Who knew Selena Gomez was such a big fan of Kylie Jenner's lip injections?
We kid, mostly. But you've got to admit, a couple of Selena's recent Instagram photos look quite similar to Kylie's new look. The resemblance is uncanny.
Kylie Jenner. Just 17 years young and already influencing the stars ...
“Naughty @gwenysloco,” Selena captioned the picture at left.
"#shareyourbeauty" Gomez captioned the sexy image at right.
Share your awkward lip injection selfies might be more like it.
While any actual connection to the young Jenner and the lip injection debate that she frequently sparks online is unlikely and unclear, Gomez is pretty pouty.
The Spring Breakers actress and Kylie do have a history, too.
Selena had a falling out with Kylie and Kendall Jenner earlier this year, and given all three of the girls' strong connections to Justin Bieber, it's hard not to speculate.
Perhaps Selena isn’t a fan of the teenager's plumper lips.
Or of Kylie, in general. Truly, we may never know.
Is she a pro at using lip liner and pouting, Kylie style, or is she getting lip injections? Do lip injections count as plastic surgery? We’re not sure on either count.
Either way, these truths cannot be disputed:
- Selena leads Kylie 16,640,761-13,311,424 in Instagram followers.
- Selena and Bieber's romantic status is complicated to say the least.
- She is insecure, into her appearance and Googles herself often.
- It's very possible she will watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online just to learn more about the two girls her on-off beau hangs out with.