Selena Gomez could be embroiled in the biggest celebrity scandal of the decade, because according to Naughty Gossip, she was instrumental in the breakup between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Picking your jaws up off the floor yet? Take your time - sometimes those pesky teeth can be hard to find, especially when they roll underneath your desk. It's cool.
According to the gossip site, the trouble all began with a cozy-looking snap that Gomez shared from last year's Golden Globe Awards, where she and Brad Pitt were pictured hanging out, as buds, and "just discussing The Big Short."
Jolie reportedly went absolutely ballistic over the photo - and the purported budding relationship - between her estranged husband and the steamy little dynamo known as Selena Gomez.
Needless to say, if Gomez has a role in the demise of Brangelina, no matter how small, this would be huge news.
At first glance, Selena doesn't seem to be Brad's typical type - he's twice her age, for starters, and though Pitt's dated some of the most beautiful women in the world, they've mostly been somewhere in his peer group.
Additionally, Angelina doesn't appear to have a problem outing the couple's dirty laundry - hence her wild smear campaign against Pitt and his private behavior.
That in itself seems to make it hard to think if Selena were involved that Jolie wouldn't come out in full force against the "Come and Get It" singer.
Jolie doesn't appear to be afraid of anybody or anything, let alone someone with a much less impressive resume in comparison to her own - threat or otherwise.
However, NG alleges that Angelina found photos of Selena on Pitt's phone...which doesn't sound good by any stretch of the imagination, regardless of who you are.
The couple has obviously had their issues - the divorce papers speak volumes - but bringing Selena Gomez into the fold, for crying out loud? This would make for one of the juiciest bits of gossip the world has seen in all of 2016.
Just you wait, though - the year's not over, and we have a strong feeling that we haven't even heard the worst of what's happened with Brangelina - or what's to come.
Gomez could very well be involved after all, and wouldn't Justin Bieber just lose his damn mind?