Not everyone is happy to see Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez back together. In fact, most people probably don't want to see Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez back together.
Or see Justin Bieber at all. But that's another topic entirely.
In any case, he couldn't care less, because the pop star turned universally detested bad boy is happier than ever since getting back with "his girl."
Yes, despite Justin partying on yachts, going on a mission to have sex with models, and getting in trouble with the cops like it's his job, he has seen the light.
Supposedly, anyway. At least until their next breakup.
“Justin is getting really healthy, he wants to look good for Selena so he’s working out a lot, they’re both on a health kick,” a source says of the on-off duo.
“They’re detoxing from all the partying and negativity right now. He’s been hiking every day, that’s his new favorite thing," the alleged insider goes on.
"He’s getting up early because he’s not out partying all night, he’s just been at home chilling with Selena. They hang out, they watch movies, go in the hot tub."
"They play video games, the typical stuff couples do. When they’re together they don’t need all the partying and the craziness ... she totally calms him down."
As far as how he won her back, he allegedly agreed to get "spiritual counseling" and commit himself to being a better person with her by his side.
It's unclear if he's truly interested in getting to that place, now or down the line, but that's certainly a way to get an impressionable girl out of her pants.
“He is more in love with her than ever because he realized that he could have lost the best thing that ever happened to him for good,” the source adds.
“Of course these words were music to her ears."
Of course. Because nothing puts a girl's mind at ease like resuming the same relationship that always ends poorly and expecting a different result.