Oh, Justin Bieber. He's just so darned wishy-washy.
Because the straw-haired singer absolutely, positively and fer sure still has the feels for his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, he planned an all-out "extravagant" date night for the two of them - and then canceled it.
After his crush-for-life stopped by his concert last week in Los Angeles, Justin was so darned giddy he concocted a super romantic ploy to win her back.
"Justin wanted to rent out the Staples Center after his concert to do a repeat date night screening of Titanic for Selena because he is trying to get back with her," a source tells E! News.
Back in 2011, in the midst of peak Jelena, the Biebs pulled the exact same move, because nothing screams "romance" like witnessing a young Leonardo DiCaprio turn into a popsicle on screen.
Oh, but the signature move was never executed in this go-around, because Justin called it off at the last minute.
"I don't know why he didn't go through with it, and I also don't know if he ever even told Selena about his plan, but I do know he is really obviously trying to date her again," the source dished.
"He wanted to do something big and extravagant for her like this and had been making arrangements for the movie date before his concert even started."
Sadly, something threw Biebie boy off his high, because the source says the "Love Yourself" singer's mood was "off" all day.
In addition to bailing on the Big Date, he canceled $2,000-a-pop meet-and-greets with fans because they left him feeling "mentally and emotionally exhausted."
"The speculation is that an argument had taken place between the two before the show since he canceled the date plans," says the source. "Something had shifted Bieber's mood completely."
What was this thorn in Justin's paw? Could it have been the discovery that Selena was now getting her smooch on with a Mr. Charlie Puth - the same Charlie Puth that told Biebs to fark off during a concert earlier this month?
The source doesn't seem to know that much, but if Charlie's house ends up doused in eggs this weekend, I think we'll all know what happened.