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9 Celebrity Friendships That Go Way, Way Back


Wait... who bought weed from whom in high school?!?

Which two stars appeared together on Barney and Friends?

Which modern day studs were bowling partners before they were movie stars?

In honor of Flashback Friday, we're throwing it way back once again on THG, giving fans a look at celebrities who were close friends long before they were actual celebrities.

How did Selena and Demi meet? What about Kim and Nicole? Courtney and Drew? The (surprising!) answers await! Click around and find out now:

Ryan Gosling and Justin Timberlake
Ryan Gosling and Justin Timberlake met while both were on The Mickey Mouse Club. Look how adorable they are!

Selena Gomez on Instagram: Pray for Gaza...


Selena Gomez has made her opinion known on the raging conflict in the Middle East.

Writing on Instagram that "It's About Humanity," Selena posted the controversial message last night for folks to "Pray for Gaza" in regard to the ongoing battle being waged between Israel and Palestine in that region.

  • Selena Gomez message
  • Selena Gomez, Black and White

Gomez is the latest star to weigh in on this difficult topic, with Rihanna (accidentally, she claims) Tweeting "Free Palestine" earlier in the week, only for the message to be quickly deleted.

But Selena isn't backing off.

“Please pray for those families and babies today. Please always remember what’s important in life,” she explained.

Many are now wondering whether Gomez actually supports Hamas - which has launched numerous missiles in an attempt to destroy Israel - or if she's just expressing prayers for peace in general.

It certainly sounds like the latter, doesn't it?

Gomez concluded her message with the hashtag "#wearethenextgeneration."

At least she's moved on from Justin Bieber, right? At least for the time being.

Here's a look at other stars who have gone political online... and then regretted going so:

Rihanna claims she never meant to Tweet #FreePalestine. The message was taken down immediately after going up.

Andre Hamann Serenades Selena Gomez on Instagram, Makes Singer’s Night


Might the loss of Justin Bieber be the gain of Andre Hamann?

This male model posted a wordless video to Instagram on Saturday night, simply strumming his guitar online and tagging the musical message with "@SelenaGomez."

The singer then replied on Hamann's account, leaving a note that reads "Thank you, made my night."

Oh, and she included along with it a blushing-face emoji. EEEK!

Hamann is a Germany-born model who speaks two languages (not counting the language of love).

He owns a clothing company called Haze And Glory and stands 6’1” off the ground.

It's unclear exactly where he stands with Selena, but could anyone blame Gomez if she's dipping her toes into the hot modeling pool?

Bieber has been posting flirty photos for weeks of himself and Yovanna Ventura, while also giving props to Ashley Moore for her racy lingerie photos.

He and Selena are very much over, with bitter barbs and attractive photos of other suitors being exchanged over Instagram for millions of followers to see.

Are you on Team Justin, Team Selena or Team These Two Are Clearly Better Off Apart and Let's Just Hope Each Is Now Happy?

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Happy 22nd Birthday, Selena Gomez!


It's been an up and down few weeks for Selena Gomez.

First the singer is dating Justin Bieber... then she is not.

Then she's stronger on her own and completely over Justin Bieber... until she writes some mysterious Instagram message allegedly about her ex and flaunts a possible new relationship with model Andre Hamann online.

All we really know for certain is this: Selena Gomez turns 22 years old today!!!

It's an exciting time for the young adult, who is trying to move into the next phase of her singing and acting career. But will she ever be able to move past Bieber?

Let's not focus on that question at the moment. Let's just honor the birthday girl herself via the following gallery of sexy Selena photos. Happy birthday, SG!!!

Selena Gomez: Sheer in Italy
We're in Italy here with Selena Gomez. And we're big fans of what the singer is wearing!

Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne Party It Up in Italy!


Selena Gomez turned 22 today, and from the looks of her Instagram page, the singer/actress/Bieber-ex kicked off the celebration a bit early. 

  • Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne Photo
  • Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne Image

That's Selena with her new BFF, model Cara Delevingne. You might remember Cara from being topless on Instagram, possibly dating Leonardo DiCaprio, or accidentally dropping a bag of coke in front of paparazzi.

