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Justin Bieber Thinks Selena Gomez Still "His Girl," Will Always Come Back For More


While it may seem like Selena Gomez is moving on from Justin Bieber, he is reportedly convinced that's just a phase and that "his girl" will return to him eventually.

Sooner rather than later, in fact.

  • Justin Bieber Crotch Selfie
  • Selena Gomez Tattoo Photo

“Justin is telling people that there is something going on between them,” a source says. “He still calls Selena his girl, and thinks she’s going to come back to him eventually."

Why is he so certain? "Because their bond is unbreakable. He is a bit delusional since they are not even talking now but then again, it’s happened before.”

Fake-sounding quotes aside, that last part is totally true.

They break up and they make up, and the former teen heart throb always seems to end up with Selena Gomez nude in the end. It's a vicious, sexy cycle for Jelena.

Until the one time he doesn't. Whether this is that time or not, it's got to happen. Taylor Swift is SO happy she kicked him to the curb, and she's not the only one.

The million dollar question is ... will it actually stick?!

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Whether you're a Bieber or a Selenator, everyone seems to agree that these two are better apart than together. The proof is in the pudding, people.

It's time for all parties to move on with their lives.

Yes, Justin Bieber took her virginity and they will always have feelings for each other. It's natural with one's first love, to pine for them and yearn for the good old days.

But those days are long, long gone.

If we were Selena, we'd commit ourselves to our craft and stop worrying about whatever this d-bag does these days. Because not a lot of good tends to come from it.

When mild-mannered Orlando Bloom punches you and you're the subject of multiple police investigations as well as countless other scandals in the same year?

Not a good sign.

Selena Gomez Straddles Justing Bieber
Selena Gomez assumes the position in Justin Bieber's new Instagram video.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: Back Together! Caught Kissing at Bible Study!


Stop us if you've heard this one: Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together!

Yes, when we learned earlier this week that Justin believes Selena is still "his girl," we assumed it was just more delusional arrogance from the eternally shirtless douche-lord.

However, it turns out Jelena is indeed still a thing, after all, once again.

Selena Kisses Justin

The 20-year-old tweeted and quickly deleted the above photo yesterday, along with a caption reading, "Right now everything else is a blur."

We're not sure what that means, but according to witnesses, Bieber and Gomez aren't limiting the smooching to mysterious social media posts.

Justin and Selena have been spotted hooking up all over LA this week, and their latest PDA-fest reportedly took place during a Bible study group at the Biebs' church.


"Justin & Selena met at church and left together," tweeted a fan with the appropriate Twitter handle of Stalker Sarah. "[They] look so happy right now it makes my heart happy."

Other fans reported seeing Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez back together when they saw them hooking up outside of a movie theater earlier in the week.

The fact that Gomez dissed Bieber at the Teen Choice Awards (sort of) earlier this week gave us hope that she'd finally come to her senses.

So much for that. It just goes to show that we shouldn't be surprised by yet another Justin-Selena reunion at this point, or any point for that matter.

Stay tuned for updates on this latest reconciliation ... including news that it's over for good, which will probably come some time this weekend. 

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Demi Lovato on Selena Gomez: She Changed, We Grew Apart


Demi Lovato was put squarely on the spot last night.

The former Disney star was a guest on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live and had already "pled the Fifth" with Andy Cohen when asked why she recently unfollowed supposed BFF Selena Gomez on Twitter.

Lovato hemmed. Lovato hawed. Lovato tried not to answer, but she then said "people change and people grow apart" and left it at that. INTRIGUING!

Clearly Lovato and Gomez, one-time total besties, are not on the same page these days.

Demi did not elaborate regarding the reasons why, but did she really need to? Is there any doubt this change in friendship is related to Justin Bieber?

After all, Lovato spent a long time in rehab and has since advocated for young women to be strong, to be independent to possess a lot of self-esteem.

With the way Gomez continues to go back to Bieber, it's safe to assume Lovato doesn't exactly approve.

