around with Kelly Taylor, Donna Martin and Claire Arnold. I think we can retire it before it hits high street, thanks.

4. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift 2016 costume institute gala
A lot of you will take me to task for putting Swift on the worst-dressed list, but I was just not into whatever she was wearing.

5. Nicki Minaj

Nicki minaj 2016 costume institute gala
No. Nope. Shut it down.

6. Lorde

Lorde 2016 costume institute gala
This girl is slouching and looks to be in pain.
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Taylor Swift Squad: Style Showdown at the MET Gala!


Taylor Swift once sang about her "Style" in a smash hit single off her latest album.

But she was probably singing about an ex-boyfriend.

What about the superstar's actual style? Along with pretty much everyone famous on the planet, this was on display at the MET Gala in New York City on Monday night.

Following the theme of “Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology,” Swift walked the red carpet in a silver Louis Vuitton mini dress.

It featured a tiered ruffle skirt and cutout waist, which the artist accessorized via heeled boots and her brand new platinum blonde bob. Some bold, black lipstick was also involved.

Take a look at Swift's fashion selection from a couple of angles below:

Taylor Swift: Backshot at the 2016 Costume Institute Gala
Taylor Swift: 2016 Costume Institute Gala

Swift, of course, was not the only member of her famous Squad to attend this annual event.

Gigi Hadid was also in attendance, making her red carpet debut with boyfriend Zayn Malik, who clearly was very excited to be there.

What do you think of Hadid's Tommy Hilfiger gown?

Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik: 2016 Costume Institute Gala

Then there was Selena Gomez, who stepped out in a Louis Vuitton gown with a leather bralette and lace-up shoes and who might as well have been sending Justin Bieber a message:

Look at how pretty I am!

Selena Gomez: 2016 Costume Institute Gala

What about Lorde?

She suffered a nip slip in her pale pink layered tulle dress at one point, but we're not gonna focus on that here.

We're just gonna draw your attention to the dress itself:

Lorde: 2016 Costume Institute Gala

Super model Karlie Kloss also tuned heads in The Big Apple, as she does everywhere she goes.

Kloss donned a dress designed by Lady Gaga's best friend, Brandon Maxwell, and she looked mighty fine while doing so:

Karlie Kloss: 2016 Costume Institute Gala

So there you have it. There are a handful of up close and sort of personal looks at Taylor Swift and her Squad at the MET Gala.

Now, much as we compared the Kardashian-Jenner sisters on the red carpet, it's time to vote below and decide:


Selena Gomez Skips MET Gala After-Party, Avoids Justin Bieber at All Costs


Among the members of Taylor Swift's squad, Selena Gomez looked the second worst at Monday night's MET Gala in New York City.

According to at least one very scientific poll, that is.

Selena Instagram Pic
Justin Bieber, We See You!

But that wasn't even the worst piece of news to come out of the fashionable event this week for Selena.

As has so often been the case for her in the past, the artist's evening was dealt an unfortunate blow by her ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber.

According to Hollywood Life, Bieber did not attend the MET Gala itself in The Big Apple this week.

But he did stop by an after-party at The Boom Boom Room... and he was not alone for the occasion. He allegedly showed up with occasional love Hailey Baldwin.

“Selena and her girls were supposed to go to the after-party at The Boom Boom Room," a source tells Hollywood Wife.

But when she found out Justin was going to be there, she changed her plans. She didn’t want to be there with Justin and Hailey. It’s a small place and that would just be way too uncomfortable."

That's understandable.

Unfortunate, but understandable.

Still, it wasn't exactly a lost night altogether for Gomez.

This same article says she headed over to the Vogue magazine after-party, where she was spotted taking many cute pictures in their awesome photo booth.

Other celebrities who attended this event included Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. So Selena was in some pretty famous company.

While Bieber and Gomez continue to fuel rumors of a possible reconciliation, Baldwin has made it pretty clear at this point that she at least dated Bieber at some point in the recent past.

They are still very friendly and it would not surprise us if they still knock boots on occasion.

So we can't blame Gomez for avoiding such an awkward run-in, can you?

But we can blame Selena if she ever goes back to Justin.

Come on, girlfriend. You can do so much better.

Justin Bieber Unseats Kendall Jenner for Most-Liked Post on Instagram!


Sorry, Kendall Jenner. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez just outshined you on Instagram.