In other words, Cara likes to have a good time, and that's why this friendship is causing some concerns in the wake of rumors that Selena is partying harder than ever lately. 

Selena and Cara were in Italy for the Ischia Film Festival, where Selena received the Kids Global Icon Award. Yes, at 22, she's still receiving awards that sound like they should be handed out by Nickelodeon.

Maybe Selena's recent hard partying is just her way of proving to the world she's all grown up.

Whatever the reason, she certainly seemed to be having a good time with bouncing around The Boot in a chartered helicopter.

And who could blame her? Selena's 22, hot, and rich. We just hope that now that she's finally free of the Biebs (maybe) she'll learn to reign it in a bit for the sake of her health and career.

Hanging with the hard-partying Cara probably isn't a good sign, but who knows? Maybe Selena will be a good influence on her.

Selena Gomez: Sheer in Italy
We're in Italy here with Selena Gomez. And we're big fans of what the singer is wearing!

Taylor Swift to Selena Gomez: Happy Birthday!


So much for that Taylor Swift-Selena Gomez feud.

Over the past few weeks, multiple reports have claimed this friendship was over; first because of Justin Bieber and then Swift was too boring.

But does this sound like a friend scorned to you?

"Usually this S represents 'Swift' but today I'm wearing it because SELENA IS 22!!!!" Swift just posted on Instagram, along with the following photo:

Taylor Swift Hearts Selena

See! Forget the chatter, folks! Telena 4 eva and eva!

We join Swift is sending our best birthday wishes to Selena Gomez and we moves so far past Justin Bieber that she forgets his name.

Girlfriend, you can do A LOT better.

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Tommy Chiabra: Spotted Jet Skiing with Selena Gomez!


As previously reported, Selena Gomez has been spending her birthday week in St. Tropez with friends that include model Cara Delevingne.

But Michelle Rodriguez’s ex-girlfriend wasn’t the only individual with whom Gomez hung out. Isn’t that right, Tommy Chiabra?

The new 22-year old was photographed on the back of a jet skit driven by Chiabra, the founder and chairman of Royal Yacht who has been linked romantically in the past to former Gossip Girl star Jessica Szohr.

Tommy Chiabra and Selena Gomez

But might he now need to update his dating resume to include Selena?

Gomez and Justin Bieber are very much over, of course, with their brief reconciliation this spring ending badly.

No one is really sure what went wrong (again) between the stars, but both celebrities have been posting mysterious messages on social media while also flirting openly with other members of the opposite sex.

Earlier in the week, for example, Selena thanked Andre Hamann for serenading her over Instagram.

It still wouldn't shock us if Gomez and Bieber eventually gave it another shot - but what's the point? Isn't it obvious by now that the stars are not good for each other?

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Joan Rivers Defends Israel, Disses Selena Gomez in EPIC Rant!


While most 81-year-old celebrities are retiring from public life or riding out the final years of their careers while carefully avoiding controversies that might tarnish their legacy, Joan Rivers has been ruffling more feathers than ever lately, and whether you love or hate her, you've gotta admit it's been entertaining.

Joan's recent tirades are too numerous to list here, but highlights include Rivers accusing Miley Cyrus of incest, and suggesting that Kim Kardashian has slept with millions of men.

But while she's consistently raised the bar for shocking rants throughout her career, Rivers may have outdone herself at LAX today when she stopped making fun of celebrities and started getting serious about the bloody conflict between Israelis and Palestinians:

The video above features Joan providing her unabashed two cents on the topic, and if you've tweeted #FreePalestine recently, you may want skip the clip so as to avoid smashing your laptop in a fit of rage.

"If New Jersey were firing rockets into New York, we would wipe them out," Rivers said, in reference to Hamas rocket attacks against Israel. "Palestinians, you cannot throw rockets and expect people not to defend themselves."

She goes on like that (the video really has to be seen to be believed), passionately defending Israel and coming off as oddly blasé about the many civilian casualties in Gaza.