Let's hope these two work things out in the near future. And let's hope Selena soon realizes she can do A LOT better.

Demi Lovato, Makeup-Free
This is an extreme close up of Demi Lovato and her freckles. The singer isn't hiding behind any makeup.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber: Totally Back On! Trying to Be Better People!


Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have rekindled their epic romance, and they're reportedly taking this relationship thing seriously this time around.

And this religion thing, committing to God as well as to each other.

  • Justin Bieber's Tats
  • Selena Gomez Instagram Beauty

As we reported yesterday - and he confirmed with the Instagram photo he shared before taking down - Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together.

They were caught kissing at a Bible study group and went to church together Wednesday night, with a close source saying they're "trying to be better people."

Justin posted a Bible verse on Instagram the next day saying, "After you have suffered a little while, God will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you."

They were also spotted at the movies earlier this week, which is presumably when he posted (and quickly deleted) the telling photo of Selena kissing his cheek.

To think we actually scoffed at the notion that Bieber was sure his girl would come running back to him after their latest split. We should know better.

Something about these two is both electric and toxic at the same time. As bad as things seem to go when they're together, they simply can't stay apart.

Just when you think their combustible, emotionally personalities make a lasting romance impossible, she ends up in his bed once again. It's uncanny.

Still, it obviously won't last. Cue the obligatory debate over when we'll report on their next breakup as we prepare a draft of that article right now.

Also, someone go check on Taylor Swift. She's not going to be happy.

VOTE: Should Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber be together?


Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Ice Bucket Challenge: Accepted by Celebrities Everywhere!


What does a egotistical pop star have in common with the best basketball player in the world?

What action has united a shirtless CW star with one of the planet's richest men?

The answer to both questions is the same: an untold number of celebrities from across every conceivable industry have come together online to accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

The act is simple (you douse a bucket of ice cold water over your head) and the cause is important (you help raise awareness for a debilitating disease without any cure) and it's been inspiring over the past few days to see so many famous folks get involved.

Who took the Challenge? Who did these stars then pass it on to next? Watch the following video, find out and go grab your own water bucket, readers. THG challenges you!

Justin Bieber Accepts Ice Bucket Challenge
Ice Bucket Challenge, accepted! Watch Justin Bieber douse himself for a good cause.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: Hiking and Hanging All Weekend!


Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are totally and completely back together.

For the moment, anyway.

As previously detailed, the on-again/off-again/on-again/off-again couple is giving it yet another go, as Justin and Selena were caught kissing at bible study last week, a day after attending church together.

Bieber also posted a photo of himself holding Gomez (while being smooched!) on Instagram, writing that "everything is a blur" when he's around his fellow artist.

For all we know, the stars have split by the time you read this, but TMZ confirms Bieber and Gomez spend ALL weekend together.

They referred to each other as "boyfriend" and "girlfriend." They dropped the word "love" on multiple occasions. They went hiking and they hung out at home.

Just like a regular, everyday couple who hadn't spend the past couple months dissing each other online and, in Bieber's case, possibly sleeping with many supermodels.

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

TMZ insiders also say Bieber is "doting over Selena" at the moment, treating her like a goddess and acting as her servant.

So the pair seem very happy and we sincerely hope it lasts for a long time. But, suffice it to say, we won't be holding our breath for a Jelena wedding.

Justin Bieber: Happier Than Ever With Selena Gomez!


Not everyone is happy to see Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez back together. In fact, most people probably don't want to see Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez back together.

Or see Justin Bieber at all. But that's another topic entirely.

In any case, he couldn't care less, because the pop star turned universally detested bad boy is happier than ever since getting back with "his girl."

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Yes, despite Justin partying on yachts, going on a mission to have sex with models, and getting in trouble with the cops like it's his job, he has seen the light.

Supposedly, anyway. At least until their next breakup.

“Justin is getting really healthy, he wants to look good for Selena so he’s working out a lot, they’re both on a health kick,” a source says of the on-off duo.

