Selena Gomez' Instagram page is usually a magical place full of bikini selfies and inspirational quotes.
There's even the occasional photo of Selena on a date with a male model, posted for the sole purpose of making Justin Bieber jealous.
But recently, an unidentified young female "fan" has been writing hateful comments on all of the pop star's photos and Selena finally got fed up:
Understandably hurt and disgusted by comments encouraging her to "get cancer and croak," Selena headed to the fan's page and commented on one of her photos.
The result is a master class in taking down bullies that must be seen to be believed:
"The comment you left about cancer was absurd," Selena wrote. "How distasteful of a young woman. I have gone through that battle with fans and family members."
"You can dislike someone but to wish something that could happen to you or your family is uncalled for sweetheart. You won't be winning anyone's heart that way. Trust me. Educate yourself a tad more. God bless you. Be an amazing woman. You're beautiful."
Wow. Amidst all the talk of Selena partying harder than ever and possibly heading back to rehab, it's great to see a sign that she's remained grounded and focused on the important things - like taking out haters in epic fashion!