If it all sounds like a bit too much reality for a Friday afternoon, we recommend skipping to the 1:23 mark to see Joan doing what she does best: eviscerating young starlets!

Told that Selena Gomez had posted pro-Palestinian messages on her Instagram page, Joan responded as only she can:

"Oh Selena Gomez! That college grad! Let's see if she can spell 'Palestinian!'"

Still nicer than Rivers' Kristen Stewart comments.

Selena Gomez UNICEF Photo
Selena Gomez plays with children here in Nepal. She's there as an ambassador for UNICEF.

Fashion Police Slam Selena Gomez, Label Singer “Hooker Child Bride”


As if Selena Gomez didn't have enough to worry about these days with Justin Bieber seemingly banging every model on two legs, now comes this:

Joan Rivers and the mean people of E! Fashion Police have called out the artist for the sheer ensemble she donned at this month's Ischia Film Festival in Italy.

“Selena has no boobs!” said Rivers. “She fills that bra out about as well as Lauryn Hill filled out her W-2."

Added someone named George Kotsiopoulos: "She looks like a hooker child bride!"

Whoa there! Harsh much, people?!?

The irony of Rivers' slam, of course, is that Selena Gomez boob job rumors continue to circulate online.

So the comedian sort of helped the singer out here by inadvertently shooting down such chatter.

Not that Selena may care at the moment anyway. She was spotted on a jet ski last week, cozying up to Tommy Chiabra

Is she finally moving on from Bieber? Let's hope so, people. Let's hope so.

Selena Gomez: Sheer in Italy
We're in Italy here with Selena Gomez. And we're big fans of what the singer is wearing!

Justin Bieber: Stalking Selena Gomez? Jealous of Cara Delevingne?!


Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne are BFFs these days, and they just spent about a week straight partying in Italy for Selena's 22nd birthday.

Cara's been known to cause some trouble, but based on photos we've seen, the whole trip seemed pretty innocent. After all, who could have a problem with a newly single young woman celebrating her birthday with her new bestie?

Justin Bieber, that's who.

  • Cara Delevingne Pic
  • Selena Gomez: Sheer in Italy
  • Justin Bieber Shrugs

Justin and Selena got back together last month and just as everyone suspected, they were broken up again before the tabloids even had time to print the story.

Shortly thereafter, Selena began hanging out with Cara, who is bisexual and recently broke up with Michelle Rodriguez. Well apparently, Justin's imagination has been running wild with thoughts of what Cara and Selena might be up to behind closed doors, and not in a good way:

Sources say Justin has been doing everything in his power to keep tabs on Calena, including drunk-dialing Cara and demanding information.

"Justin has called Cara on more than one occasion wanting to know what's going on," says the insider. "It's been clear that he's had a drink beforehand, too."

Sadly, the source says that Justin's suspicions are unfounded, and there's nothing going on between the newly single gal pals.

"She's just having friend with a new friend," says the insider.

Hot girl-on-girl action that would also piss off Bieber? We should be so lucky. 

He Can't Keep His Shirt On
Yeah. Selfies like this work if you're Matthew McConaughey. Not Justin Bieber. Also, Matthew McConaughey would never post selfies like this because he doesn't need to constantly beg for attention or prove to himself that he's cool.

Selena Gomez: Going Back to Rehab?


As you've likely heard by now, Justin Bieber spent part of this week getting into a fight with Orlando Bloom.

Sadly, according to the latest issue of In Touch Weekly, Selena Gomez isn’t doing much better these days.

The magazine (erroneously) claims Gomez could be heading “back to rehab,” where she spent a few weeks at the outset of 2014, allegedly due to the scars of her time with Bieber.

Selena Gomez Rehab Claim

It goes on to claim that Gomez has been “partying with hardcore drugs” and that she recently “hit rock bottom.”

This is unexpected news to those who saw photos of Selena riding a jet ski on her birthday with rumored new love interest Tommy Chiabra.

The two look pretty darn happy in our view!

Are friends and family members really begging Selena to get help, as this cover story claims? Or is this another instance of a tabloid looking to make money by trashing the reputation of a celebrity?

