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Selena Gomez Slams Grown-Up Critics: Get a Life!


Considering her roller coaster relationship with Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez expects to her some negativity from her occasional boyfriend's fan base.

They're loyal. They're passionate. They're probably like 13 years of age on average.

But adults? The singer fails to comprehend why so many people who are old enough to know better also harass her online so often.

Selena Gomez in Paris

"I get picked on by grown adults all the time," Gomez told E! News this week while promoting her new film, Rudderless. "It's grown-ups and I don't get it. It just baffles me."

Selena then couldn't help but get a bit personal in response to these haters.

"I wish I could just sit them down and say, 'What were you doing at 15? What were you doing at 18? What were you doing at 21?'" she added. "Because I can guarantee you it's not half of what I've done.'"

Yes! You go, girl!

Couldn't Selena just sign off of Twitter or Instagram and not concern herself with these critics?

Sure, but "I refuse to let them win," she explained, going on to say those social media platforms offer her a unique opportunity.

"I want to be that person for those girls and for my fans," said Gomez, angling to serve as a role model. "It's nice to be able to connect with my fans. I'm a part of it. I'm totally involved."

Gomez has 23.7 million followers on Twitter, 16 million on Instagram and 64 million fans on Facebook.

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

The young singer and actress also appeared on Ellen this week and honestly assessed her recent life changes, which often lead to online scrutiny.

She admitted that she's far from perfect and graded herself as a "7" on a scale of 1-10 in terms of where she sees herself at the moment. Why's that?

Watch Selena's candid interview to find out:

Selena Gomez to Hire Kris Jenner as Manager?


Selena Gomez is in need of a new manager after sacking her mom from the job earlier this year, and one name continues to pop up as a potential replacement:

Kris Jenner!

  • Simply Selena Gomez
  • Kris Jenner Red Carpet Image

According to reports, she got tired of being managed by family, feeling like her mom was out of her depth despite having nurtured her talent for so long.

Now that she's, like, a bona fide celebrity though, she is seeking someone with an abundance of experience to further grow her brand and build her empire.

Kris Jenner has certainly done that, having turned one innocent Kim Kardashian sex tape pummeling from Ray J into an empire worth untold millions of dollars.

As ridiculous as that statement sounds, and as questionable as so many of her actions are, you gotta hand it to Kris from a business growth perspective.

Selena Gomez says Selena Gomez haters can get a life, too, so she likely wouldn't fear the backlash. It's also believed that the two women are close.

“They really hit it off” during Paris Fashion Week, sources report, and “Kris sees a lot of potential in Selena and told her she’d love to manage her career.”

They both have Justin Bieber connections, too, given the pop star's close bond with the Jenner clan, and more literal tight bond with Gomez. Physically.

Did you know that...
... Selena first appeared on television on an episode of Barney & Friends?

But would the Keeping Up With the Kardashians stars approve of their mother broadening out and managing other celebs with no connection to the family?

Do they have a say in the matter? As we know, Kris is the ultimate shot-caller, and you can either buy in or pack your bags and move out (as Bruce did).

What do you think? Would it be a good or bad move for Selena personally and professionally to join forces with the Momager of the Millennium?

Hit the comments below to discuss!

Selena Gomez Reveals Celebrity Crush: It Ain't Justin Bieber!


You can go ahead and keep your random supermodels, Justin Bieber.

Selena Gomez is cool with it. She has a crush of her own.

During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday, the singer admitted that she's always admired her co-star in the new film Rudderless.

"I had a crush on him," Gomez said of Billy Crudup. "I went through my whole Almost Famous phase, so I was like Penny Lane for a good month - I wore the outfits and had the hair and the glasses...

"And then I found out I was going to be a part of the movie [with Billy] and it took me a minute at first, because I kind of had a little bit of a crush on him!"

Gomez went on to say that Crudup is "awesome," but all feelings outside of friendship are gone for her.

Selena, meanwhile, has a whole lot going on at the moment.

Rumor has it that she may actually hire Kris Jenner as her manager (NOOOO!!!!), while she continues to date Bieber for some reason.

She's also battling against adult critics who have taken her to take online, recently telling E! News that these people need to get a life.

"I wish I could just sit them down and say, 'What were you doing at 15? What were you doing at 18? What were you doing at 21?'" Selena said of the haters. "Because I can guarantee you it's not half of what I've done.'"

