Selena Gomez looks amazing, but it has taken time for her to accept her changing body.
Earlier this month, Selena Gomez quit social media, taking a short break after odd rumors targeted her.
Now, she’s back and, after a series of knockout awards show appearances, reflecting upon her body.
She will never again have the bikini body that she had at 21. And that’s more than okay.

Selena Gomez has an incredible body, but it is not the same as it was
On Monday evening, Selena Gomez took to her Instagram Story to reflect upon her changing body.
It began with her thinking back upon when she was 21. In 2013, it was not uncommon for paparazzi to shoot snaps of her on the beach and in a bikini.
“Today I realized I will never look like this again …” Selena penned. She will turn 32 this July.

Then, Selena reflected upon how different she looked on her 2023 trip to Cabo San Lucas. 31 and 21 are a lifetime apart.
“I’m not perfect, but I am proud to be who I am,” Selena affirmed on her Instagram Story.
“Sometimes,” she acknowledged, “I forget it’s ok to be me.”

Selena Gomez and her body have been through a lot
Obviously, anyone’s body will change from 21 to 31. Some of those are positive changes, and some of them are negative.
That’s life and it happens to everyone lucky enough to reach actual adulthood.
But for Selena, her body went through something less universal: a devastating struggle with lupus, and agonizing chemotherapy treatments to keep it from claiming her life.

In 2015, Selena Gomez shared how lupus had ravaged her body. She had not previously disclosed her diagnosis.
The chronic autoimmune disease, in which her body’s own defenses attack her tissues as if they were an infection, threatened her life.
Both Selena’s ailment and the treatments exhausted her and changed aspects of her appearance.

Public scrutiny has not made things easier for Selena
Last year, Selena reflected upon how her body had changed in ways that altered her sense of self.
Between medical treatments and the passage of time itself, she was wearing different sizes of dresses and swimsuits.
Anyone can suddenly feel like a stranger in their own body when they try on an outfit that doesn’t fit. For an actor, they can fear for their livelihood.

As Selena said to Fast Company last October, her changing body left her feeling ill at ease with herself when she was a chronically ill 24-year-old.
“None of the sample sizes were fitting, and that would make me feel embarrassed,” she recalled.
Selena then remarked: “Although how unrealistic is it to expect a normal woman’s body not to change?”

When you work as an entertainer, your body is part of your brand.
But bodies change. And Selena’s music and acting career have also evolved significantly over the past decade.
There are people who expected Selena to remain frozen in time. But that’s not how people work, that’s not how careers work, and that’s not how her body works.
Selena Gomez ‘Proud’ Of Her Body Changes; Posts Then & Now Bikini Pics … was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.