For years now, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have teased fans with a never-ending game of are they or aren't they?
Just as their mini-soap opera was beginning to grow stale, however, a new element of drama was introduced in the form of Taylor Swift's feud with Kim Kardashian.
The two situations may seem unrelated, but *deep breath*:
Selena is a member of Taylor's squad, and even though the singer's been experiencing "squad problems" in recent months, Selena has loyally stuck by her side through a number of feuds and PR nightmares.
Add to that the fact that Bieber used to hook up with Kourtney Kardashian, Kim's older sister, and you've got a regular high school cafeteria scenario, except it's playing out in the pages of internationally-circulates tabliids, rather than in the Burn Book stashed under someone's bed.
Selena sounded off on the situation, but she took the mature, "can't we all just get along?" angle.
Earlier this week, Bieber taunted Swift on Instagram and made it pretty clear that he's siding with Kim and Kanye in this whole thing.
Now, insiders are saying the singer has effectively torpedoed his chances of one day getting back together with Selena.
Sources say Taylor has never liked Justin, and now that he's openly joined Team Kimye, they claim there's a good chance that Swift has offered her friend a "me or him" ultimatum:
“Justin knows Taylor doesn’t like him and never will and the feeling is mutual, but he is smart enough to know not to say anything in public or on social media because he knows all the scrutiny he’d endure,” an insider told Hollywood Life in April.
“He never expects to be her friend and is not looking to be her friend. He blames Taylor for some of his issues with Selena and that will never go away.”
Well, she already conquered the music world.
Now, it seems that Taylor is intent on becoming the undisputed queen of the tabloids by living a life filled with constant A-list drama.
And for that, we thank her.