Let's get one thing straight right away: Selena Gomez is single.
The artist was asked point blank about her romantic status during an interview today with NRJ Radio in Norway, responding to the question of whether she's dating anyone by telling the host:
"No, I'm not."
But what about the emotional lyrics in “The Heart Wants What It Wants?”
What about the other recent interview Gomez gave in which she said of Bieber: "I support him. I think I always will. I’m upset when he’s upset, I’m happy when he’s happy. I don’t want anything bad ever happen to him."
What about that?!?
That all remains true. But it doesn't mean Gomez is knocking proverbial boots with Bieber.
"I definitely have so much respect and love for him, and going in the studio is just very therapeutic," she says of the aforementioned track.
"It was my way of having it be a message more to people in general. People everywhere feel this feeling, and they should understand when anybody goes through that."
Later in the exchanges, Selena asked about something truly important: Justin Bieber's new platinum hair.
Does she like it?
“That’s for him," she replied. "I’ll let him answer all that.”
Sorry, Selena. We think you just answered it.