Selena Gomez is reportedly so desperate to quit Justin Bieber that she is willing to go to extreme lengths. Extreme, borderline ridiculous lengths.
The singer feels betrayed - whether by his cheating with Kylie Jenner or simply not living up to promises made - and wants to erase Justin from her memory.
How committed is she to accomplishing that, you ask? Well ...
While Selena was shooting her Adidas Neo commercial in NYC, she wanted any trace of Justin gone from her presence. Bad news for other dudes named Justin.
“A few of the camera and crew guys' names were Justin and her team asked their names be changed so she didn’t have to say the name Justin,” says an insider.
Pretty hilarious.
It was April when Selena dumped the Jenner sisters, and Justin, after their latest falling out. Before that, they were back together and more in love than ever.
These things have a way of changing swiftly and drastically.
“Selena doesn’t care who Justin is dating. All she knows is she’s done with him and his immature behavior. He’s all talk and no action,” a source now says.
You hear that? She is DONE (for the next week).
Justin, as fans may know, has been spending a lot of time with Yovanna Ventura, and Selena's camp insists she's not bothered by his latest plaything.
“If he wants to date teenager like Kylie or a wanna be model, then let him. She’s done and moving on from the broken promises and drama,” the source added.
Keep telling yourself that.