We love it!

Selena Gomez: Sheer in Italy
We're in Italy here with Selena Gomez. And we're big fans of what the singer is wearing!

Selena Gomez Talks Living Alone, Walking Around Naked!


Despite rumors that Selena Gomez is living with Justin Bieber these days, the 22-year-old starlet is actually sharing a house with her childhood BFF.

And according to her latest interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Selena is fully enjoying the benefits of living in a dude-free zone:

"It's good, I can, like, walk around naked now," Selena said. She added that she enjoys not having to check in with anyone. (That means you, Biebs!)

Of course, Selena is doing a lot of grown-up things these days including slamming her adult critics (Yay!) and hiring Kris Jenner as her manager. (Boo!)

So it's a mixed bag with SelGo, but as she points out, she's only in her early 20s, and she has plenty of time to grow, change, and let go of the douchey, Canadian mistakes of her past.

Selena's been making the media rounds lately to promote her buzzed-about indie film Rudderless, in which she co-stars with her celebrity crush, Billy Crudup.

So yeah, she's going around talking about how she loves living alone and has a thing for mature, older men who don't sip sizzurpand crash their snowmobiles into paparazzi.

If we were the Biebs, we might be starting to get worried.

Selena Gomez Bikini Instagram Photo
Selena Gomez rocks a bikini in this Instagram photo. She says in the caption that she is "taking" her "power" back.

Selena Gomez Praises Taylor Swift, Shares Important Life Advice


Selena Gomez is making the talk show rounds these days.

Last week on Ellen, the singer talked about owning her own home, walking around naked and trying to be the best Selena Gomez she can be.

Appearing on The Talk Friday, meanwhile, the artist shifted her focus to her very famous best friend: Taylor Swift.

"She was actually at my house the other day and we were sitting by the fire and I was talking about relationships and business in my life, Selena explained, continuing:

"And she just kind of looked at me and was like, ‘Selena, if you're the smartest person in the room, I think you're going to be in the wrong room.' She thinks I should constantly surround myself with people who are going to make me better, that are going to challenge and motivate me."

The audience applauded at this line, as Gomez concluded: "It kind of stuck to me. I want to surround myself with those people."

There's been chatter in the past, of course, that Swit does not approve of Selena dating Justin Bieber.

Remember the infamous reaction backstage at last year's Billboard Music Awards? When Swift appeared to be grossed out over Gomez pecking Bieber?

That topic wasn't broached specifically on The Talk, but Selena did say overall of Taylor:

"She supports me and never judges me for anything."

That is very good to hear. It's nice to know these two are best friends forever and ever.

Selena Gomez: Sheer in Italy
We're in Italy here with Selena Gomez. And we're big fans of what the singer is wearing!

Selena Gomez SIZZLES in New Photo Shoot: Ready to Drool?


Selena Gomez has posted a pair of new photos to Instagram that scream either one of two messages:

  1. Eat your heart out, Justin Bieber.
  2. Or come home and come and get it, Justin Bieber!

Or, we suppose, this photo shoot could have nothing to do with Justin Bieber. But that's not nearly as fun to imagine.

  • Stunning Selena
  • Selena Gomez for Asis Jerome

Donning a black-and-white blazer, along with a lace-up bodysuit, Gomez is posing above for photographer/filmmaker Asis Jerome.

Aside from referencing Jerome, Gomez said very little in her accompanying captions, but that's understandable, isn't it?

What is there to say about these snapshots, except the following: YOWZA!

Gomez, meanwhile, has been busy on the talk show circuit in promotion of her new film, Rudderless.

She spoke about her friendship with Taylor Swift on The Talk last Friday; she discussed living alone (and walking around naked!) on Ellen the day before; and she stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live last week to admit she used to have a celebrity crush.

On whom? Here's a hint: it wasn't Justin Bieber!

Here's a look at many other sexy Selena Gomez photo. Enjoy, gents!

Selena Gomez: Sheer in Italy
We're in Italy here with Selena Gomez. And we're big fans of what the singer is wearing!

Justin Bieber: Banging Barbara Palvin to Make Selena Gomez Jealous?!


Over the summer, the world learned that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were back together for the 417th time.

