Just a week after debuting her "Ice Cream" collab with Blackpink, Selena Gomez is opening up about her love life.
At this point, she jokes that she may never be married ... in part because all of her ex-boyfriends think that she's "crazy."
The talented and beautiful Selena Gomez sat down with the talented and beautiful Nikkie Tutorials.
Nikkie is a beauty vlogger whose real name is Nikkie de Jager.
You may remember how, early this year, Nikkie came out as transgender after someone attempted to blackmail her over who she is.
Many also took note that Nikkie was brave enough to be one of the first to speak publicly about Ellen DeGeneres not quite living up to her friendly reputation.
Selena's chat with Nikkie was remote, of course, since the COVID-19 pandemic is still very much a part of our lives.
The two of them speak on a number of topics while doing their makeup. It's a good setup.
As you can see in the short clip that we have included of the full interview on NikkieTutorials' YouTube channel, Selena mentions her hypothetical one-day wedding.
"Which is ... never going to happen," the profoundly talented singer remarks.
Nikkie reminds her that she is extraordinary and desired and shouldn't talk that way, but Selena makes some points.
"It's hard in quarantine," she says in reference to both dating and looking forward to the prospect of engagement and marriage.
"This is also not an invitation," Selena adds, pointing her finger at the camera.
In other words, viewers should not try to date her based upon this interview. This means you, famous viewers.
Selena is no stranger to being one of the most desired women on the planet.
But just because she talks about desiring a boyfriend doesn't mean that she's inviting people to try.
Similarly, if she says that she's hungry and you pick up a soggy hotdog that you found in a gutter, it won't be welcome. (My analogy, not hers)
"It's just funny," Selena remarks.
It's funny "because I release things that say 'I want a boyfriend' and stuff, and people say that."
Selena notes that they offer to date her "and I'm like 'No, I didn't mean that.'"
"Guys are a lot of work," Selena expresses.
Relationships don't have to be difficult in the sense of drama, fights, and disagreements.
But even the good ones require things like compromise and simply the emotional labor of spending time with a fellow human being. Being single has its perks.
"Every one of my exes think I'm crazy," Selena says, "so I don't care."
Obviously, a lot of people very correctly try to avoid saying words like "crazy" because it connotes stigmatization of mental illness.
However, Selena has opened up about her bipolar diagnosis. For those with mental illness, using such words about themselves can be empowering or even healing.
It has been pointed out, most famously by comedian Donald Glover, that men have the luxury of calling an ex-girlfriend "crazy."
In contrast, he semi-joked, a woman with a "crazy" ex-boyfriend is probably not alive to talk about it. Gallows humor can apply to relationships.
Selena is hopefully aware that she is desirable and worthy of anything that she wants out of life.