Over the summer, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber got back together for the 433rd time, and things seemed to be going well for a while.
They were going to church together, Justin was pretending to not be the spawn of Satan, and it was even rumored that Selena was moving in with Bieber.
Then they went to Paris for Fashion Week. As soon as they touched down, Justin took Kendall Jenner to dinner, and basically spent the entire trip ditching Selena to hang out with cooler celebs (which in his mind means the Kardashians).
So has Selena finally come to her senses and ditched the shirt-allergic tool? Sounds too good to be true, but based on her latest tweets, that just might be the case:
"Sometimes we think we aren't good enough. But then I realize when I think I'm alone have God," Selena tweeted last night.
Just minutes later she added, "We have to learn the hard way sometimes."
Okay, so it's not like she came right out and said, "I ditched that fool and his crusty pube-stache! Where's Orlando Bloom at?!"
Still, posting such contemplative tweets just a day after Justin was allegedly caught cheating on her (Again!) could be a sign that Selena has finally gotten fed up.
Guess the 433rd time wasn't the charm!