The couple reportedly swore to friends that this time would be different. Sources claimed they were both committed to making the relationship work, and as recently as last month it seemed that Justin and Selena were planning to move in together.

Then, in news that was every bit as shocking as the sun rising or the Jacksonville Jaguars continuing to suck, Justin and Selena broke up again.

One might think that after so many failed reconciliations, JB and SelGo might finally be ready to go their separate ways for good, but as Justin's 8,000 brushes with the law prove, dude's not big on learning from past mistakes.

  • Justin Bieber and Barbara Palvin
  • Selena Gomez in Paris

So naturally, Justin is doing everything in his power to win Selena back...including banging a Victoria's Secret model.

Yes, Bieber and Barbara Palvin are reportedly hooking up again, but this time Justin's got a hidden agenda (as though anyone needs a reason to bang Barbara Palvin):

"Right now, he's hooking back up with Palvin," says a source. "Justin is pissed that Selena is ignoring him and he knows that would hurt her, so he's all for it. Anything he can do to get her attention, and if it's not good attention, he'll go for bad attention."

To recap: Justin Bieber is having sex with Barbara Palvin in order to get attention from his ex-girlfriend. We can't decide if he's an incredible moron or the greatest genius to ever live.

Adriana Lima
Mere weeks after ending her marriage to Marko Jaric, Adriana Lima allegedly went home from a party in Cannes with The Biebs. We're guessing he hit a home run with her!

Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom: NOT Hitting It (Just Hitting We Day)!


Despite a rash of recent reports, Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom aren't getting it on. They're just getting the word out together about We Day, the latter says.

Surprisingly, Bloom spoke about the Gomez dating rumors that have been swirling on and off for months while chatting with a photographer yesterday.

At the airport, the 37-year-old actor was questioned by some members of the paparazzi about the exact nature of his relationship with the 22-year-old starlet.

Rather than ducking out or decking someone, he responded:

“No man, we were just attending We Day together."

“You heard of We Day? You should check it out.”

“So not true then?” the photographer asks.

“No,” Orlando says, before peacing out.

With the romantic status of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber constantly in flux, and Bloom linked to her more than once, these rumors have heated up of late.

Speculation began swirling most recently when the celebrities were seen at the airport together earlier this week. The duo both did attend We Day in Vancouver.

We Day is the movement of our time, empowering a generation of young global citizens via an inspirational event and a year-long educational initiative.

Or so Google search results have told us.

That special event drew a crowd of many celebrities, all of whom dropped what they were doing to be a part of what they hope is a world-changing thing.

Just not one that involves Selena Gomez's pants dropping for Orlando Bloom at the hotel afterward, or Bloom dropping Justin Bieber with one punch.

Sadly. We could watch that on endless loop.

He Can't Keep His Shirt On
Yeah. Selfies like this work if you're Matthew McConaughey. Not Justin Bieber. Also, Matthew McConaughey would never post selfies like this because he doesn't need to constantly beg for attention or prove to himself that he's cool.

Justin Bieber: Trying to Win Selena Gomez Back With Mom & Alfredo Flores Helping?


The 104th reconciliation of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez fizzled earlier this month, and Selena has been doing her best to move on with her life.

But Justin, forever motivated to win her back, only to drive her away again, has enlisted his mom and his best friend to continue the cycle once more.

  • Justin Bieber is Wack
  • Sexy Selena Gomez Dress

Pattie Mallette and Alfredo Flores are both putting the screws to Gomez, so to speak, in hopes that Justin may screw her in a different sense soon.

If you know wheat we mean! EDITOR'S NOTE: We mean raw, unprotected sex.

“Selena loves Justin’s mom so he knows that she’s not going to ignore her calls,” a source said. “Pattie loves it when Selena and Justin are together."

"She knows how happy and grounded it makes Justin. He lives a healthy life when he’s with Selena so of course his mom wants to see them get back together.'

"She’s [gotten them] together before so if anyone can do it this time, she can.”

To that end (maybe), Pattie Tweeted earlier today: "Every conflict is an opportunity to grow. #StayTender #ForgiveQuickly #communicate #LoveWins.”

Oh man, that settles it, then! Selena and Justin MUST BE TOGETHER!!