“They’re detoxing from all the partying and negativity right now. He’s been hiking every day, that’s his new favorite thing," the alleged insider goes on.

"He’s getting up early because he’s not out partying all night, he’s just been at home chilling with Selena. They hang out, they watch movies, go in the hot tub."

"They play video games, the typical stuff couples do. When they’re together they don’t need all the partying and the craziness ... she totally calms him down."

As far as how he won her back, he allegedly agreed to get "spiritual counseling" and commit himself to being a better person with her by his side.

It's unclear if he's truly interested in getting to that place, now or down the line, but that's certainly a way to get an impressionable girl out of her pants.

“He is more in love with her than ever because he realized that he could have lost the best thing that ever happened to him for good,” the source adds.

“Of course these words were music to her ears."

Of course. Because nothing puts a girl's mind at ease like resuming the same relationship that always ends poorly and expecting a different result.

Selena Gomez Straddles Justing Bieber
Selena Gomez assumes the position in Justin Bieber's new Instagram video.

Selena Gomez Snaps #PassengerSelfie, Shows Off New Weave


For months now, Selena Gomez has been weaving in and out of the life of Justin Bieber.

And in perfect segue news, the singer now also has a weave in her hair!

Gomez showed off this extension herself via an airplane selfie over the weekend, posting the photo below along with the following caption:

"Weave is back. :) hehe #901 #seatbelt #passengerselfie #hashtag."

Selena Gomez with a Weave

Looking good, Selena!

It's nice to see the artist making news for something that doesn't involve her romance with Bieber, which, yes, is back on AGAIN.

Neither side has spoken on the relationship, but Justin recently published (and then deleted) a picture of him kissing Gomez on the cheek, while an insider says Bieber is happier than ever with Selena.

That's great and all - but will it last? Or will Bieber soon grow bored and restless and enamored with some supermodel?

Let's just hope Gomez doesn't have her love blinders on and that her fake hair doesn't also mean she has fake, unrealistic expectations for what a future with Justin Bieber will look like.

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

13 Celebrity Yearbook Pictures (You Won't Even Recognize #8!)


It may seem as if they exist in a wholly different universe, but even celebrities attended middle school and high school.

Seriously! It's true! Remember these celebrity prom photos that really must be seen to be believed?

Now, to further drive home the point that even a global UNICEF ambassador such as Angelina Jolie, and even an amateur sex tape star such as Kim Kardashian, have something in common with regular folks, we've comprised a gallery of celebrity yearbook pictures.

While some actresses look pretty much the same (we'd know Jolie's pouty lips anywhere!), the changes in others from their teenage years until now is remarkable. Like the eighth star listed below, for instance!

If we didn't give you his name, you may not even recognize him! Click around to see what we mean and to whom we're referring:

Angelina Jolie
The pouty lips haven't changed much, have they?

Selena Gomez-Vanessa Hudgens Kiss Photo Posted to Instagram, Life Officially Complete


The day has arrived. You may as well give up on all of your future goals and ambitions because whether you realize it or not, your life is about to peak and it's gonna be all downhill from here.

Ladies and gentlemen, behold - Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens pretending they're about to kiss:

Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens Kiss

Okay, fine. They almost certainly did not start making out after this like they're suggesting in the pic, but Selena and Vanessa almost kissing is better than Selena and Vanessa not even coming close to kissing at all, right?

These two have taken some epic Instagram pics together in the past, but for our money, this shot beats all the others, including the Selena-Vanessa "slut" photo that resurfaced last month.

The important thing to keep in mind about this photo is that it means the thought of making out with each other has passed through the minds of both Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez, at least for the half a second it took them to pose for this photo.

The downside, of course, is that Selena and Justin Bieber are back together (again), which means there's a possibility that Biebs will see this pic and attempt to initiate a Selena-Vanessa threesome.