Call us crazy. But we're doing with the latter.

Selena Gomez Pregnant Story
This tabloid cover story claims Selena Gomez miscarried Justin Bieber's baby. For shame, In Touch Weekly.

11 Stars Who Don't Like Justin Bieber: You're Not Alone, Orlando Bloom!


As the entire free world now knows, Justin Bieber got into it with Orlando Bloom last night.

The actor tried to punch Bieber over the singer's relationship with Bloom's ex-wife, Miranda Kerr, an action that may have been met with anger by Beliebers around the globe...

... but it was greeted by applause from the following celebrities.

Indeed, Bloom isn't the first famous person to have a beef with Justin Bieber.

Drake Bell wanted to get him deported. Seth Rogan thinks he's an A-Hole. And Taylor Swift gets grossed out at the sight of Selena Gomez pecking her occasional boyfriend.

The basis for the beefs documented below may differ, but one similarity remains: everyone here wants to punch Justin Bieber.

Seth Rogen
Seth Rogen thinks Justin Bieber is a total A-Hole. And he's unafraid to say so... over and over and over.

Selena Gomez: Behaving Badly Movie Receives Worst Reviews of the Year!


These days, the vast majority of news surrounding Selena Gomez is about her personal life, so it can be easy to forget that she still pursues careers in both singing in acting.

But while the nature of Selena's relationship with Justin Bieber is forever in doubt, there's no question about the quality of her latest movie, Behaving Badly. It's bad. Really bad.

So bad, in fact, that the film currently holds a zero percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, meaning that it hasn't received a single favorable review.

Selena Gomez Smirks

That's almost unprecedented for a studio release featuring a big-name star. Even notorious cultural and commercial flops like The Room and Baby Geniuses managed to score some positive feedback.

Needless to say, this doesn't bode well for the future of Selena's acting career. We hate to say it, but when Bieber said Selena was only famous because of him? He may have been on to something.

"A misfiring misadventure not even recommended for die hard Selena Gomez fans," said one critic. Another described Behaving Badly as simply, "The worst movie of 2014."

Ouch. Though, in fairness, some critics claim that Selena's uneven but occasionally charming performance might be the film's only bright spot.

We'd like to recommend Selena stick to films like Spring Breakers. Seems that when she's running around in a bikini and ski mask, people are less concerned about the quality of the movie.

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Selena Gomez Uses N-Word in New Movie: Racist or Just Sticking to the Script?


Selena Gomez stars in a new movie that simply should've never been made, much less released in theaters.

Not only has Behaving Badly received the worst reviews of the year, but a newly leaked clip from the film shows Selena casually dropping a racial slur.

Pay close attention around 0:16 mark. Selena is listing reasons that she should've dumped her ex-boyfriend (How appropriate!) and of them includes the fact that his "ringtone was 'N--ga What, N--ga Who.'"

You really have to listen up, because Selena's voice suddenly drops in plain recognition of the fact that she really shouldn't be saying a line like that.

Sure, she's playing a character and the line is a reference to a 1999 Jay Z song, but still makes for an odd dialogue choice that's more likely to confuse audiences than elicit laughter.

For one thing, that song came out when Selena was six years old. Surely, the screenwriters could've chosen a more age appropriate hit for her to name drop.

Secondly, the more popular radio version of the track was titled "Jigga What, Jigga Who." Couldn't Selena have just said that?

Particularly in the wake of the Justin Bieber's racist video scandal, it seems the producers of Behaving Badly decided to include the scene in their final cut in order to desperately drum up some publicity for a movie that's destined for the bargain bin at Wal-Mart and a handful of Razzie Awards.

Unfortunately, they used Selena as their unwitting pawn. 

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Joan Rivers to Rihanna and Selena Gomez: Get Off Drugs and Leave Me Alone!


Joan Rivers has never been the shy type, but the 81-year-old comedy legend has been sharing her views more openly than ever while promoting her latest book.

While her ruthless jabs are usually reserved for celebrities and their fashion choices, recently Joan has entered the political arena and set her sights on Hamas and Selena Gomez.