As for his other accomplice, we know Alfredo Flores was dispatched to We Day to make sure Selena Gomez and Orlando Bloom aren't together.

Okay, maybe not, but he was there, and stayed close to her with a mission.

“Alfredo was telling Selena how much Justin misses her, showing her texts from Justin and telling her she got it all wrong, that kind of thing,” a source said.

“Justin wants her back. He’s got everyone helping him make it happen.”

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Of course, Justin's banging Barbara Palvin to make her jealous, too, if you believe another interesting tabloid rumor from the past week, so who knows.

With this goon, only two things are certain:

  1. Dude will wear a shirt as little as humanly possible, except when he plays hockey, as that requires a lot of gear (he has sick hockey skills).
  2. He will always try to slip one between the pads, and we're not talking about hockey. Although as we said, he has sick hockey skills.

What do you think: Should Justin and Selena get back together?


Selena Gomez Makes Like Kylie Jenner, Shows Off Pouty Lips on Instagram


Who knew Selena Gomez was such a big fan of Kylie Jenner's lip injections?

We kid, mostly. But you've got to admit, a couple of Selena's recent Instagram photos look quite similar to Kylie's new look. The resemblance is uncanny.

Kylie Jenner. Just 17 years young and already influencing the stars ...

  • Selena Gomez Lips
  • Selena Gomez Pouty Lips

“Naughty @gwenysloco,” Selena captioned the picture at left.

"#shareyourbeauty" Gomez captioned the sexy image at right.

Share your awkward lip injection selfies might be more like it.

While any actual connection to the young Jenner and the lip injection debate that she frequently sparks online is unlikely and unclear, Gomez is pretty pouty.

The Spring Breakers actress and Kylie do have a history, too.

Selena had a falling out with Kylie and Kendall Jenner earlier this year, and given all three of the girls' strong connections to Justin Bieber, it's hard not to speculate.

Perhaps Selena isn’t a fan of the teenager's plumper lips.

Or of Kylie, in general. Truly, we may never know.

Kylie Jenner Then and Now
Kylie Jenner now and just a few years ago. She looks a tad different.

Is she a pro at using lip liner and pouting, Kylie style, or is she getting lip injections? Do lip injections count as plastic surgery? We’re not sure on either count.

Either way, these truths cannot be disputed:

  • Selena leads Kylie 16,640,761-13,311,424 in Instagram followers.
  • Selena and Bieber's romantic status is complicated to say the least.
  • She is insecure, into her appearance and Googles herself often.
  • It's very possible she will watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online just to learn more about the two girls her on-off beau hangs out with.

Selena Gomez, Other Stars GUSH Over New Taylor Swift Album


In case you have somehow not heard, Taylor Swift's new album is now available to download.

And while fans rush over to iTunes (is there any doubt "1989" is poised to break every conceivable record?), many celebrities have already listened to Swift's new record and have gone online to offer up their VERY positive assessment of it.

Leading the way, of course, is Taylor's bestie, Selena Gomez.

Selena and Taylor Collage

The occasional Justin Bieber girlfriend posted the above collage of her and Swift on Instagram today, along with a heartfelt message for her close friend.

"From hotel room album listening parties, kitchen dance floor album listening parties to driving on the pch, windows down album listening parties. -The best part is we were the only ones there," Selena wrote, adding:

"Each time. So happy, honored and proud to know you and your diaries. @taylorswift #1989 BUY IT!!! -now I'll listen live from drowning in my bed sheets."

Here's a rundown of what many others have Tweeted about Swift's new album:

Lena Dunham: My favorite songs on #1989 are This Love, Blank Space, Out of the Woods and also every single song.

Ed Sheeran: Go grab yourself @taylorswift13's new album, it just came out and it's stellar.

Lorde: i first heard style driving down the pacific coast highway and it was EVERYTHING i chair-danced so hard you have no idea #TS1989.

Sarah Hyland: "Cuz you know I love the players/ and you love the game"- @taylorswift13. I love this woman.

Tavi Gevinson: 1989 RESURRECTED MY SOUL/thought i was bored of writing about anything/talk 2 me abt the chemical change taking place in my body re: "Style"

Odeya Rush: "When I was drowning that's when I could finally breathe" ironic how  breathtakingly beautiful these lyrics are. @taylorswift13 #TS1989

Ingrid Michaelson: All You Had To Do Was Stay. #TS1989

So... have you picke dup "1989" yet? What is YOUR favorite track off the album?