If that happens, of course, the rest of the men on the planet have no choice but to take his life.

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Pose for Selfie in Canada, Are Totes Back Together


If a picture says 1,000 words, the following selfie of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez would simply repeat the same sentence over and over and over again:


Bieber posted the following black-and-white image to his Instagram account and, unlike a few weeks ago when he initially sparked rumors of a Jelena reconciliation via a photo with Gomez, this one remains online.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Selfie

According to E! News, the famous couple visited a Tim Horton's in Ontario last night around 7:30 pm because Bieber’s father lives around in the area.

Justin comes up to visit a few times a year.

"Selena came to the counter with the bodyguards and Justin went into the bathroom. They came in and ordered a bunch of food and drinks," a witness says of the pair's actions.  "They ordered paninis and crispy chicken sandwiches and donuts."

Sounds delicious!

The onlooker adds that Bieber and Gomez didn't speak and may have even come and gone in separate vehicles, which would imply they are trying to keep their relationship secret.

But then why would Bieber post this picture?

Perhaps he's happy to publicize the romance, while Selena remains hesitant. She doesn't look too excited in the selfie, does she?

Bieber, however, is supposedly happier than ever with Gomez and is treating her like a goddess these days. Let's hope that continues!

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Justin Bieber: Treating Selena Gomez Like a Princess! OMG!


Justin Bieber recently took Selena Gomez on a romantic trip to Canada, and while back home in the Great White North, he treated her like a princess.

Bieber told Gomez, insiders say, that when the pop star planned the trip, she could expect plenty of surprises throughout and to be treated like royalty.

At least until their next awkward split. But she ate that up, or so we've heard!

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Instagram

For now, she is getting the treatment she wants from Justin - and the attention, as he's spoiling her rotten while in Canada, whatever that entails.

“Selena was really excited to get out of town with Justin,” a source says.

“He promised her a trip full of surprises. He planned everything out himself but didn’t tell her any of the details because he wanted to spoil her and surprise her.”

The two posed for a selfie in Canada, signifying that they are totes back on. Justin’s dad Jeremy Bieber was also spotted horseback riding with the two.

Sounds like the whole family was involved. So you KNOW it's serious.

Whether or not Bieber is paying chaperones to keep him out of trouble or not, he seems to be making his role as Selena's boyfriend a top priority.

When he's not running afoul of the law, that is. This takes up a lot of time.

Justin's being investigated for one thing or another every time you turn around, so spending his time and energy on Selena is a good thing for multiple reasons.

A Gomez insider claims that she's on cloud nine these days and "finally bring treated the way she always wanted him to treat her ... like a princess.”

What could be better than Bieber doting on you?! Nothing. No. Thing.

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber Cuddle Up on Instagram


Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber may or may not be destined to be together in life, but they are together right now and enjoying every second of it.

On vacation in Canada, Justin shared a picture of Selena cuddling him and nuzzling his neck, her dark hair cascading all over him in romantic bliss.

Selena and Justin Cuddle

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber jetted off to his native country for the holiday weekend, having recently rekindled their relationship for the 193rd time.

Bieber, who is said to be treating her like a princess when he's not off getting in trouble with the cops, must be smitten, given the public pic sharing.

He's not even taking some of these recent ones down moments after they go live on his social media pages! That's when you know it's love, people.

The pop singer is wearing the same outfit as the one he donned in his recent selfie with Selena, who recently debuted her new weave on Instagram.

We've been hearing that he wanted to whisk her away from LA to really have some quality one-on-one time, and he looks to be making good on that.

“She’s finally bring treated the way she always wanted him to treat her, like a princess,” an insider said of their trip up to Canada with his family.

Sounds pretty serious, at least for the next few hours.

Justin and Selena as a couple: Yay or nay?


Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Selena Gomez: Smoking Hot in NYC!


If Selena Gomez was shaken up by Justin Bieber's arrest for assault in Canada, she wasn't looking it last night, looking sexier than ever in New York.

