Sometimes, relationships can leave a family divided. Though the fact that Selena Gomez's mom was hospitalized over her seeing Bieber again makes this family squabble an extreme case.
For a while now, Selena's feud with her mother over her rekindled romance with Justin Bieber has kept the two at odds.
But fans think that Selena's new Instagram post means that the two have made nice. Have they? If so ... where does that leave Bieber?
So, a quick refresher.
Remember how Selena Gomez wasted some of the best years of her life ... sorry, remember how Selena dated Justin Bieber off and on for years despite his alleged substance abuse issues and reported emotional issues and well-documented bad behavior?
A few years ago, they finally broke it off "for good" ... until a few months ago.
See, Justin had seen the story about Selena's life-saving kidney transplant. Lupus has been taking a brutal toll on her body, folks.
And apparent, it took seeing how bad his ex's condition really was for the Biebs to realize how much le really cared about Selena.
He called her mom to beg for her number, just to talk. Well, one thing led to another.
Since their reunion, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have been in couples therapy. They have a lot of issues to work past if they're going to stay a couple.
And it was that -- learning that they're in therapy together -- that sent Selena's mom, Mandy Teefey, over the edge. To the point where she was (voluntarily) hospitalized for a short time.
We don't think that their reunion seemed real to her until she learned about the counseling. And then she had to have wondered if she'd doomed her own daughter to repeat past mistakes.
Selena and her mom have had other conflicts, including a pretty intense one several years ago.
At that time, Gomez decided that she was an adult and didn't need her mother to be her manager anymore.
But it looks like Bieber's presence in Selena's life has pushed her family to the breaking point. Until now. ...
Selena posted this photo with the caption:
"The home I grew up in, from birth to 13..."
Apparently she doesn't own the house, because she added:
"(no one was home when I knocked this time lol) I visit this place every chance I get."
It says good things about your childhood when you go back, as a millionaire adult, to do anything other than purchase it and personally bulldoze it.
"In many ways it very well could have been better than my life today, but I’m grateful for a voice that can enable change today."
Childhood, for those who enjoyed it, can be a simpler time with fewer stresses.
"Even when I don’t know how to do it well or actually want it. I love you Grand Prairie. Thank you."
Technically, Selena doesn't mention her mother in that.
But she's still talking about her childhood home, while sitting on the little old porch.
She grew up with her mom, so what else could she be contemplating, one wonders, than the importance of her relationship with her mother?
Up until now, there have been indications that Selena Gomez wants to mend things with mom but not at the cost of Bieber.
Have her priorities changed?
Maybe ... maybe not.
Just because two loving family members reconcile or are thinking about reconciling doesn't mean that either of them have changed their minds.
It just means that they've decided -- maybe -- that their relationship and bond is more important than their topic of disagreement.
Really, if Mandy Teefey wants to see them break up, she should just wait for Justin to screw things up on his own.
Hopefully, if he does, and Selena sees that he's not magically a different person just because he's going to fancy celebrity church now, she'll back out before she's once again in too deep.
But Mandy Teefey must worry about the potential toll that dating Bieber could take on Selena's mental and emotional well being. And her physical health, quite frankly.
She still has Lupus, folks.