Taylor Swift Twerking
Taylor Swift Twerking and grinding against Taylor Swift in an amazing GIF mashup of Taylor Swift photos.

Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting Dress as Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, Really Do Win Halloween


We apologize to Beyonce and Blue Ivy, who dressed up as Janet and Michael Jackson.

And we still give props to Ellen DeGeneres, who made like Amal Alamuddin while walking around with a pretend George Clooney as her husband.

But Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting have truly, officially, without a doubt won Halloween 2014... by going out as Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez!!!!!!!!

Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting Halloween Costumes

“The Biebs and Selena never disappoint,” Cuoco wrote on Instagram as a caption to this amazing photos.

The Big Bang Theory star donned a black hoodie, sunglasses and, as the icing on the creative cake, a bunch of fake tattoos for the occasion.

Her husband, Sweeting, stunned in a gorgeous black dress. Seriously. Look at him in that thing!

Plenty of other celebrities made an impression yesterday, of course.

Taylor Swift dressed as a unicorn-pegasus hybrid she referred to as a "Pegacorn," while Kim Kardashian sported two costumes: a skeleton body suit and an impressive outfit that helped her resemble Vogue Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour.

For our money, however, Cuoco and Sweeting making like the most annoying on-again/off-again couple in Hollywood wins as the most creative Halloween costume of 2014.

Compare it to some past and present looks below and decide for yourself:

Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus has selected her Halloween costume. She's going as Lil Kim. What do you think?

Selena Gomez: "Still Obsessed" With Justin Bieber, Friend Claims


These days, or really any day since we began covering their lives and times, it's tough to tell what's going on with Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.

Selena Gomez Kisses Justin Bieber

Last week, one rumor had it that Justin was trying to win Selena back... with the help of his mother, Patti Mallette, and one of his friends.

Prior to that Justin was banging Barbara Palvin, one of several supermodels he's been tied to or late, to try and make Selena jealous.

Needless to say, their relationship doesn't make much sense (or any sense) these days, but the latest rumor might be the most baffling yet:

"[Selena] is still obsessed with Justin and always will be," a source tells Radar Online.

Pretty surprising stuff, considering Justin has cheated, been arrested multiple times, and sent Selena abusive text messages just in the past year. 

Remember that exchange? If so, here's a refresher:

Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez Text #1
One of five text message screen caps allegedly sent from Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez. It's pretty interesting if true.

As you may have guessed, Selena's friends are getting pretty sick of this never-ending charade and Gomez constantly running back to the Biebs:

"Everyone is really sick of hearing the same old story. Nothing changes with them. She gets back with him, he lies, he gets caught, she gets upset and then tries to make him jealous."

Pretty much sums it up right there.

The anonymous friend adds that there was never anything romantic going on between Selena and Orlando Bloom, and Gomez was simply using the older actor to try and make Justin jealous:

"Selena knows that getting photographed with Orlando would piss Justin off and it did," says the insider.

Yup, sounds like things are as healthy as ever in Jelena Land. 

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Selena Gomez Breaks Down in "The Heart Wants What It Wants" Music Video


For years, many have been looking at Selena Gomez and wondering:

What is it with Justin Bieber?!?

We get it. He has a killer smile and a great set of abs and an angel gets its wings every time the guy strums a guitar... but still. He's sort of an arrogant jerk, is he not?

So, why has Selena stuck around for so long? Why does she keep going back to Bieber?

Gomez basically answers that question with the title of her latest sing. The Heart Wants What It Wants, folks. Check out the just-released music video now:

"I have been waiting to share this with all of you… The video for my new single ‘The Heart Wants What It Wants’,” Selena Tweeted upon releasing this footage.

Sings Gomez, while fighting back tears in the video, “there is a million reasons why I should give you up/But the heart wants what it wants."

See. We told you this could apply to Justin Bieber, considering sources claim Selena remains obsessed with Justin.

"The Heart Wants What It Wants" set to appear on the 22-year-old star's upcoming first greatest hits compilation album. It will be titled "For You" and it will come out on November 24 via Hollywood Records.

We can't wait!

Did you know that...
... Selena first appeared on television on an episode of Barney & Friends?