  • Selena Gomez Cleavage Shot
  • Selena Gomez Cleave Action

She stepped out solo for the first time since the incident, smiling and acting as happy as we've seen her since she was cuddling up to her boyfriend.

Only unlike that photo, these ones feature:

  1. Selena Gomez cleavage
  2. No Justin Bieber

Win-win, people. Win. Win.

New York Fashion Week officially kicks off tonight, and it looks like Gomez was getting a jump on the stylish occasion, looking gorge in her black ensemble.

Jacket draped across her shoulders, neckline plunging gloriously downward ... it's a beautiful thing. As for the alleged Selena Gomez nude photo hacking?

The actress is on the "master list" of stars compromised as part of the year's mega-celebrity photo hacking scandal, also known as The Fappening.

It's not clear if there are real or fake images - many of which are also surfacing on Reddit, 4Chan and beyond - of Gomez, but we can tell you this:

Girl has it goin' on. Wow.

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Selena Gomez Promotes Adidas NEO Line, Lives For a Good Boyfriend (Shirt)


Adidas NEO creator Selena Gomez was out and about promoting her new line this week, and made a funny comment about boyfriends in the process.

“I live for a good boyfriend t-shirt even if I don’t have one. I just want this feeling,” the star told On Demand Entertainment at the brand's Fall 2014 runway show.

Gomez, who designs the Adidas NEO label with input from her fans, made the comment after spending the weekend cuddling up with Justin Bieber.

The couple spent a romantic Labor Day Weekend in Stratford, Ontario, where they rode ATVs, soaked up some rays, and posted adorable Instagram pics.

And in Justin's case, got arrested for assault with an ATV.

While some idiots online will try to read into her "even if I don't have a boyfriend" line, the two are going strong. Gomez left Canada feeling “peaceful.”

Selena thinks Justin’s arrest was “ridiculous” considering that the ATV only collided with  paparazzo's van because they were being followed so aggressively.

His lawyers certainly agree, and she may be called on to give a statement on his behalf. Which she'd be more than happy to do, we're guessing.

Gomez is reportedly “more in love than ever” with the pop singer after their “magical” mini-vacation in which he treated her like the princess she is.

All is right with Jelena. At least for the next 12 hours.

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Snap Selfie, Continue Romantic Reconciliation


Justin Bieber once again spent time with Selena Gomez this weekend, but good news for fans of the singer:

He didn't get arrested this time!

A week after riding ATVs with Selena in Ontario and then getting into an altercation with a photographer, Bieber posted the following photo to Shots yesterday.

He didn't include a caption with it, although he did later write:

"I’m calling out the first fool to copy me with the baseball jersey swag.”

Jelena Selfie

Seriously, folks. Only Justin Bieber can wear a baseball jersey!

Are Justin and Selena back together? It certainly seems that way, based on a number of selfies and sightings.

But Gomez caused fans to wonder a few days ago when she said "I live for a good boyfriend T-shirt, even if I don’t have one."

The Biebs, meanwhile, is due back in a Canadian court later this month to answer charges that he assaulted the driver of a van that was following him and Selena last week.

His lawyers have blamed the incident on paparazzi harassment.

We'd agree and go with that basis, along with the fact that Justin Bieber can be an arrogant jerkface.

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

17 Famous Feuds: Where Does Taylor Swift vs. Katy Perry Rank?


It's sort of official: there's serious bad blood brewing between Taylor Swift and Katy Perry.

It all started when Swift told Rolling Stone that she penned a song on hew new album about an enemy in the world of music, someone who did “something so horrible” when she tried to “sabotage an entire arena tour."

Then, not long after these comments went public, Perry Tweeted a reference to Mean Girls and a "Regina George in sheep's clothing," who we're rather positive is Taylor Swift.

So the claws are pretty much out between two of the top-selling artists in pop music history.

