Selena Gomez seems to be just fine with the current breakup situation.
But it sounds like Justin Bieber still holding out hope ... because he believes that their relationship is God's plan.
In the mean time, a report gives the scoop on how he's coping with their split.
As it turns out, there's more to how Justin is dealing with Selena's absence than just sleepovers with Baskin Champion.
HollywoodLife reports that the Justin Bieber is taking this time to better himself, perhaps to make himself a worthier partner.
"Justin has been working on himself during his time away from Selena."
And clearly, there's more to this self-improvement plan than showing off his excessive body tattoos.
"He has been going to bed early, waking up early, exercising daily, hiking, spending time with family, and writing a ton of new music."
Wow! How many of us can say that? How many of us can say all of that?
Basically, it sounds like he's trying to not totally screw things up with Selena this time around. Well, not more than things are already screwed up.
"His goal has been to stay out of trouble and be patient while Selena figures things out."
That sounds smart. Maybe he really is growing up and maturing..
"It’s hard, 'cause he really loves her a lot."
Well, Selena is talented, beautiful, and well-spoken. There are plenty of reasons to love her.
"But as long as he is staying busy and productive, he is really happy."
It almost sounds like all of this work that he's reportedly doing to improve himself is also functioning as a distraction from the loneliness of once again living a Selena-less life.
Overall, though, the report says that Justin believes that things will work out for him and Selena. That it's inevitable and their destiny.
"He has his faith."
Remember, Justin Bieber canceled his tour last year because he believed that God wanted him to. He's super serious when it comes to his religious beliefs.
"And Justin believes strongly that love conquers all."
Selena's the one who grew to fame as a Disney star, but it sounds like the Biebs sees life as a Disney movie. In which he is the prince.
But as confident as Justin reportedly is that Selena will take him back, this source says that he's prepared to accept it if God decides on a different course for his life.
"And, with or without Selena, everything will work out the way it is supposed to."
That sounds healthy.
But ... is Selena actually going to go back to Justin?
Honestly, most people didn't expect her to take him back in 2017. But that happened ... much to her mother's chagrin.
Sure, Selena and The Weeknd had split. And yes, Selena had survived a life-threatening ordeal thanks to a kidney transplant.
Sometimes, when people have near-death experiences, they start rethinking their choices. But was that behind Selena's decision to date Bieber again?
Or, as some believe, was it that she wanted to give him a chance, now that he was sober and seemed to be in a better place than he had been during their relationship.
But given that Selena and Justin broke up again, reportedly after a huge fight, it sounds like the Biebs hadn't changed as much as Selena had hoped.
Which means that Justin might need to accept that his life is going to go in a different direction.
In the mean time ... this report says that he's writing new music.
Does this mean that he believes that God has decided that it's okay for him to one day go back on tour?
Only time will tell.