Last night, the 2014 MuchMusic Video Awards were held in Toronto, and while Miley Cyrus was not in attendance, she still managed to make her presence felt.
Miley's assault on Selena Gomez continued on Twitter during the awards show when the Queen of Twerk expressed her dismay at losing the International Artist of the Year prize to her rival Selena.
"Wigged woting is wack wust waying," Cyrus tweeted shortly after the results were announced. For those not fluent in Miley that's "Rigged voting is whack, just saying."
Not exactly a gracious defeat on Miley's part. Maybe reactions like that are why Selena has no respect for Miley anymore.
Or maybe Miley reacted that way because she knows Selena has no respect for her.
Tough to say, as we really have no idea when or why this feud got started.
Miley fired the first shots last week when she angrily tossed a Selena doll into the crowd during a performance, but she hasn't given any indication as to what Selena did to get on her bad side.
For their part, the folks at MuchMusic responded to the rigged voting allegations by posting results which indicate that Selena bested Miley by just a few hundred thousand votes, with each singer receiving over 20 million ballots in their favor.
So we guess you can chalk this one up as a (very minor) victory for Selena in this weird, ongoing war.