You know how Farrah Abraham says that JJ Abrams will make her life into a movie? Well, she says that she and others are working on the film.
They're apparently going to start casting soon, and she says that she knows just who should play her.
Farrah thinks that Selena Gomez would be perfect for the role.
In a new interview with HollywoodLife, Farrah Abraham gives updates on how her biopic is going ... and shares her fantasy cast.
"I think Selena Gomez would play me great," Farrah announces.
We're sure that she would be good at it -- Selena isn't just one of the most skilled singers in human history; she's also a very talented actress.
"And," Farrah continues as if she had not just stated an absurd casting dream. "I am excited to start casting."
She says that casting will begin "once the package is ready to go!"
At the moment, Farrah isn't quite ready to approach one of the most talented, famous, and influential people on the planet to play a D-list reality star.
Farrah says that she is currently occupied with "finishing the first round of the script."
Yeah, usually you want the script finished before you start casting. Casting calls are easier when they have something to read, after all. And when you know which parts need actors.
"And," Farrah reveals. "They have brought in more screenwriters."
Are there enough screenwriters on the planet to make Farrah likeable and sympathetic while still being recognizable?
Farrah really hopes that this movie will help her to break away from her roots.
"I’m tired of my name being associated with Teen Mom…" Farrah complains.
Keep in mind that she was still part of that franchise less than a year ago.
"My brand," Farrah claims. "Is bigger than Teen Mom."
Farrah says that she's above all of that "and I have moved on."
If a film is about a fictional person, someone from history, or perhaps an unsung hero who really lived, they tend to be played by a famous actor.
Generally speaking, however, people playing modern-day celebrities tend to be much less famous, not intensely more so.
You know, like how Lifetime movies usually have no-name people playing pop stars or princes or whatever. Those films also tend to be critically panned.
But here comes Farrah wanting to cast the actual Selena Gomez.
Clearly, Farrah is letting the sky high fame of playing a police officer in I Got The Hook-Up 2 go to her head.
Just kidding -- Farrah has let absolutely everything go to her head for a very long time, now.
She is technically correct -- Selena is a great actress and could do an amazing job of portraying Farrah.
As Selena says in the lyrics to "Stars Dance," I thought by now / you'd realize / I can do anything I put my mind to.
But even if Selena decided that she was totally interested in the role, that still wouldn't guarantee that Farrah's dreams come true.
Selena makes $800,000 per Instagram advertisement photo. We have to wonder how Farrah would even expect to pay her.