Selena Gomez Opens WAY Up About New Video, Justin Bieber Relationship


Selena Gomez has released her most personal music video to date.

Earlier today, she came out with "The Heart Wants What It Wants," opening the footage with raw narration that includes: "You make me feel crazy, you make feel like it’s my fault. I was in pain."

Is Selena addressing her tumultuous relationship with Justin Bieber? Yes. Gomez admitted as much in an interview today with Ryan Seacrest.

Explaining that the video was shot a year ago, Gomez opened up more about Bieber and all they've been through than she ever has before.

"I made some decisions that weren’t great and so did he and that’s why we went through all that, to only make us better. And he has heard [the song] and he has seen the video, and it’s something that I feel like girls need hear, and it’s something I’m willing to share with people."

What did Bieber think of the track, which is clearly autobiographical in nature? 

"He thought it was beautiful," Gomez replied.

Justin and Selena, of course, have been going back and forth in the romance department for years.

When this video was shot, Selena was just a few weeks away from entering rehab for emotional issues that many say were related to Bieber.

She didn't specifically touch on those in this chat with Seacrest, but did cite the music video release as the "perfect way to end a chapter in a way," expounding:

"t’s like, this is what I’ll say about every single person that has judged me for every decision that I’ve made, for every person, [and] heart that is being judge for something they’ve done, and now I just want to release it.

"I want to keep going and I want to work on things and have all the focus just be on what I love and have fun, and new music, and a new chapter in my life. I’m excited."

But does that chapter include Justin Bieber? Gomez is very much obsessed with him, according to a new report.

"I support him. I think I always will. I’m upset when he’s upset, I’m happy when he’s happy. I don’t want anything bad ever happen to him. It hurts me. That’s all."

That's not all. That's more than either Justin or Selena have said in public about their romance since it began, really.

Elsewhere in the Q&A, Selena touches on a return to television and shares what Taylor Swift thinks of her video.

Check out the full interview above and react now!

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Justin Bieber Unfollows Selena Gomez on Instagram: Is It Over... AGAIN?


In a recent interview, Selena Gomez opened way up about Justin Bieber.

The artist never referred to Bieber as her "boyfriend," but she did tell Ryan Seacrest that she's happy when Justin is happy and she's upset when Justin is upset.

But now fans are being forced to wonder: How does she feel when Justin Bieber unfollows her on Instagram? BECAUSE THAT JUST HAPPENED!

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

The Biebs only follows a handful of close friends and loved ones on his social media account (his parents, Kendall Jenner, Kylie Jenner, etc.) and followers just noticed that his count dropped from 45 to 44 late on Wednesday.

No one is quite sure what this means. But it can't be good for the future of Jelena, can it?

Gomez and Bieber have broken up more times than we can count, of course.

They rekindled their romance over the summer after attending a mutual friend's birthday party together and then posting several intimate photos online.

Earlier this month, Selena dropped the official music video for "The Heart Wants What It Wants," as the footage depicts the crying superstar clearly singing about Bieber and how she simply can't deny her connection to him.

"There is a million reasons why I should give you up/But the heart wants what it wants," Selena croons on the track.

But, it must be asked, what if Bieber doesn't want her in return any longer? Sad face.

11 Celebrity Couples Who Like to Ride the Romantic Roller Coaster


As Us Weekly as irritatingly told readers for many years now, stars... they're just like us!

They take out the trash. They get coffee in their sweat pants. And they can't always make up their minds about love.

Even the most well-known singers, actors and reality stars have made headlines over the past few years for breaking up and reconciling time and again with the same famous person.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
As of this writing, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are kind of, sort of together. They seemed to be doing well, but then he stopped following her on Instagram and... yeah. We have no idea.

One artist is actually on this list twice. Another celebrity pairing is causing fans to wonder about its relationship status on a daily basis.

And still another twosome is actually married, proving that there's hope yet for couples that are sick of riding the romantic roller coaster. It does sometimes come to a halt. And wedding bells are sometimes waiting at the end of this tumultuous ride.

Calm down, though, Team Jelena supporters. You should probably remain buckled up for the next few years.

Justin Bieber: Depressed and Lonely Without Selena Gomez!


Justin Bieber's 124th breakup with Selena Gomez is apparently hitting him.

