If one thing's for sure after looking through this slideshow it's that Joan Rivers' plastic surgeon needs to start handing out his business card on the red carpet.
Or we could just let people age like they're supposed to so they don't end up looking like Joan Rivers one day. Yeah, there's that option.
Here, so you can see and believe, are 18 stars who are the same age. You can Google if you want, but you might be too busy picking your jaw up off the floor to do that.
Starting life as a Disney star might have done Selena Gomez good. She and Kate Upton are both 21 but one looks far older than the other.
Jon Hamm and Jared Leto
Mad Men's Jon Hamm and Dallas Buyer's Club's Jared Leto are both 42. Maybe it's the long hair that keeps Leto looking so Jordan Catalono-like.
Robin Wright and Halle Berry
Robin Wright and Halle Berry are both 47 years old. Halle just gave birth to her second child while Robin's are grown and flown.
Andrew Lincoln and Jim Parsons
Also joining the 40 club are Andrew Lincoln and The Big Bang Theory's Jim Parsons. Looks like killing zombies has added some years to Lincoln.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Seth Green
It's hard to believe it, but Leonardi DiCaprio and Seth Green are both 40 years old. Does Seth Green look 40 to you?
Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson
Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Watson were born in 1990. In addition to a birth year, they share a love of Dior.
Kim Novak and Joan Rivers
Kim Novak and Joan Rivers were both born in 1933. One of them clearly aged more gracefully...with the help of a better plastic surgeon.
Rob Lowe and Russell Crowe
Rob Lowe and Russell Crowe are 1) poetic and 2) 50 years old. But you couldn't tell it by these photos.
Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson
Kim Kardashian and Jessica Simpson, both known for their bodies and reality TV star power, are both 33! Incredible!
From booze, to drugs, to just plain ol' genetics, everybody ages. Even Hollywood's rich and famous and attention-seeking reality TV stars.
Some just do it better than others.
And Hollywood's women do it better than the men, even counting Joan Rivers among the lot.
Or maybe it's just that the men don't care as much and it's yet another comment on the inherent sexism of Hollywood running through the celebrity gossip blogs that women have to stay young looking to be beautiful while men can rock the gray and nobody cares.
Except for Jared Leto of course, who might be a never-aging vampire like Pharrell Williams. And Halle Berry, who just birthed her second child at 47 years old. It's probably the kids who are keeping her young while for most of us the opposite is true.
Excuse me while I go slather on ever anti-aging serum in Sephora.