That may seem like an odd combination of targets (and it is), but they're not totally unrelated.

Selena tweeted her support for Gaza last week, joining the long list of celebrities who have sided with Palestine in the bloody, ongoing conflict. 

Rivers is staunchly pro-Israel and, consequently, anti-Selena. She shared her views in her typically outspoken fashion during a recent interview on Israeli television:

"Selena, who just came out of rehab who I believe is not a college girl," said Rivers. "Rihanna, who is beautiful but is not the brightest bulb in the lamp, they see pictures of children and they go crazy. I think Israel should start showing pictures of dead puppies, and you'll see these girls turn right around."

She continued, "If America were being attacked by Mexico and one rocket came over, there would not be a Mexico. Hamas, who are terrorists, who are not legal...everyone forgets what we are dealing with here."

"These girls should shut up, put on pretty clothes, and get themselves off of drugs and leave me alone."

As always, you can accuse Joan of just about anything except playing coy.

Seth Rogen vs. Nancy Grace
Nancy Grace wondered aloud on Twitter whether pot was to blame for a guy killing his wife. Seth Rogen replied that the anchor is a "dumbass."

Selena Gomez Nude Photos Leaked: Real or Fake?!


A series of alleged Selena Gomez nude photos have hit the Internet, posted by a Tumblr user claiming they are indeed of the 22-year-old singer and actress.

Allegedly leaked via a hacked cell phone, the pictures do bear an uncanny resemblance to Gomez in some respects, although the evidence isn't conclusive.

Selena Gomez's Lips

For that, we'd need to have a photo that wasn't cropped right above her luscious lips, which all of these conveniently are. Really? No face in any of them?!

This very well could all be the work of a talented (bored, unemployed and sort of vindictive) Photostop artiste, and would not be the first faux scandal of its kind.

That said, this topless girl - Selena or not - does look a lot like her, with moles in similar locations and the same facial structure as the young celebrity.

The shape of the girl’s lips really resembles Selena's signature feature, and that would be a lot harder to falsify than a couple of moles on her chest.

Speaking of her chest, that's even less conclusive. Unless you believe the Selena Gomez boob job rumors, they look bigger in some pics than in others.

Click through the (NSFW, obviously) gallery below to see what we mean:

Sultry, See-Through Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez (supposedly) in a series of photos that leaked to the web this week. Think that's her? Wait until you see the others ...

Some of that could he how she poses, of course, but we're skeptical that some of these voluptuous pictures are even the same girl, let alone Selena Gomez.

As for whether she would take such photos and that they would leak? That actually would not surprise us, given the history of who we're talking about.

Despite her carefully-cultivated good girl reputation, Selena's penchant for partying is well documented, and she's dated Justin Bieber like nine times now.

You gotta figure some of his sexy shenanigans are going to wear off on her ... or she's the real freak and just increasingly desperate for his attention.

We're just speculating. Now it's your turn. Scroll through the (NSFW!!) gallery to peruse the alleged leaked pics, then vote in our poll and comment below:

The "Selena Gomez nude pics" that leaked online are totally ...


Selena Gomez Rep: Nude Photos Are NOT HER!


Selena Gomez is denying reports that she is the sultry woman in a series of nude photos that leaked online this week and sparked serious speculation.

  • New Selena Gomez Tattoo
  • Selena Gomez's Lips

The shots, conveniently show a young woman from the chin down in several sexy poses. In one, she appears to have moles matching Gomez's own.

The pictures never showed her face, however, and while many probably wished they were gazing upon Selena Gomez nude, it was not the case in the end.

It’s “not her,” a rep for the celebrity told Gossip Cop plainly.

Some sites even speculated that not only were the pictures legitimate, they may have been taken for Justin Bieber during one of their romantic phases.

Alleged mole, jaw and lip similarities aside, they were not.

While we wouldn't put it past her to take selfies like these, unless those Selena Gomez boob job rumors were true (and they most likely aren't), well ...

She's gorgeous and stunning, but not quite that well endowed.