Will things get uglier from here? Who will fire the next shot? And where does this feud rank among recent famous rivalries, which include Drake Bell HATING on Justin Bieber and Jimmy Kimmel trading barbs with Kanye West?

Flip around and decide now:

Katy Perry vs. Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift wrote a song titled "Bad Blood" about an enemy in the music business. We're pretty sure the subject was Katy Perry.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: Wedding on the Way?!?!?!?!


We hope you're sitting down, celebrity gossip lovers.

Because Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are about to get married! For real! We're not making this up...

.. but Life & Style probably is.

With Justin and Selena posing for selfies practically by the day, making it clear they are VERY much back together, a source has supposedly confirmed to the tabloid that things are really serious this time around.

  • Justin Bieber In Deep Thought
  • Smiling Selena Gomez

"They held a secret commitment ceremony in LA and exchanged Cartier promise rings!" a friend exclusively lies reveals in the new issue of Life & Style.

Moreover, the artists are supposedly hoping to take their relationship even further in the coming weeks.

"Justin has wanted to take Selena back to his native Canada and marry her," the source hilariously alleges.

Gomez and Bieber have been on a romantic roller coaster ride for years now.

But there's been smooth sailing for nearly a month now, which might be a record for the young love birds. An insider even says Bieber is treating Gomez like a princess, hopefully realizing the mistakes he's made in the past with her.

Still... marriage? Really?!? So soon?!?

It's a good thing this report is clearly made up or else we'd be even more worked up about the possibility.

But what do YOU think, Jelena fans? Should Bieber and Gomez tie the knot? Or should they wait a little longer before doing so?

Or, heck, should they not do so at all?

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez: Unprotected Sex Gone Wild!


For Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, first comes love.... check!

Then comes marriage... maybe about to be checked!

Then comes baby in a baby carriage... oh, God, please no!

According to the latest issue of OK! Weekly, Justin and Selena are having crazy, wild, “reckless” sex, as Bieber continues to slip it to Gomez without the aid of a condom.

Selena Gomez Straddles Justing Bieber
Selena Gomez assumes the position in Justin Bieber's new Instagram video.

"The two stars are determined to leave their once bright futures almost entirely up to chance," a totally believable source says, explaining that Bieber and Gomez always have unprotected intercourse.

Even after Gomez allegedly suffered a miscarriage a couple years ago? Yup!

"It’s a miracle they haven’t conceived three kids by now, because they don’t take any precautions,” the tabloid writes.

Why would the couple be so irresponsible? Why would they take such risks?

"They think that not using protection proves how in love they are," the insider says.

(THG Public Service Announcement: This is NOT true, kids. It's not even close to being true. The way in which one engages in sex is unrelated to the feelings one has for one's sexual partner. Please take note.)

“To be clear, the pair aren’t exactly trying to make a baby,” alleges the source. “But they also wouldn’t be particularly upset if one came along and have even talked about marrying if it happens.”

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

This is just a bad idea all around.

We mean, there's a good chance Bieber has slept with six supermodels by the time you finished reading this article.

So let's hope OK! isn't telling the truth for once and let's hope Justin and Selena are using some form of protection. After all, Bieber can barely keep himself dressed.

Can you imagine him taking care of a child?!?

17 Stunning Facts About Selena Gomez: Did You Know That...


Selena Gomez is obsessed with Justin Bieber. This is a fact. We all know it.

But did you know on which TV show Selena got her big break? Did you know how many pilots she starred in before one got picked up? Did you know what sort of gross-sounding food she wants to invent?

No? Well... you soon will!

We've compiled a list of Selena Gomez facts that may take aback even the most loyal of supporters, as our crack intern team dug deep to come up with these gems.

Which were you already aware of? Which had you doing a double take? Flip around below and gather up all your Selena scoop now!

(And, no, for the record, we did NOT include Selena having reckless unprotected sex with Justin Bieber because we somehow doubt that's a fact.)

Did you know that...
... Selena first appeared on television on an episode of Barney & Friends?
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