According to a new report, dude's been "struggling with depression and worthlessness" to the point where everyone in his life has taken notice. Gotta be rough.

He’s absolutely beside himself, sources claim, without his girl in his life.

  • Extreme Justin Bieber Close Up
  • Selena Gomez with Bangs

“He’s questioning everything about his life right now," says an insider." Even though he’s got millions ... he’s feeling empty and struggling with depression."

“Part of this was brought on by his breakup with Selena Gomez."

"He always felt like he could fall back on that relationship.”

Now that Selena seems to be finally moving on from Justin for good, Bieber is turning to religion in hopes of staying grounded and spiritually strong.

That part of this story appears to be legitimate in our view.

He was recently spotted reading the book Occupy All Streets, which reportedly teaches how to spread the word of God and resist succumbing to temptation.

Moreover, he's reportedly put his partying on hold at last.

“Those close to Justin were concerned and reached out to the one person he always listens to and really looks up to, his pastor, Carl Lentz,” a source reveals.

“Justin was all for it. There was no resistance on his part to go away for a couple of weeks for alone time, God time and some spiritual growth time.”

Justin Bieber With Selena Gomez Photo
Justin Bieber loves him some Selena Gomez. Just see these pics from happier times and you'll know it.

Justin’s mom, Pattie Mallette, has also been there for him.

She Tweeted earlier this week, “@justinbieber See!? Don’t forget what’s inside of you!! I love you so much son! #makingadifference #ProudMamaMomentbit.do/changinglives“.

Pattie linked to a celebrity gossip site that features fans’ stories about how Justin has touched them ... and no, not in they way he wishes he could touch Barbara Palvin.

Here's hoping Justin feels better and his sadness goes away.

Selena Gomez Songs Leak: "Do It" & "My Dilemma 2.0" Are Totes About Justin Bieber


Two new Selena Gomez singles have leaked online this week, and triggered the obligatory speculation that they're about that douche lord Justin Bieber.

It's not totally far-fetched in this case, though. The first song, "Do It," is basically all about sex. From which she may be drawing on her personal experience.


The lyrics to this soon-to-be iconic pop anthem include, "If I had a choice, if I had my way / Boy you know we'd do it every single day, if I had a wish and if I had my way ..."

"Boy you know we'd do it every single day."

Justin must have mad skills in the sack.

Furthermore, the sultry singer croons about this (not) mysterious lover of hers, "Damn I wish I didn't feel so hypnotized, when I look at you baby its justified."

Is it hot in here or is it just us?!

Meanwhile, the other leaked track, "Dilemma 2.0," is perhaps even more Bieber-centric, as it's about loving someone even though you know it's bad for you.

The story of her life, basically.

"You make me so upset sometimes / I feel like I could lose my mind, the conversation goes nowhere, 'cause you're never going to take me there," she sings.

"I heard the rumors, but you won't come clean / I guess I'm hoping it's because of me, and I know what I know, and I know you're no good for me."

"I know it's not meant to be."

If you want read into this, you don't have to try all that hard, considering the rumors of Bieber cheating with Kendall Jenner and/or various hot models.

Also, the fact that they are basically toxic when they're dating but never stop getting back together because Justin is depressed and lonely without Selena.

In conclusion, sometimes, the best solution to "Dilemma 2.0" is just to "Do It" over and over again until you forget about why you sort of hate the person.

Are we right?

Selena Gomez Straddles Justing Bieber
Selena Gomez assumes the position in Justin Bieber's new Instagram video.

11 Sexy Celebrity Six-Packs: Move Over, Fellas!


Move over, Justin Bieber.

Take a seat, Zac Efron.

Keep your shirt on, Joe Manganiello. Actually, fine... you can take it off.

But it won't change the fact that male celebrities aren't the only residents of Hollywood who should be proud to show off their six-packs on the Internet.

Bar Refaeli
Bar Refaeli does a crunch in this Instagram photo... while men around the world likely do something else while looking at her body.

In the above photo gallery, we pay homage to a couple of supermodels and their impressive physiques.

We honor a few singers who apparently spend as much time crunching as they do recording hit songs.

And we curse off Kanye West for getting to see Kim Kardashian nude on a nightly basis because she's rocking a serious set of abdominal muscles. Check them out now!

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