Alas, this looks like the work of a semi-talented Photostop artiste and a young woman with Selena Gomez-esque features and probably daddy issues.

Still worth a look, sure, but not Ms. Gomez. Sorry/phew.

Sultry, See-Through Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez (supposedly) in a series of photos that leaked to the web this week. Think that's her? Wait until you see the others ...

Celebrity Break-Ups of 2014: Who Entered Splitsville?


It hasn't been a great week for love in Hollywood.

Ariana Grande split from Jai Brooks because he wasn't supportive of her. Ramona Singer ended her marriage because her husband Mario was unfaithful.

Joe Jonas stopped giving it to Blanda Eggenschwiler. Chris Brown and Karrueche Tran ... we don't know what is going on there. But it appears to be over.

But at least all of the above take solace in the following: they aren't alone. Far from it, in fact, as a number of high-profile romances have already met their demise in 2014. 

We're not taking sides. We're not judging the basis for these break-ups. We're just running down the celebrities who have found themselves single so far this year:

Naya Rivera and Big Sean
Naya Rivera and Big Sean called it quits while rumors that he cheated took the celebrity gossip blogosphere by storm.

Selena Gomez Wins Ultimate Choice Award, Takes Mini Jab at Justin Bieber


Take that, Justin Bieber?

The young singer did not win a single Teen Choice Award last night, as his typically loyal fan base not only shut him out at the ceremony, but it gave a standing ovation to his ex-girlfriend.

Selena Gomez earned the Ultimate Choice Award, the night's biggest honor, taking the stage and showing love for her fans.

Noting that, "especially this month," things have been challenging, Gomez said:

"I cannot thank you guys enough, amidst all this stuff that we deal with. I'm not trying to preach or any of that, it's just that you guys make me better."

Is there any doubt here that Selena is referencing Justin?

The stars broke up a long time ago, but Bieber continues to taunt his ex with photos of models he's probably banging and he got into an altercation with Orlando Bloom toward the end of July.

Just a few days ago, Bieber held hands with Kendall Jenner at a party in Spain.

Gomez concluded her speech by giving a shout-out to her mother.

"I want to thank my mom so much," the former Disney actress said. "She's the greatest human being in the world. And she's strong."

She isn't the only one in the family, Selena. She isn't the only one.

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Taylor Swift: SO Happy Selena Gomez Dumped Justin Bieber!


Taylor Swift is beyond thrilled to have her best friend back, so-called insiders claim, after Selena Gomez dumped Justin Bieber, which allegedly happened.

It's not clear if Selena actually did any curb-kicking when it comes to her douchey ex, but the two are not together romantically, that's for darn sure.

At least for this week.

  • Taylor Swift at the 2014 Teen Choice Awards
  • Selena Gomez at the 2014 Teen Choice Awards

We also know that Taylor was never a fan of Jelena, so it's no surprise to read reports that she is excited by her bestie's newfound single status.

Not only that, she's started playing matchmaker (not sure you should let Taylor Swift help with that, but we digress), and is so “proud” of how Selena is doing.

Selena jabbed at Justin during last night's Teen Choice Awards (or so it appeared), leaving little doubt that the two are not bumping uglies at the moment.

No one is more stoked about that than Taylor.

“Taylor and Selena have been talking a lot more now that Justin is out of the picture,” an unnamed source dished to one celebrity gossip website.

“She’s so relieved that Selena finally came to her senses and dumped Justin. She is so proud of Selena and how’s she’s been handling the break-up.”

The friends hit a rough patch while Selena was still with Justin, but now that Gomez “came to her senses” and told Justin to get lost, Taylor is back on board.

Suffice it to say, if Swift were Ibiza and watching Bieber get punched by Orlando Bloom, she would have been cheering him on along with Leonardo.

No word if Taylor was the one who set Gomez up with Tommy Chaibra, but Selena is said to be "single and ready to mingle," with Justin a distant memory.

At least until the next booty call.

Selena Gomez Straddles Justing Bieber
Selena Gomez assumes the position in Justin Bieber's new Instagram video.
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