Don't you just adore Selena Gomez?
Of course you do: you're human, and you have eyes and ears and hearts. What's not to adore?
Unfortunately, our girl hasn't been doing all that great recently.
As you surely know, things got so bad that she even went off to rehab for nearly two whole months.
She sought treatment at a secluded center in Tennessee because she'd been having a hard time dealing with depression and anxiety, which she said had developed as side effects of her lupus.
(But we're sure all that nasty feuding with Justin Bieber that happened before she went off didn't exactly help anything.)
Selena very recently left rehab, and she made her first public appearance in months at Sunday night's American Music Awards.
She won the award for Favorite Female Artist in the pop/rock category, so she even got a chance to speak, too.
While she was giving her speech, she got extremely personal, telling the audience that "I had to stop because I had everything and I was absolutely broken inside."
"I kept it all together enough to where I would never let you down," she said, "but I kept to too much together to where I let myself down."
It was an extremely moving speech, and now, just a few days later, we've got her first post-rehab interview.
We are so blessed.
Selena sat down with Elle magazine, and she got real about her health. Her physical health, namely.
When asked about working out, she says that she's "horrible at discipline," and "I'm one of those people who's like, 'Ah, I ran for five minutes, I think I'm good.'"
Adorable and relatable!
But she does have a personal trainer, and she says "We'll do hikes. We have a Pilates machine. I have a sweat bed, which looks like a burrito that I wrap myself up in, and I sweat for about 45 minutes."
"Just little things to kind of keep me healthy and keep me focused."
About that awful-sounding "sweat bed," Selena admits "I know but sounds gross," but apparently "you just sit in your sweat for an hour and don't immediately shower because there's natural collagen in your toxins that it actually makes your skin feel softer before you wash it all off."
"It feels incredible. I definitely suggest it."
She also suggests that you not wash your poor hair every single day.
"I feel like I do maybe every three days," she reveals, "I'll kind of shower -- not shower, wash my hair. I shower every day."
Hey, no judgment, girl, this is a safe place.
For another recommendation, Selena says that you should probably give the makeup a rest every once in a while.
"I just can't understand when -- and no offense -- people have to wear makeup all the time, and they'll say, 'Oh, you can sleep with a tinted moisturizer or a self tanner on your face and you can wake up.'"
"For me," she says, "I just think that's not my vibe, plus I do breakout. I don't know if it's bad advice, I just think it's kind of to each their own."
"For me, I can't really sleep with things on my body or tinted things just because I get worried. It's not my vibe."
She was asked which friend she'd trade hair with if she could (weird question, but we'll go with it), and she said "I wish she was my friend, but she's not my friend. Blake Lively. I've never met her, but I just love her hair."
What a coincidence, we wish Blake Lively was our friend, too!
Like we said, she's relatable as hell, right?
And even though she's just talking about health and beauty, she sounds strong and focused, and we're just so very, very glad to hear it.