Justin Bieber, We See You!
Kendall Jenner Gets Serious

Last year, Kendall was crowned for having the most-liked post on the social media platform and held the distinction for nearly a year.

But now, she's been unseated by a throwback pic of Jelena kissing, which Justin shared about six weeks ago.

Here it is, the most-liked photo on Instagram:

Jelena Throwback Photo

The photo, captioned simply "Feels" by the Biebs, sent fans into a tizzy, fueling rumors that he and SelGo were re-igniting their romance.

And when Selena wrote "Perfect" in the comment section, well, the teenage world had a veritable meltdown.

Fans have been hoping for the former adolescent lovers to get back together, but the two never confirmed nor denied the reports.

The post has received more than 3.5 million likes, trumping Kendall's pic by about 7,000.

In June of last year, the model shared a photo of herself lying down in a white lace dress with her eyes closed and her hair shaped into a series of hearts.

Kendall Jenner Instagram Image

Her pic garnered more than 3.2 million likes, making it the most-hearted pic of 2015.

At the time, Kendall bumped her own sister Kim Kardashian from the top spot.

Kim's photo of her and husband Kanye West kissing at their wedding in Florence held the record before Kendall's hair hearts grabbed the spotlight.

Selena Gomez: Singing to Win Back Justin Bieber?


Perhaps Selena Gomez is not to sick of that same old love after all.

On Friday night, Gomez kicked off her Revival Tour in Las Vegas, giving fans in attendance an enjoyable show that featured a number of old songs from the artist.

And one intriguing new song.

It was titled "Feel Me" and many are speculating that it was written with Justin Bieber in mind.

On what are folks basing this assumption? Considering some of the lyrics:

No one loves you like I love you/I never cheated, never lied/I never put no one above you/I gave you space and time.

And now you’re telling me you miss me/And I’m still on your mind/We were one in a million/Our love is hard to find.

That does sort of tell the Justin and Selena story, doesn't it?

These young singers have gotten together and broken up so many times over the years that we've lost track.

But Gomez has never been the one accused of cheating or lying or leading Bieber on. She's definitely given him space and time, far more than Bieber deserves, some might say.

Of late, insiders claim Gomez and Bieber have been texting each other on a daily basis.

Talk of their romantic reconciliation his a fevered pitch in March after Bieber caused a stir online by posting a throwback photo of the former couple along with the simple caption “Feels.”

And you did notice the title of Selena's latest track, right? FEELS.

Selena has claimed on many occasions that she's sick of talking about her ex-boyfriend, but something clearly keeps drawing her back to The Biebs.

She told W Magazine the following about her initial split from her fellow celebrity:

“At first I didn’t care. To me it was: I’m 18, I have a boyfriend, we look cute together, we like that.

"Then I got my heart broken and I cared. Because people had no idea what was going on, but everywhere it was a million different things. I was kind of in a corner, banging my head against the wall. I didn’t know where to go."

Gomez has also opened up about Bieber on stage before.

Remember in 2014 when she cried while performing during the American Music Awards?

As for whether or not fans want to see Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez reunite, consider what is now the most-Liked Instagram photo of all time.

There you have it.

Selena Gomez Crumples Up "Marry Justin" Sign


Selena Gomez appears to be sending mixed signals when it comes to her feelings for Justin Bieber.

Either that... or websites such as this one continue reading far too much into every little gesture the singer makes.

For instance, Gomez debuted a new track on the first night of her Revival Tour in Las Vegas on May 6.

It was titled "Feel Me" and it made a reference to someone Selena said she never "cheated" on and never "lied" to and someone who she gave "time and space" to and who, seemingly, she wanted to get back together with.

So... Bieber, right?

Clearly, no?

There have been endless rumblings of late that these two are getting back together again.

But then Gomez performed on Sunday night at the Save Mart Center in Fresno, California and someone in the crowd held up a "Marry Justin Please" sign.

It would have been easy enough for Selena to ignore. 

But that wasn't enough for her.

As you can see in the video below, Gomez asks for the sign... crumples it up... and then tosses it down on the stage.

Well, okay then, huh?!? 

It certainly seems as if Selena is trying to send a message here, doesn't it?

Check out the footage for yourself and let us know in the Comments section below: Do you think Justin and Selena will end up together? Do you want them to?

Do you think she wants them to?!?

Selena gomez crumples up marry justin sign
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