In case you somehow haven't heard, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber are back together, and the question on the lips of millions of fans is...why?
In the past, she's said she doesn't want Bieber back in no uncertain terms.
So why would this young, attractive, successful woman who's been put through the wringer and subjected to abusive text messages by Bieber sign up for more?
Her latest Instagram video may hold the answer:
That's Selena Gomez reading a "poem" entitled, "I Will Always Love You." We only know its a poem because she tells us in the caption.
The clip mainly just consists of Selena repeating the title and then giggling like a school girl, which really tells you all you need to know.
Despite his incredibly long history of highly questionable behavior, Selena took Justin back because she's a 21-year-old girl who's in love. So she's starting from an irrational position.
Add to that the fact that Bieber is an international heartthrob and every time they break up she's forced to see photos of him hanging out with supermodels all over the Internet and...
Well, you get the point. It might be tough to condone Selena's decision in this particular case, but at least we can understand it.