Earlier this month, we heard reports that Justin Bieber was ignoring his wife to chat with Selena Gomez.
We didn't want to believe it, for Hailey's sake -- or, frankly, for Selena's.
But a new report says that Hailey discovered that Justin was chatting with Selena behind her back. And she went ballistic.
According to RadarOnline, Hailey Baldwin "exploded" when she looked through her famous husband's cell phone.
"Justin is constantly talking about Selena," an insider reports.
Pro tip: Discussions of your ex -- especially your most serious ex -- can often be a sore subject around your new spouse.
"And Hailey is at her boiling point with all of this," the source expresses.
The discovery of their alleged communications, however, pushed things over the edge.
Apparently, Hailey was doing her level best to make peace with Justin's reported fixation on Selena.
"But" the insider claims. "When she caught Justin with Selena texts on his phone last week," that all changed.
"Hailey absolutely lost it," the source reports.
"And," the insider adds, Hailey even personally "reached out to Selena."
The source explains that she made this contentious contact. "to tell her to stay away from her man!"
Shockingly, the insider claims that Selena "laughed" at Hailey's attempt to set a boundary.
"Selena thinks all of this is just hilarious," the source reports.
The insider explains that Selena allegedly holds this opinion "because she knows that Justin will always love her."
"And," the source adds, Selena supposedly knows "that Hailey is disposable."
"The worst part," the insider opines. "Is that Hailey knows this too."
"There is truly nothing that Hailey can do to change how Justin feels," the source laments.
Other people's feelings are their own, and out of our control.
For that matter, some people can't even control their own feelings!
"He is talking to Selena again," the insider emphasizes.
"And," the source adds. "The two of them are on good terms."
It sounds like Jelena shippers, at the very least, don't think that Justin's marriage to a whole other person means much.
Not in the long run, anyway.
"Hailey is a small blip in his life," the insider cruelly characterizes.
"And," the source claims. "Everyone knows that it is just a matter of time before she is out of the picture."
Wow, that is cold.
But ... is it true?
At the risk of stealing Gossip Cop's schtick, this just doesn't add up to a true story.
We don't know what this alleged source heard or didn't hear.
Maybe Hailey is insecure in her marriage because of how quickly it happened and how unorthodox it was, at times.
But we cannot for the life of us imagine Selena Gomez cheerfully gloating over Hailey's misery.
For one thing, Selena is the one who ended things, and it's believed that she did so last time because she realized that Justin hadn't really changed.
Justin's indecision and personal issues don't mean that Selena feels the same way. We hope that Hailey knows that.