DUIs, arrests, drug addictions, and rehab all seem to be in the contract for Disney's child celebrities once they get past a certain age.
From birthday girl Lindsay Lohan (29 going on 39) to Hannah Montana herself (remember when Miley was on that?) to the Jonases ...
Here are 13 Disney stars gone wild!
1. Lindsay Lohan

How many times has Lindsay Lohan been in rehab? Jail? The bigger and cuter they are as children, the harder they fall, apparently.
2. Miley Cyrus

Oh, Hannah Montana...we miss you. Miley Cyrus has seriously shed her Disney darling reputation.
3. Demi Lovato

While Demi Lovato may not have any arrests under her belt, she did do a stint in rehab for an eating disorder and confess to doing heavy drugs with Miley Cyrus and Joe Jonas. She's better now, thank the stars.
4. Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez hasn't publicly stated that she has a problem with drugs or alcohol, but her stint in rehab and her addiction to Justin Bieber definitely qualifies her for this list.
5. Shia LaBeouf

No one will ever, ever confuse Shia LaBeouf for his alter ego Louis Stevens. Ever.
6. Joe Jonas

Joe Jonas admitted to doing drugs with Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus but laid the blame on the girls calling them bad influences.