Ever think Alex Russo would be robbing restaurants, doing drugs, getting into jail, and befriending arms dealers? If you looked hard enough, there were clues left all over Wizards of Waverly Place. I mean, she was scamming people left and right in that show.
Well, now Wizards actress Selena Gomez stars in Harmony Korine's scandalous new Spring Break movie, Spring Breakers.
Our friends over atMovie Fanatic have the first Spring Breakers trailer, so click the link to check it out. The film follows four girls, including Gomez and High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens, who steal money in order to fund their trip to Florida for Spring Break.
As you can guess, things only get harrier from there. James Franco plays a thugged-out drug-and-arms dealer who solicits the girls' help.
NOTE: Some Beliebers might say Gomez has already gone bad, seeing as she may have been holding hands this week with Luke Bracey.